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 Jan 2014 amt
Gary Z
Find Yourself
 Jan 2014 amt
Gary Z
When you are lost within yourself
Open your mind and dust a shelf
Study your thoughts and be surprised to find
The beauty in the garden of your mind

Breathe in the fresh air around the trees
Intake what is real and set yourself free
Curl your toes into the sun heated sand
If seeing is believing, then feeling is grand

Allow your eyes to see clear and keen
An open mind sees beyond what is seen
To think that you are alone in your mind
Is to face one way, with the whole world behind

A flame waves fiercely when the wind blows
Yet when the wind comes, the flame never knows
A worthy friend is made in unexpected fashion
Ignite a relationship fill it with passion

Feel the sun's rays and warm embrace
Keep what matters most through all that you face
When you are feeling darkness's wrath
A flicker of hope will light your path
 Jan 2014 amt
People like songs because they remind them of their favorite people
So why is his favorite song so sad

                                                          And when will I be able to listen to love songs again.
I hate it when dumb things like this make me cry
 Jan 2014 amt
And for a couple moments there, we marveled at each other

But once you spoke of us in past tense, I wanted to forget to miss you again

I know that everything just got a bit too complicated
I do that sometimes, even though I never meant to

I know that good people hurt other good people
We do that sometimes, even if we never meant to

There are days when the air gets too heavy again
There are days when my favorite songs get sad again
But we all get a little bit broken sometimes
And sometimes its good to learn to stand on our own

   Even though its lonely

                 ­                               Even if it hurts

                                                      ­                                                                 ­         **a lot.
I never cried as much as I did that night, I didn't know a poem could rattle my chest the way it did.
 Dec 2013 amt
Reece AJ Chambers
 Dec 2013 amt
Reece AJ Chambers
Everything is blue.
Sometimes, it is blue for you
like the tongue of the sea
or the Pacific
when the sun
drools upon it.

Other times - electric.
A bright, gaudy blue
nobody can miss
as the vibrant shade of the sky
or turquoise
in your teeth.

I remember when you longed
for blue, the darkest tones.
Your mood was deep blue
like the deep red of blood,
the colour of evening,
impending midnight.

You made everything ice,
the trees, the grass,
your digits chilled baby blue.
I offered you gloves
but you knocked them
from my hands.

Then, for a moment,
a pinprick of green.

Green was a gem.
Green was a rarity
like a white Christmas.
I told you to chase,
to run after it
but the blue held you back.

I said 'how are you today?'
Never yellow, never orange,
you spoke blue,
spat sapphires,
every object, item
glazed over azure.

I wanted you green.
Avocado, mint, emerald green
but it never stayed long.
Blue waves would come
and gulp
your good food.

Now you flit between them,
dancing behind your eyes.
One day, drowned in blue,
one day, swimming
Written: December 2013.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time about nothing in particular, inspired by Ted Hughes's cracking poem 'Red.' This piece is unrelated to older poem 'Green.'
 Dec 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
people will forget.
people that are important to you will forget they were supposed to care.
people that made promises will forget to keep them.
do not cry.

when your family leaves you home alone all night, do not cry.
when you have two tests tomorrow and this week has been the most stressful one yet,
do not cry.

when the boy you love only hugs you by suggestion,
and barely notices you,
when you finally realize, after all this time, that you have no chance,
do not cry.
it was a great day actually, but I have a knack for focusing on the ****** parts.
 Dec 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
i am so done with existing but i care so much and i hate when things aren't perfect
there are only like four people in the world that i like unconditionally
and even they can make me cry
this morning my dad yelled at me for seeming sad because i've been "so much better this year"
but he must be blind because i can't focus or find motivation and i feel like i'm slipping
past rock bottom and into the core of the earth where the heat and pressure are condensing me into molten liquid,
and then back into useless rock
 Dec 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
 Dec 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
i cry myself to sleep all the time
and not even my phone wants to talk to me when i'm lonely
my sister got an iphone and all i got was a box of chocolates and i am having a really bad night and i cannot stop crying
 Nov 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
 Nov 2013 amt
Molly Rosen
5% thinking about dumb things i've said
5% wondering if anybody even likes me
5% obsessively checking my grades
5% worrying about money
10% realizing that i don't have any friends
10% stressing about work i have no motivation to do
30% thinking about him
30% planning a future i want but can't have
i really need sleep but every time i close my eyes everything feels so overwhelming
 Nov 2013 amt
In winter this **** storm of a town falls to nothing but a low hum

                 and it is a steady as it is wide spread
And in only a matter of weeks, we forget what it is to breathe fresh air
So we go through the motions of living in this assembly line kinda life
The motions of laughing and breathing and crying and falling and loving
And the influenza of seasonal depression is infectious so we wrap ourselves in coats and hats and scarves in hope of escaping the pathogen of loneliness that radiates through our stereos

                                                        ­                            In winter, this town falls into hibernation

the snow falls mercilessly, without anguish.

tell me
Were you awake when you first caught me, because I was still half-asleep when I found myself in your arms
Were you awake when you first kissed me, because I was in a dream when my lips first met yours
    But there was something in your electric touch that woke me
                                                                ­                             And I remembered that snow *melts
Its like when I was little and I would play in the snow right after the bus dropped me home
then I would rush inside, shivering, and my mom would make me hot chocolate to warm me up,
except I'm not little anymore and he keeps me warm
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