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 Mar 2014 Amaris bice
Surrounded by oak wood
There he stood
Staring at me
With no eyes
As tall as a tree
He caught me by surprise
I hear a loud sound
Then I am thrown to the ground
With tentacle like arms

Actually you know what I will just stop there... I will let you just think about that last line
 Mar 2014 Amaris bice
Go To Sleep
Go ahead count some sheep
Get under the covers and go to bed
When you wake up you will be dead
I hope you don't treasure your life
Because it will end by my knife

Waiting at the bus stop,
Jamming to some hip hop,
Checkin’ on my wrist watch
Clock is running tick-tock

And he made his way down the block
Walking in my direction,
With his face hanging behind that faded fitted

He is the boy that never goes home
Who thinks selling dope and
having high hopes makes him grown

Late nights on street corners,
Protecting urban borders,
Claiming blocks for blood,
selling rocks for what?

He nodded at me and I smiled back
not ever ignoring the bloodstains on his shoe laces
He was a gangster

And I never understood how such a bright boy
could be such a coward
Because that’s what they are all
Cowards who hide behind colors
Blue and red tied brothers
who leave their sisters and mothers
How could you?

Whose familiar face standing beside me
As if we never shared the same last name

For all those times that you pushed me from the doorway
Just to kiss the sunset with your piff

I prayed for your protection
I prayed that you would never forget
mommies’ and daddies’ lesson
and that my love for you will never lessen

And I prayed that a bullet will never befriend your skin, I prayed
That someday you will understand
that being a brave street soldier in the dark
still made you a coward come sunrise

And sometime I feel that you may be color blind
Because I do not understand how you see strength
in your blacks and reds
When you have blacks and blues tattooed all over you.

So tell me what side do you belong to
when your lips are synced supo....
but your eyes are swimming in cripped colored kisses
mixed with hints sdfnarega...

They got you
now you have an appetite for revenge

too proud to bleed for the bullet
yet quick to let finger tips lit triggers
your fine arms are too short to box with God

I remember when you told me
that you favorite rapper was TuPac
and I bet you wonder if heaven has got a ghetto

but you will never know because attempting to play God
and pimping mother nature
will never get you high enough to get there

so he will just send his angels down to tell you
that it is TuPac for one more gangster

and now you are off to hell’s home, homie
where you won’t have back pocket
for your blood colored bandannas to hold on to
like umbilical cords connecting you to the wind
you will just be dead skin
lost like the next of kin
of all your other blood brothers who sin

and all your fighting for meaning nothing any more
because in hell you will no longer
have your boys willing to die for you

just demons waiting to dance with you
holding out red roses that used to be white
before they used them to clean the messes
you made when you were still alive
what are you thinking?

you coward
running from your own light
shaking hands with the darkness
as if you were never taught to recognize the sun
mommie’s son
my brother

I just wanted to make you come home
make you breakfast in the morning
and remind you how beautiful blood can be
when it is not used as paint on concrete canvases
but when it is served aeruhgiureg on kitchen tables..

and as my bus pulls up,
I rummage through my pockets for my dollar
wishing I too had a faded fitting to hide my face beneath
because I would hate for you to see me cry for you too

and as I step onto that bus and walk over to my seat
I silently pray to God
that he will forgive me for calling you a coward

because who am I to call you a coward
when I couldn’t even find the strength to tell you how I felt
couldn’t share my quick healed cuts with you
and the tears that raced down my cheeks

so fast to prove that blood is indeed thicker than water
My brother

you stayed at the bus stop as we drove away
and I don’t know if my bus wasn’t going in your direction
or if you just lost your direction
years ago in the red silk lining of papi’s coffin

but I won’t dwell
I will sleep tonight
not forget to dedicate my prayers to you.

Wake up in the morning,
get dressed and
if you find yourself missing your little sister
I will just be...

Waiting at the bus stop,
Jamming to some hip hop,
Checkin’ on my wrist watch
Clock is running tick-tock
 Nov 2013 Amaris bice
Found Poems
 Nov 2013 Amaris bice
Ok so the new mac software has a dictation program. I let it run during an animal physiology lecture, it was so funny I sort of turned it into poetry with a few modifications. (I took out words that it actually got right and were super science-y like T cells and also words like LRP that aren’t things and I only then changed punctuation and physical layout)

Let me know if you can find some meaning or humour in these found poems.

