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 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
Theia Gwen

Beauty looks like protruding bones
Photoshop, and makeup to cover tired eyes
Girls in magazines who emanate elegance
Even though the perfect girls are only a guise
That's what beauty looks like

2. Hearing

Beauty sounds like that girl you hardly know saying "*** you've lost so much weight!"
You feel happy for a split second even though you don't see it
It's standing up a little straighter when hearing someone call, "You look really great."
But the voices still say "It's not enough."
That's what beauty sounds like

3. Taste

Beauty tastes like diet coke, since it's the only thing you'll drink
Tastes like bile and the salty tears running down your cheeks
After you just puked
It tastes like binging food that you bought really cheap
That's what beauty tastes like

4. Smell

Beauty smells like febreze mixed with *****
In a pathetic attempt to hide what you just did
It smells like a million foods vying for your attention
But keeping self control even though you want to quit
That's what beauty smells like

5. Touch

Beauty feels like running your hands across your collar bone
Because it gives you the illusion you're thin
It feels like your stomach releasing an overdue groan
Because you've been eating as if there is a famine
It feels like grabbing the fat on your body while your mind complains
Beauty is feeling the knife in your back reminding you
"Beauty is pain."
I drank way too much last night,
now I feel like I'm paying my dues.

I woke up real early this morning,
my head was dry and  pounding,
I've had me a case of those Hangover blues.

What it was that I had to eat, I really
don't care to remember 'cause my breath
knocked everyone over and my wallet is bare.

And it's now I feel like I have nothing left to lose,
I had one hell of a case of them Hangover blues.

My wife tells me, it wasn't any fun,
I had one big case of Whisky ****,
and couldn't get it on.

Yet I still acted like a ***** and
after an Epic failure, I rolled over
to one side and tossed my cookies,
yes me, a real gentleman, right as rain.
so buckle up because here's the refrain..

Sometimes life is about winning  
just as well as you lose
I woke up this morning
with a case of the Hangover Blues.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
me gs
The only thing I want is you
Slam me up against a wall,
**** me till I can't breathe,
I want you

The sounds our bones would make,
A hundred years from now,
The most beautiful ratta-tat-tat
Of our bones pounding like drums
Heavy, ******, filling the air with our chorus
Love is music,
Life is love,
It all goes in a circle,
And currently,
I keep coming back to you
*******! I hate you!

She screams inside her head

as she's rolled over away from the demon in her bed

She can't remember how she ever loved him so much

Now her skin crawls at his slightest touch

She can take no more

She's so upset

She can cry  no more tears because she has none left

She quietly slips off their marriage bed and tiptoes
down the stairs

She looks for the gun in her locked box and finds it there

She puts a bottle of gas and matches in her pocket

The  box is rehidden after she locks it

She ascends the stairs and enters the room

The pistol discharges with aloud boom

Blood soaks the pillow

He's still and dead

She unloads another round into his head
He's  ****** and lifeless

But she's not done yet

She's gonna burn this demon till there's nothing

A lit match ignites his corpse from his head to his feet

She covers her eyes and stands back from the heat

She stares at the charred mess that she used
to call her man

Then she raises the pistol still in her left hand

Her greatest love has become her greatest hate

She closes her eyes

Pulls the trigger...

And escapes
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
Where exactly does my words go?
What happens to them in this starry, messy universe, we call home?

Sometimes, they etch themselves on the little edges of your heart.
Other times, they remain an incessant tune in someone's ear.
Its notes silently whittle away an unwanted scar.

The flitting alphabet of their voice behind your eyelids even when the dark envelopes you.
Sometimes, it fits safe and sound between the lines of your very fingerprint.

Others sink, permeate through your very skin, making a home out of you.

The artfully crafted letters, hemmed with that moment.
It lives and breathes in the sweet pockets of something we call
Hi there! x

I am rather curious to know how you wonderful writers get your inspiration from? Do tell, please! *wink*
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
Alia Sinha
Thought of you spills
like the sea caught in a steel tumbler  
Each time strangers speak your name
And the cigarette smoke that is seeping
a chosen death through my lungs
Cannot quench you.

This is sweet pain:
sweet and desiccating, all plum stone, apricot seed

Patterns in the dark are drawn and
the world turns like roasting corn upon the coals of magical machines
and everyone is being pulled, heartstrings looped and
knotted together in golden electric lines

Such states crave ending in love and light. Something wholesome, mild and true.
Yet one thought stays splinter-wise:
I cannot reach you...
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
Terry Howe
What is the light actually? People say that it is the most beautiful thing in the world. That it is warm, cuddling, and peaceful. But when you think about it, it can always be cruel, painful, and scary... Things in the light are not what you would normally see really. It’s not all fairies and rainbows or Angles in the sky. Sometimes the light can burn you and leave permanent scars all over your body and leaves you mentally damaged and you just want to go on a killing spree and just attack the people you dearly hate and despise and that’s when the darkness takes over your body and soul. Your mind just loses all control, your body becomes stronger yet it makes you more of a killing machine and you just want to ****... watch as the blood splatters everywhere organs and entrails everywhere and as soon as you start getting back in touch with reality, your mind won’t ever... go back to normal once you look at all the damage that has been done.
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