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 Apr 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
I will drown out
Their ignorance
With our love

And I will down
The bread and grape juice
Thinking only of us
Drinking champagne

And as the pastor preaches
I will smile, not frown
Because all I'll hear are your sweet
"I love you's" on repeat

And I'll perk up
When I hear the world "angel"
Because I may be an atheist
And thought I have no God,
I have you
And you're **** close
To an angel

And I will stand
When the band begins to play
Because I'll be thinking of you
Strumming your guitar
Because you're a symphony
And you hush all cacophony  

There will be no tears shed
When I leave this church pew
I'll pay no mind to the fact
That I'm surrounded by people
Who think I'm living in sin

My mom thinks she's "curing"
My love for you
As I radiate in church
But it's only because I'm thinking
Of that girl with blue hair
Who's there for me
When God isn't
And kisses my lips
In public
And her gray eyes
Full of life
Block out any ugly stares
When people look at us
They see two girls kissing
But I see two humans
Deep in love
But apparently it's sin
Just because you're the same gender
As me

And those people in church must think
I'm just like them
And I suppose we at least have one thing
In common:
We'd both fight for our love
I'm writing a LGBT love story about two girls and one of the girl's, Britney comes from a deeply religious family and these would probably be her thoughts at church. The only way in which this about me is that I'm also an atheist who's forced to go to church and I mostly think about my boyfriend in church. I don't mean to offend anyone and I realize that not all religious people are homophobic, but if you deny that religion is holding back human rights, you're clearly wrong.
 Apr 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
A family member would ask
I suppressed a smile thinking of you
"No" I'd reply, my face a mask

"Mommy, why are they holding hands?"
A little girl would want to know
I'd pull my hand away from yours
And manage a timid "Hello"

"You're obviously in love"
A friend of mine took note of my bliss
I finally admit it but changed pronouns
Turning every "her" into a "him"

"I'm bisexual and dating a girl"
I'd tell the mirror 1,000 times
Getting the courage to tell my parents
Then turning around and changing my mind

"Are you ashamed of us?"
She'd ask tears welling in her eyes
"No" I'd hug her close because it was true
I was only ashamed of myself and my disguise
Another poem about that LGBT love story I'm writing. Has nothing to do with me or my life. :)
He was confined to his room and seldom left the house
His parents were scared of the attention he may arouse
At 3 months itself he had started to speak
Relatives never stayed in touch because they thought he was a freak
With an IQ level higher than Albert Einstein
If he was let go he would definitely be enshrined
At the age of 7 he had deciphered meta physics
The reason for this boy being so smart was apparently his brain being psychedelic
At the age of 9, his parents found a hand made robot under his bed
And a self made bike, like never seen before, in their shed
He never went to school and was tutored at home
Though he never needed either due to his extraordinary chromosone
His weakness was the ordinary; he couldn't calculate when to break or when to steer
On the other hand, his eidetic memory allowed him to recite all 154 sonnets of William Shakespeare
The only real fear for the parents was the world finding out
Nothing stays in; the suspicious neighbors broke in, saw his works and let out a shout
So the parents took the boy and made a run for it
The boy trailed behind clueless;  this wasn't his area of wit
But nothing can stay a secret in this world of nosy men
The government, in no time, located their den
His parents didn't want him to get into the wrong hands; but they couldn't even ask him to run
And that's why The Boy Who Knew Too Much would never again see the sun...
let us smoke together and burn ashes
into the solid ground of hell beneath us
let us drink the addictive poison  
until the tears we cry are solid pure liquor
let us get a permanent high off of
each other's gratitude towards how
we spend the last of our lives
let us finally enjoy the vitalities
we've been eager to release to each other
let us do things no other atrocious pair
would even bluntly think about doing.
make yourself even more irresistible to me
and I'll make you look at me the same way
you look at the most beautiful, delicate piece
of poetry

- m.n.
Every year on 26th January I turn on my TV at 8
To watch our soldiers marching, planes gliding and tanks rolling through India Gate
Watching these soldiers march in their handsome uniforms makes me extremely proud
And on this day we also mourn the losses of people who, for the Nation, wore the shroud
This day, unlike others, isn’t just a holiday for me
It symbolises the day when, from British rule, we finally broke free
The sacrifice and struggle that Indians went through then were huge
In their own country, they couldn’t be a refuge
Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose were a few who fought for our country and shot to fame
But what about the thousand others who sacrificed their entire lives, but we still don’t know their name!
Do you know why 26th January 1950 was the chosen date?
Because exactly 20 years on the same date the INC proclaimed the Declaration of Independence after winning the debate!
This day celebrates the coming into force of India’s constitution
This is the world’s largest document and respects every institution
But after all these years is India still an independent republic
Or is it a monarch hiding in the skins of general public?
The depression sets in and the pain gets steady
You don't know if you will ever be ready
To face the world again

