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Passion sets fire, a desire flares;
its all about what  she would bears;
a touch brings lust on the untouched;
a kiss never marks, when lips unattached.
From MICROTHEMES, a collection of short poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
I have no words to describe the depth and vastness of lust. You try.
call me Ishmael

call me such, though
I will not answer,
nor tell the Story
of good and evil,
if those things be,
they are not among the stars,
the stones, the fishes, the sea  

vagabonds, all
they ride the whaled waves  
that drown
the Captain’s words
they are there for the bread  
not to break it

still He howls louder
the salt waters cut the keel black,
swishing quiet, unknowing as the night  
only He creates this plaintive plight  
the others hoist sails to wily winds
untroubled by their enchantment    
bellies full, ears shut
to His harpooned harangues, while
His eternal curse is to parse
black from white
have had writers block for about three weeks--decided to turn to Melville for inspiration--did not get much
 Jan 2014 Ananyaa Kapoor
How sick and green it creeps inside,
and brings dark thoughts and fears beside,
a beginning so pure and new,
that no true reason could eschew,
the envy that epitomes,
the horrid beast called jealousy.

It grasps with darkened tendrils black,
and seeks in fevered mind to wrack,
all semblance of humility,
and give to greed stability.
To clutch the heart in taloned paw,
and feed all hope unto its maw.
Creeping voices in the night
Shadows lurking out of sight
Haunt me till the morning's light
No sleeping for me tonight

Looking at my bedroom door
My feet barely touch the floor
Something whispers down my core
Something that I can't ignore

Melted candles in my hand
Things I would not understand
My hope slips away like sand
This was not what I had planned

Slowly walking down the stairs
Feel a breeze sweep through my hair
Shadows lurk; in silence stare
Naked thoughts are all I wear

Out of breath I walk outside
Shaking fear that builds inside
No more places left to hide
Guilty thoughts of mine collide

Drenched in coward's blood and fear
I lost those who I held dear
It's all blurred, nothing is clear
Shadows from my past appear

As the silence speaks to me
Gets too loud it deafens me
My past will not leave me be
Pain and torment I foresee

Dazed and drawn by these lost souls
Broken thoughts I can't control
Ghosts slip through this gaping hole
Darkness has taken its toll

From the darkness dreams come out
Nightmares flailing all about
Closing in, I hear them shout
It's the end, I have no doubt

"What the hell is it you want?"
They retreat and me they taunt
One emerges, tall and gaunt
"Your life we will no more haunt."

"You have paid for your wrongdoing,"
He tells me, his voice booming
"This is now your redeeming
You are free." he says smiling

I look at the rising sun
I no longer have to run
My sentence is served and done
*The ghosts have finally gone.
You're present. Place. Time.                    
I'm living. Breathing. Alongside you.
We're fighting on the same side.
We're present. Not together. Not yet.
When? Will we be together longer? Is there time to grow, before the fight?
What is it to be one body, two souls?
Dying and broken in the blood bath?
Killing for the other.
Sustaining the Infinite mortal cycle of vengeance.
On the same team, still refusing our two to be one.
Spill it, reveal the truth. Black and white, death and life. Simple. Are you with or only next to me?
Is it really right to bleed as one,          
And have no traces of bond? Any? None.
Did you **** the enemy for fear of losing me -
    Or for fear of losing the battle?
Did I jab his heart because I needed a partner,              
Or because I wouldn't win the war without you?
It's all synonymous, this gray correlation between light and dark. You and me. Turned the other way,       Back to the start. I am blank.
Now when my heart bleeds, will yours concede,
Or will yours be free?
 Jan 2014 Ananyaa Kapoor
Dag J
longingly we challenge the darkness
inside, opening up to rid the soul of every little
gust of evil thought patterns
honestly holding on, knowing the truth will lead us
towards happiness of white tranquility
© MMXIV by Day J
She came from a different world;
Got plugged into the darkness;
Walked down empty streets;
Lined with soulless houses;
Her heart was like a toolbox;
And her soul was like a doctor;
And as she tried to fix every broken mind;
She began to drown in their troubled water;
To her every action had a meaning;
And every person, like domino's;
She tried to reset all the pieces;
And to find out where they go;
She saw everyone as victims;
Of broken families, abusive dads;
And tried to be the perfect keeper;
The savior she never had;
Until the demons smelt her weakness;
To put any soul before her own;
So they began to feed off her;
Knowing she couldn't say no;
His smile was appealing;
There was evil in his eyes;
But he spun her his sad story;
He spun the perfect lie;
As she watched him sinking deeper;
She couldn't keep up on what was sent;
But what she didn't realize;
Is he was perfectly contempt;
He used her and abused her;
As the drugs consumed his soul;
Still she prayed for the light behind his eyes;
She prayed for the heart he had sold;
He fed from her and took her light;
Never caring, never did;
Took all she had, everything he could take;
Everything that she could give;
He walks off and he's laughing;
While she's barely left to function;
Cries her self to sleep at night;
So she'll drain out all emotion;
She's convinced that she can fix them;
Be the savior she never had;
But not everyone is burdened;
By the demons that drive her mad;
Scraping at her ****** heels;
The shadows claw her heart;
She's given up on running;
"Let them drain me, I play my part"
She walks down the damaged sidewalks;
And looks for sadness slaves;
But she doesn't see not everyone's a victim;
And not everyone can be saved…
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