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amt Jan 2013
The inner storm,
The calamity within...
The rumble,
The bang,
The drop of a pin.
The ringing in my ears,
That never would stop.
The boiling,
The melting,
The breakdown,
The pop.

A break in the clouds,
Let in rays of sunlight.
A new sense of normal,
Where all wrongs seem so right.
amt Mar 2012
The told us this would happen,
They told we'd grow up.
They told us to expect it.
They told us what to do.
But they didn't tell us that it would be so hard!
amt Oct 2012
I miss the days,
When I couldn't reach the cereal,
When I couldn't see out of the car window.
I miss the days of simplicity.
I miss the days,
When I was a princess,
When I was an astronaut.
I miss the days when I could be both.
I miss not having to make decisions.
I miss when stress and heartbreak only happened,
On TV shows that no longer exsist.
Oh, how I miss the days,
When I didn't have to care.
amt Jan 2013
They think their words don't hurt her.

They think she'll always be there.

They do.

*And she won't.
amt Mar 2012
I've been doing a lot of thinking,
About if I should like you.

I've been doing a lot of thinking,
About if I should hate you.

I've been doing a lot of thinking,
About if I should take you back.

I've been doing a lot of thinking,
And I think I like you better,
With me under your arm.
amt Apr 2012
I see you again,
You stand by the door,
Laughing with friends,
I look to the floor.
Hello, you say,
I smile and wave.
I hop in the car,
And drive away,
And though I'm gone,
You still dance on my brain.
amt Mar 2013
This time it will work out.
This time it's different.
This time it's special.
She said,
amt Dec 2012
And there it was again.

As I entered the room, our eyes met, yours icy cold, mine on the edge of tears, and for a moment I thought you knew. I'm not sure what it was... A mixture of disgust, shame, pity, and maybe a bit of understanding. What gave it away? How do you always know exactly what goes one deep within my thoughts?
I swear this guy's a mind reader!
amt Mar 2012
My head is spinning round and round,
My heart is beating fast.
Waiting for some closure,
To finally come at last.
I'm nauseous from your roller coaster,
I want the ride to stop.
Just as we go down a hill,
We climb back to the top.
This never-ending roller coaster,
That you put me through,
Isn't going to stop,
'Till I get over you.
amt Jan 2013
Eleven turns to midnight.
Midnight morphs into one,
One to two.

Two becomes 3, who is swallowed by 4.

If only my brain would shut up.
amt Dec 2012
There are thoughts,
Swirling around in my head,
Meaningful things,
That I left unsaid.
amt Feb 2013
To everyone who:
Doubts me,
Uses me,
Rejects me,
Hates me,
Back-stabs me,
And thinks of me as a back up plan,

I swear,
Someday, I'm going to make you regret it.
amt Apr 2013
Pretty sure that if we were 100% all the time, none of us would talk to each other.
amt Dec 2012
Today started bad, but ended better.
Waking up from my half-slumber in Social Studies,
I was remind that I don't have to be perfect, I have to be me.
It's weird because we focus on those who don't accept us, trying to change to fit their standards, but we don't realize the wonderful people who do.

Do what you love,
Chase what matters,
And always be yourself.
"Do what you love, and love what you do." -Ray Bradbury
"Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says 'I'm possible!" -Audrey Hepburn
amt Mar 2012
Together alone,
How could it be?
How does that make sense?
Together alone,
Supporting each other,
For when he breaks your heart.
We are alone,
But we are alone together.
amt Jan 2013
We'll talk about it tomorrow,
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Day after day,
The same reply.
And I accept it.
We'll talk about it tomorrow,
Even though we're both well aware that we won't. .
amt Sep 2012
A lot of things I should've done,
More that I wish I hadn't,
But tomorrow's a new day.
It's never too late to turn the page.
Never too late,
To change your ways.
So put your head up,
And do as you should.
Cause it's a new dawn,
It's new day,
It's a new life,
And I'm feeling good.
*last five lines are from the song Feeling Good by Nina Simone.
amt Apr 2014
We look at each other
As if we're to kiss.
We speak empty words
And false promises.
amt Dec 2012
Words flying through my head at a million miles an hour.  Usually I'm really good at talking. Sometimes I just can't shut up!

But when I'm with you,
I just don't even know
amt Mar 2013
There are so many things that I wish I could say,
And I don't know how,
But I know that I must.
amt Apr 2012
Torn are my muscles,
Torn is my heart.
Torn is my life,
I'm falling apart.
amt Feb 2014
I saw you.
And appearance wise, you were probaby the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
As much as I hope we'll meet again,
I'm sure we won't.
Your eyes flickered up for a fraction of a second
And I could see that you were about to cry.
You held it in,
And tried to hide it,
But I saw you.
And all I could do was stare as you walked away into another aisle.
amt Dec 2012
They don't notice the way I look at him.
She doesn't realize that she's tearing me apart.
He doesn't see that I'm trying.

