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Stressin more than your body can endure
Wish I could obtain the certain one-word trigger cure
That would bring you up from under the dark weather
Channel those negatives feelings
Make your forecast better
Shoot you like it would be your medicine vile
Hittin you hard
Leavin you with a smile
Cuz your smile is worth my worthwhile
I hope I got you with my writing style
You are someone better than myself
Don't go trying to change that
You're like no one else
the mood, set by cheap christmas lights,
is somber.
the sun will rise soon, saying goodbye
to another sleepless night filled with
half-hearted attempts at productivity.

words blare into ears through tiny buds and wires.
the darkness, now, feels permanent.
this is the way i like it: dark
and somber.

when the sun rises obligations and responsibilities resume.
apathy consumes me
fills me to the core.

for now, out the window, little dots of light illuminate
few details in the blackness.
only outlines of leafless trees are seen
highlighted by squares of brightness from windows.

i prefer the way the darkness feels
it is not unfriendly as it wraps me up
in its blanket of indigo

lovingly, it caresses me,
holding me tight
as I sit, gazing outside.

the mood, set by cheap christmas lights,
is confused.
what i want is undeterminable.
but, in the dark it does not matter.

daylight comes soon
and with it
all of my nightmares.
My mask is slowly crumbling
          To the faint philosophy of your dreams
          I cry with pain but hide my tears with a smile
          My soul bleeds ever so faintly with no sign of weakness
          I weaken by the day, die by the night
          I try to confess my sins but in the end it all falls away
          A gloomily fate rests in my palms with the knife in my heart
          As my life comes  my mask will shred but hold with love          
          But my mask can't hide my life anymore.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
the wind does not howl.
the sun does not shine.
Concrete paste thickens,
and into thought we dive.
persecution of the divided ,
well managed,
we lie.
When a star burns black,
But no one is around to hear it,
it screams the last, lingering, piercing note,
of a symphony
written for a dying wish,
and a lost dream.

Finally imploding into silence
where even the brightest of lights,
is lost in hollow darkness.
On Facebook, I asked people to give me a first line, and I'd write a poem with it. My ex-boyfriend put "When a Star Burns Black." This was the result.
When goodness escapes the grasp of a pure and peaceful soul,
And the harsh wilderness of life is beyond ones control.
For who am I to look for, and who am I to trust in?
Good grace and higher will eludes me, leaving just within.
To seek council from my loved ones seems to end in pity,
Their support thought is second to none, with sincerity.
Looking beyond hopes short path, to pain cold like winter night,
How destructive a deception born from shock, born from blight.
An end where surely only badness and resent can be,
Why then did such a kind heart turn, such scorn hell-bent on me?
Be it my love or hate, compassion or just ignorance,
None are close to truth, for now settle with indifference.
But resolve became weak with time, and truth prevailed in kind,
So to put such soreness from memory, far from my mind.
Clouds with silver linings are sometimes the hardest to find,
But look hard and then look again, for your own peace of mind.
This club
A beehive of sweaty

Piercing lights
Nail a headache
Through my skull

I am awkward
Out of place
Pacing through the crowd

Feeling, uhm
Too drunk
Or not drunk enough

Across the room
A pretty blonde

A determination
To salvage my night
And I’m off

Twenty minutes later:
In the back of a cop car.

I’m an artist
You *****!
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