Steve bring it by

the new proteins bars


without some for you

and your music

and also had pasta

see you

so he hears that

you first

use a euro or so

and phone

by a little while

see what is CCR

Heintz hearts tires

in this to the signal


was so many years over many years.

He uses Stevens now

she is seeing proteins

and we don’t mayor

this is something for me and Olivia

So honestly it was something going on inside

and so is he is always something

when you see

here is the Winterlochen

7 mm,

one of the major cities,


search process

which look, it recognizes us

and what is the function ?

start by punching

in short call with the show

in law class this is a law

bread, espressos



using my own postulations

to hear that fossil

fossil tires, the possibilities…

and here is a hot spot

deep blue sea

response was you

can see you later

mostly out you are


parsing parties

and seems that all times

so we burgesses to see

whether these fees

so we are you

so busy

with the police officer

so this is the name

off for you Lisa

so is this needed ?

to serve on, since it’s always interesting

and if there is no proof

what is the man ?

Dennis, is the report from 17%?

raise my house and Sivula .

the left sense is the other

10% to leave myself

seven you get his sister.

Or from prefrontal cortex

you were able to listen

else and if we

so this show

on specific salsa

and effective T cell receptor activation

to decrease the settings

so sure so you transfected

as we buy one

a little simple

were able to game

is at seven

and we have two songs

this nonsense

if we were in Gennessee

tires times

who are noticed

that it is the same as control

were able to rescue the response

so by cars seem to be

a long *** tease you


remember to Silversun

So we don’t

House and it’s just something so this shows

That Hughes

that Tersini

seems to be downstream

cheated is this

please rewrite Oterson

times we’ve started

for further brothers

specifically incontinence

ball, doesn’t you know the rest ?

of all conferences

and finish eyes gazing

into Cancun East

it’s consecutively

it doesn’t Vermarle

any if you have time

is there any messages


I was in response

to slight chance

you can also

it’s seven

and consider

you get a little more pronounced

decrease in Austin

so we see here

just curious

to be through soon

does it sound ?

and whether holiday,

actually awesome?

this medicine!

maybe you

got our road shows

to snooze constantly

is your sisters control as low ?



“ hi you can see some more”



there’s greater

when an awesome

when you
Waiting for the ferry
I found a piece of Delft, or so I thought,
Blue white and shining on the rock beach at St. John's,
Mixed it in with unfamiliar coins of Canada
Dreaming of a foundering ship,
The dish and how it might have looked
Stacked on all the others in a busy galley
Ages back when it and she were whole.

I walked along the rounded stones made slick with growth
And watched the tide sweep out so fast
It seemed the ocean raced to find its home.

You lingered by the picnic tables.
I saw you check your watch six times,
Wondered at your sharp fixation,
Your sense of past and future,
How it might survive me.

Later in the empty bar,
Amidst the dreaming roar of engines
And the splashing underneath our hull
I thought I heard you laugh but I was wrong.

You were huddled by a table
Peering pious in your half filled glass.
The laugh I heard came from a stranger.
A fisherman I came on later on the deck.

He pointed towards a far direction
Misting emblems of his home.
He said he missed his wife.
I envied him.

I was moving far from mine.
The closest thing to memory,
Those foreign coins
And small white fragments
Jostling close to silence
In my pocket.
 Nov 2013 Amaris bice
Dag J
trembling you caress the
hopelessness caused by too many
eventualities, completely

surrounded as your soul
opens up to different truths of
unpredictable affiliations
never given the freedom to
dwell and choose amongst the wild

offerings you
fall to your knees

after what feels like an eternity you
softly gather your thoughts as your mind
strays off yet again with
effortless lightness and phenomenal speed
running rapidly into the deep forest of memories
towards the light, a window of happiness
in a cabin of despair
vulnerable you complete the seemingly
endless journey of the day as

dynamic colours loops out of reach
entangled in shadows liberated
from any formal structure and you
erase all emotions but
never fail to see the
significant beauty of
even the smallest things in
life as  
evening brings light from a
silvery moon
sleepless you welcome the
nights cold as it
embraces your mind
solemnly the future falls into utter
... breathe in and smile
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