                                                                                                                                              Nobody does.
amt May 2012
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why are my dreams highly unlikely?
Why are these questions unanswered?
amt Mar 2013
Some nights I lie awake,
Wondering about the future.
The late night slips into early hours of the morning,
And I'm still undecided about everything.
amt Jun 2015
if the mosquitoes don't even want my blood,
how can I expect someone to  want all of me?
amt Nov 2013
I keep telling myself that I can do better,
While wondering why I don't.
amt Jun 2012
Nobody seems to know,
The sadness I undergo.
And no one wants to help,
When everything I touch explodes.
I feel so worthless.
So hopeless,
So helpless,
As she complains about the life I wish I had.
amt Sep 2012
It's awkward.
Or maybe it's just me.
I don't want you to know.
No, not yet.
amt Feb 2014
i walk the woods behind my house
and though you no longer walk them with me,
i feel you there.
and though half of our memories are gone,
replaced with a daycare center and a parking lot,
they still exist in my mind.
and in my subconscious,
you're still here.
amt Feb 2014
you're lovely.
but there's an acidic quality about you,
one that stings
reminding of every scrape and cut.
but me,
I'm resilient.
amt Nov 2013
All I ever wanted was to be wanted,
And now I feel more useless than ever.

So thanks for wasting my time,

And no, we can't be friends.
amt Mar 2013
And I don't think
I'll ever
some girls
can just


amt Dec 2012
I'm not a quitter,
But I don't fight in the one's I always lose.
amt Feb 2014
I'd like to say it's all complex,
But I know that it's just me.
I just want to fade out.
But I can't bring myself to leave.
I'd like to sleep for my whole life,
But it won't go away.
So **** indecisive
Can't bring myself to stay.
amt Oct 2014
Tea is hot,
Mouth is young;
Full of haste,
Small burnt tongue.
Old wounds heal,
But you will reopen;
Built fortification,
Only to be broken.
amt Jan 2013
I really want out,
But I'm terrified of what lies ahead.
amt Feb 2013
And suddenly I realize:
I can do this...
amt Nov 2012
I close my eyes,
I think of you.
I open my eyes,
I think of you.
I wish I would forget you,
But that just might be worse.
amt Nov 2012
I know I'm not good at it.
I know I could improve,
But I don't think I care enough to try.
amt Dec 2012
If I were to the point where I am now two years ago,
I would've had a mental breakdown

*...oh... wait....
amt Jan 2013
And there's only so much someone can do
Before they



amt Feb 2013
I don't like you
Because I don't get you.

I don't understand you and it scares me.
So I stay away.


amt Sep 2012
On the outside,
I fake to look tough.
I tried my hardest,
And it wasn't enough.
When will someone finally see,
What all of their comments,
Do to me.

"Your hair looks frizzy,"
I woke up at 6 in the morning to do it.

Not played in a game,
I'm the only one who showed up to practice.

B on my math homework,
Spent all weekend doing it.

On the outside I fake tough,
To hide the tears of not being good enough.
amt Jan 2013
My parents are taking a ton of stuff away from me.... Won't be on as much anymore... Sorry?
amt Feb 2013
I don't mind being alone on Valentines Day.
I can't be bothered.
If it's really love,
It won't matter what day it is.
amt Mar 2012
They're out there.
I know it...
You just have to wait,
As they've been waiting for you.
They don't know you exist.
They know you're there,
But they don't know you....yet.
I like to take action,
And I hate how this time,
I just have to sit back,
Live life,
And let nature do its thing.
amt Nov 2014
All is paper thin
These temporary feelings
Nothing built to last
amt Mar 2013
She accepts the love she thinks she deserves,
I'll sit down and wait because I'm not really sure.
amt Dec 2012
There are dark parts in my mind.
Untraveled little crevices in which my most terrifying dreams dwell.
But there are even more things that I don't say.
Things I won't,
Things I can't.
Until of course I crack and the whole facade comes tumbling down,
Unveiling the walls that I worked so hard to keep up on the inside.

Sometimes I'm my best friend.
Sometimes I'm my worst enemy.
Sometimes I tear myself down.
Self doubt.
Until my barriers are crashing down.

But they mustn't get to me.
So I build up the walls,

Until I cannot hear anything,
Except the blood rushing in my head.
Wow! I don't know where that came from...that's dark... I'm fine, really! Haha interesting, the things I think about...
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