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 Jun 2015 Amelia
1.  apply for that job, to that university, to that internship. call back the friend you haven’t talked to in a while, call back the boy who left that voicemail you can’t delete, call the person you never said a real goodbye to. do it now, do it today. stop putting it off. stop waiting because you keep saying you’ll do it the next day, the next week, the next year like any of these are guaranteed and suddenly you’ve put your life on hold for a later date. stop living for days you might not have. if you want to do it before you die, if you’ll always regret not doing it, then stop putting it off.

2. do not say i love you just because someone else does.

3. don’t let the fear of saying something you’ll regret ever keep you from speaking. you have so much to say.

4. an open letters to all young writers, poets, teenagers and twenty-somethings with inked-stained fingers: you say your writing’s ****. and i’m not gonna lie to you, sometimes it probably is. but sometimes everybody’s best words and ideas still kind of ****. whatever’s on the paper right now might be no good but keep writing, because some day it might be something people find worth quoting or sprawling on their wrists in semi-permanence. we all started at the same place. some day people might read your words and find the truth they were looking for.

5. do not listen to anyone who tells you to curb your ambition, tells you to aim for less than exactly what you want. do not listen to anyone who tells you to aim for something a little more achievable. if you allow yourself to settle, to set your sights on something a little less risky than it’s true you will never be disappointed. but you will also never be satisfied. the risk is often worth it, and if it isn’t then get back up and take another one. life doesn’t not happen when you’re sitting still, so do not listen to anyone who tells you that not everyone can be a star. you do not need negativity. you have no use for people who don’t believe in you.

6. make peace with your demons, they are a part of you too.

7. decide you want it so much more than you are afraid of of it. your fear is like cough syrup - tough to swallow. but you need to, you need to. the things you’re scared of are the things you will remember. adventure is rarely found inside of your comfort zone and sometimes if you are terrified that just means that it matters.

8. never make yourself miserable for the sake of someone else’s happiness.

9. there is a time and place to sharpen your tongue; know when it is. sometimes you need to be mean, you just do. sometimes you need to be selfish, sometimes you need to protect yourself, sometimes you need to think about what you want. sometimes you need to put yourself first because if you don’t no one else will.

10. but in general, be kind. it might not get you everywhere you want to be, but you’ll usually find wherever you are you’ll be happier and sleep easier. so, be kind. be gracious. be grateful. remember, some people have to fight every single day for the rights and opportunities you’ve been born with. in the grand scheme of things, we’re pretty ******* lucky.
an ongoing piece / series
 Jun 2015 Amelia
i. you did not taste like your promises
not like "forever" or "i love you"
you tasted like desperation and old cigarette smoke
and i do not know which one i liked more
 Jun 2015 Amelia
haunted houses
and not the ones on television
and the only ghosts that scare me
are the ones that carry my face

i swear i've died more times than i can remember
in the arms of girls that made me feel safe
and i cringe every time they try dig up my grave

and i'm not afraid of *******
but there are reasons i stay sober when i'm not alone
i'm more afraid of greedy hands
and everyone who never listens when i say no
 Jun 2015 Amelia
Love Poems
 Jun 2015 Amelia
i wonder why all i want to write are love poems
i'm not in love
your eyes don't sparkle for me and i haven't seen you smile in months
my heart doesn't race after you like at use to
but my stomach turns when i see your face
i find myself swallowing back sobs and words i wish i could say

i wonder why all i want to write are love poems
i don't think i'm in love
i've spent more nights alone in my head
dreaming of kissing you
but my eyes are still open
i haven't slept in weeks
i toss with the image of your body against mine
and i stopped holding back the tears

i wonder why all i want to write are love poems
maybe i'm still in love
 Jun 2015 Amelia
when you see her again for the first time
no matter how badly you want to scream
remember last time you saw her she was moaning out your name
you are still in control even if she is not begging for you anymore
remember there was a time that you were the world to her
and don't worry
just because you are not hers doesn't mean you are not still the world
and do not call her a mistake
remember she is not the only one loving someone new
some things, as the world goes, are only born to die
we have to remember to cherish what we have while it is still here
when you see her
let her know it is okay without having to say "i forgive you"
let her know you are a better person now and do not ask for her back
you do not need her anymore
so smile
 Jun 2015 Amelia
don't pick
it's not good for the ones that are trying to heal
and i'm sick of all the blood
you don't have to bother hiding them anymore
everyone already knows
when you hear that you ex is cutting now
and you tug on your sleeve
it is okay
it is not your fault
you did not teach her this
when the girl you love shies away from the mess you left on your skin
it is okay
she is allowed to react
when your mother turns away with teary eyes
it is okay
she still loves you
when you regret the scars
it is okay
just remember that the next time you pick up a knife
 Jun 2015 Amelia
A Year
 Jun 2015 Amelia
your eyes shine brighter
than any star in the sky
i think i'm in love

i bought you flowers
roses, couldn't remember
your favorite, sorry

you are the first girl
i've ever wanted so bad
tell me you need me

she died this month and
i have never seen you so
broken, i love you

summer is ending
you'll go back to school, and i
will miss you like hell

happy birthday, babe
it's been hard the last few months
i know, hang in there

it's Halloween and
all i can think about is
how you look tonight

i just turned sixteen
i blew out my candles and
wished for your dad back

you haven't been the
same since he died, i guess that's
to be expected

you're moving away
so i'm going to Maryland
please don't forget me

my mom is bringing
you to come see me, i am
beyond excited

you left without an
"i love you" and i don't want
this to be goodbye
 Jun 2015 Amelia
everything is alive but i feel dead inside

the air is thick and heavy like my heart

everything is changing but i still love you

it's cold outside and i cannot find warmth now that you're gone
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