The cuts and bruises may be temporary
But the scars are etched permanently
On your heart

You see more darkness than the light
You know you're gonna lose this fight
But you stand up once again

Cuz you know it's darkest before dawn
The ant may fall a 100 times but never gives up
And believing in yourself is the only key
Be strong and get your foes down on their knees
If you fall and you stay you will never succeed
The winners in life are those who get back on their feet
The bigger you are the harder you fall
So put your ego aside and learn how to crawl
'Never Give Up' should be your only motto in life
For this you don't need strength, but wit that's sharper than the knife

So if you ever fall down, it's life on test mode
And to get back on your feet you've gotta remove that load
Put lesser things on your plate and make your life simple
Smile so bright that they all see your dimple
Be happy and everyone will be happy with you
Cuz no one likes a sad soul and that's a story which is true
I know it's easier said than done
But there's no harm in trying so please don't run
Walking down the lane at 10 past 8
Increasing her pace as it's getting very late
Today is finally the night
She knows it's her only chance to get it right
She finally reaches the house on Avenue 5
The house is lighted up but it's not alive
Surprised she looks at the house again
She makes her way to the door after saying Amen
She knocks but the door is already ajar
Inside is a room with an abandoned bar
She wears her mask and gets in the room
Unaware of her impending doom
The lights go off and the door is clicked shut
"Run for your life", says her gut
But the killer is smooth and makes its strike
It feels like her head is rammed by a bike
Counting her last seconds she looks surprised
The killer now no longer needs its disguise
She looks up and sees her own face
There's a smile up there and down a grimace
"You brought it on yourself" said her reflection
She stops moving, the last thoughts, her suicidal perfection...
Karma is something you bring upon yourself
If you throw the book, you'll definitely break the shelf
Backstabbers and the moon
are basically the same
they're pretty from the outside
but have flaws from within
You look from far away
so you don't know the truth
They lie and then walk right past you
without another look
What pleasure does it give you
To torture me like this
You play with my heart as if
it gives you eternal bliss
I thought you were my friend
You'd stick with me to the end
But you back stabbed me and ran away
You come in my life like an
angel of the lord
And you left me stabbed
and impaled by a sword
you lie right through
your teeth
I was too late
to see the monster beneath
But now it's all revealed
Never gonna trust
a soul again
All because I made
an enemy my friend
Never gonna trust again
what pleasure does it give you
to see me broken down
My heart shattered in countless pieces
now all over the ground
All that you can do is pretend
Never gonna trust again....
Wrath, greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth and pride
Commit any one and in Hell you shall reside
The Seven Deadly Sins are something everyone fears
I'd lose it to if I woke up and found myself looking at Satan's leer
The venial sins are the committed guilt whose punishments are relatively minor
You do not completely lose touch with the One Up Higher
A more severe punishment is received if one commits a mortal sin
The guilty are condemned in Hell after death and are lashed on their shin
A proud look can ruin your face
A lash of a chain or get struck from a mace
A lying tongue can get it cut off
You'd choke blood out every time you cough
Hands that shed innocent blood will be cut too
No hands! How do you expect yourself to use the loo?
A heart that devises a wicked plot
Will get back stabbed by his right hand man and receive a head shot!
Feet that are swift to run into mischief
Will be stuck in quicksand which will make your body stiff
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Will get eaten by the wolf when no one believes his cries
Him that soweth discord between brethren
Will soon be outcast by the witty hen
Lust is described as an intense desire
But what seems like a huge pit of money is actually a huge pit of fire
Gluttony is over - consumption of anything to the point of waste
The cobra pit awaits those selfish people who fill in when in haste
Greed is applied to rapacious desire and pursuit of material possession
Being bound and laid face down on the ground is the only way you'll learn your lesson
Failing to develop spirituality is the key to becoming guilty of sloth
The punishment is to run at top speed and never slow down, not even to wipe away your froth
Wrath is love of justice perverted to revenge and spite
A mission to avenge may be your last fight
Envy is characterized by an insatiable desire
Gaining pleasure from seeing others brought low; the correct punishment is having your eyes sewn shut by wire
Pride is love of self, perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor
Penitents are burdened with stone slabs hung on their necks forever
Lucifer's desire to compete with God is an example of pride
He fell from Heaven and transformed into Satan and now in Hell he does reside
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy is a sinful epic
It explains everything about sins and is the most notable relic
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