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WIFE and servant are the same,
But only differ in the name :
For when that fatal knot is ty'd,
Which nothing, nothing can divide :
When she the word obey has said,
And man by law supreme has made,
Then all that's kind is laid aside,
And nothing left but state and pride :
Fierce as an eastern prince he grows,
And all his innate rigour shows :
Then but to look, to laugh, or speak,
Will the nuptial contract break.
Like mutes, she signs alone must make,
And never any freedom take :
But still be govern'd by a nod,
And fear her husband as a God :
Him still must serve, him still obey,
And nothing act, and nothing say,
But what her haughty lord thinks fit,
Who with the power, has all the wit.
Then shun, oh ! shun that wretched state,
And all the fawning flatt'rers hate :
Value yourselves, and men despise :
You must be proud, if you'll be wise.
as i lie awake
i think about how stupid it is
that the only things that connect me to you
are inanimate

handheld devices can only bring me so far
i want to lie beside you and
touch the creases on your face
as you tell me about how you regret
taking up a habit of smoking

i want to fill your mouth with my breath
and wash away your intoxication
and the heaviness that comes with drinking

i want to put my fingers between yours
and fill you with kinder words
than you could ever find for yourself
and tell you that regret is an ocean
and it will swallow you
if you aren’t careful




but phones can only bring me so far
i find myself staring at a dress
i once wore
and how you said i had looked beautiful
even though you couldn’t see for yourself

and i find myself
reciting my day
like my voice could reach across the ocean
and pull you home

sometimes, i think it’s nostalgia
other times it might be regret

two years is
a pretty long time
and i long to be beside you
to make you feel loved
in case you can’t remember it yourself

but i will have to make do
with conversations at six in the morning
knowing that you will stay awake
throughout the night
and i will stare at the black screen pleading that
with every silent passing moment
your heart will still be beating
 Dec 2013 Amrita Dutta
There is bullet in my chest,
blood is oozing off my vest,
I can see the glorious crest,
I know,I did my best.

There are arms all around me,
the barrels are smoking,I can see,
there is less sound reaching my ears,
I have lost all my fears.

They drag me to a tree,
resting under it,I shall be free,
I have my gun in one hand,
and in the other,smiling,you stand.

In my wallet there are your picture,
covered in gunpowder and moisture,
I rub away all the dust,
I shall see them all,it's a must.

I can see you far and distant,
hazy it gets,as time is spent,
you extend your arms and shout my name,
I smile and your eyes rain.

I can feel your hands,on my cheek,
your kiss on forehead,makes me weak,
your warmth is easing the pain,
I think you understand,
the loss......and the gain.
 Dec 2013 Amrita Dutta
 Dec 2013 Amrita Dutta
It was freezing cold that morning
The morning you didn’t wake up
And they took your body from bed
After cancer took you from us

That day I saw you everywhere
Occupying all your places
Rekindling my memories
Of before your fight was painful

But your residing warmth grew cold
Proving no light grief can’t smother
And soon I’d wake in the morning
Facing life with out my mother...
Library - It is a world full of books
All are interested, whether they are engineers, peons or cooks
Books of all genre you will find
It never fails to attract one's mind
But please remember the Golden Rule
Please be silent; it isn't a sin
Never be violent or else you'll disgrace your kith and kin
You may even make the librarian your friend
And he/she will provide you with books of the latest trend
Harry Potter, The Godfather and The Da Vinci Code
Not that keen? Well you could always try The Princess and the Toad
Books are for everyone; age doesn't matter
Idiot box or reading? I'd rather choose the latter
Whether you want science or fiction
The Library is a world of addiction
Once you pick up a book you will get glued
You'll shout yourself hoarse if anyone dares to intrude
You'll be reading it in class, the toilet or the bus
And when the teacher confiscates it you'll create a big fuss
Oh, Miss please! Just one more page!
It's the ****** part between the pirate and the sage
We should thank Gutenberg for inventing the press and bestowing upon us this boon
Else we'd all still be stuck watching cartoon!
See that unicorn dad
It's so pretty will i get to ride it some day?
Oh yes darling you will
Sit on it and you shall run through Rainbows and on a cloud you'll find a place to stay
Will the house be made of cotton candies and a marshmallow Window?
Oh yes darling and the the rain made of chocolate and the rainbow your personal metro
Years later I'm still waiting now impatient for my daddy's words to come true
They will come true won't they Peter?
And he laughs again hysterically without much ado
Broken promises and fairytales are one and the same
Both are lies and steal our happiness and leave us feeling ashamed
For we had waited year after year to see it finally come true
My daddy was lying, but I was so young that I didn't have a clue
When it rains i always go out and open my mouth
I expect chocolate but all I get is ***** water and hear my caretaker shout
I see a rainbow and pray my unicorn takes me away from this horrid place
A horrid place where If I blurt out my fantasies, I get a slap right across my face
But I do see my daddy up there its his imagination after all
He went ever so high after, from our flat, he took that massive fall....
I'm in peril as soon as I'm in my mother's womb
Unsure of whether I'll ever see the doctor's room
And even if this world I'm allowed to see
It's like stepping into a hive full of bees
My brother gets new clothes while a get a broom
When the guest come, I'm locked up in the room
Being denied education because they feel it's of no use
It's my own blood who does this; who should I accuse?
I'm beaten up by my own father
"You won't get food if you don't work harder!"
I'm married off and sent away
I'm to be my in - law's slave till my hair turns grey
Dowry is another thing they torture me for
I weep at night while my husband snores
I try for jobs though I'm always denied
"You have talent but the job is full" The manager lied
Beaten black and blue by my drunk husband
I have no clue what I did to offend
The feeble rays of sunshine during monsoon describes my life
I don't think it will be long before I pick up the kitchen knife
For I will finally attain peace resting in my grave
It's better to be dead than to be the world's slave
Smiling and communicating is such a pain
But these things I must everyday feign
Because this is a world that lives in a lie
They avoid the truth even if it’s staring them in the eye
I must wear a mask to live in this place
They’d slaughter me if they saw my real face
I’m a rare breed though I’m not the only one alive
Eliminating them makes me the fittest to survive
The ones who make everyone happy are the ones most sad
Perhaps because they don’t want others to have a past so bad
Its true when they say don’t judge a book by its cover
I’m a serial killer; not a friend, nor your lover
Though what I do is for those whose justice is denied
A punishment I receive is I have no one to confide
It’s not the beauty outside but what’s beyond the façade
I have to measure my steps and always choose the right card
Though what I do is not legally right
I punish those who are demons of the night
I am Dexter, master of disguise
It’s not the truth that defines me; it’s my lies...
This poem is based on the popular TV show Dexter. For those of you who don't know, this is the link
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