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 Jul 2013 Allie Johnson
There comes a day in your life where you meet someone special…
You try so hard not to admit it but you just can’t hold back the way you feel…
I like you.
You get all those feelings…
Those butterflies you can’t stomach,
That heart rate you can’t put at ease,
So baby …
Sweetheart with the beautiful smile. Sure, I loved sleep
But dreams couldn't compare
Not to talking to you until my mind screamed for rest
And the butterflies in my stomach settled
Darling with the endless amount of love…
your love could fill the oceans and climb the tallest trees,
but could your love belong to me someday?
Be given to me?
Can you feel the way I do for you?
& Boy, sometimes I tangle my own fingers
Closing my eyes, losing myself in a daydream
Where your voice is more than an echo in my mind
And I even believe for a few seconds you're still here
Lover, who writes me poems,
You should know I write you too.
I write about you until my fingers ache
And still after that I keep writing
Because there's just some people you could write about forever
And baby, you're one of them.
And boy who played me a song,
Sweet sounds bow down to my ears,
And the way you play your guitar…
& the way I daydream about kissing your lips...
I can’t wait until the sparks of your tongue burn my mouth
send electric shocks through my body
Cutie… with the funny jokes,
You make me laugh.
Today you made me laugh,
like you always do,
you’re the only one who can now a days.
Baby, with those sparkling eyes,
Your eyes haunt me whether I'm dreaming or not
And what haunts me more is the fact that
I can’t have you now
because you ruined it
It hurts to think about it,
So I have to block you out.
Play your songs to someone else,
Read your silly lines of heartache to someone else,
And go find… someone else.
 Mar 2013 Allie Johnson
I wonder how one who lives by the sea
can ever truly believe that love doesn’t exist.
Do you not see the desperation in the way
the waves pound endlessly to the shore?
They crash deliriously on the rocks,
and it reminds me of how I want you:
infintely, eternally, like the stars.

I am so tired of this sick, dysphoric feeling I get in the pit of me,
a dull ache in my bones.
I keep going:
I purse my lips and choke on my flowery words.
I won’t pretend to be a poet anymore.

I’m sorry, but I don’t want you to just love me ironically,
or kiss me sarcastically,
or undress me metaphorically.
I want this to be honest and pure.

I don’t need a love song sung at dawn,
or towers built in my honor.
Sunsets and moonlight are not for you, I understand.
I just want to feel you breathe against me in timed rhythms.
Rise, peak, fall.
I need this.
i need this
 Feb 2013 Allie Johnson
i spilled ink on a blank page

and it spelled out all the things i could never say to you

on the phone, your voice sounds like it’s dying

and i hope that in the black of night

the telephone lines will carry the unspoken things in the spaces of my sentences

i have a gaping whole in my chest when i think of things that could have been

i bet you would have tasted like streetlights and rain that night

if i would have kissed you under the lamp post when i dragged you down to meet me

you would have felt like the cracks in the pavement under my fingers

you were the alleyways and the fog and the bricks that kept the buildings together when the sky broke through

i look at your hands and your lips and i think they would feel better than any glorious and screaming dawn

i wish i could tape you back together but our bodies are so far apart
new one
 Feb 2013 Allie Johnson
I now know
that this experience,
in the howling wind and blinding snow,
Is exactly what I was looking for in life.
But it feels empty,
it's just not the same
when I'm trudging on alone.
I want to share this with someone one.
The exhaustion,
the cold,
the feeling of exhilarating glee.
That feeling
that my life does not belong to me.
I want to get inside,
and take a shower,
drink some tea,
and watch movie for hours.
Bust it's just not the same,
when you do it alone,
because you can lose yourself in thought
and the pain just grows.
So if I ever ask to take a walk
in that howling wind and blinding snow.
Take a second,
give it some thought.
It's my way of saying I care,
you know.
It's driving me absolutely insane
that I can't get this girl out of my brain
even though she's a little young for me.

I can't remember the last time I was crushin
I guess it makes for a good discussion
my friends think it'd be good but would she?

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

I can't believe my hearts racin
this much over a girl I'm chasin
I want to know if I can win.

The fight for her is gettin fun
I'm wondering if she could be the one
or am I just gonna hurt a girl again?

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

I guess life's about taking chances
seeing what come of summer romances
and trying to figure out God's plan.

This seems like such a giant task
but I just really want to ask
if this girl will let me be her man.

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

Until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.
Wrote this slightly as a country song if that matters to anyone. Enjoy! :)
 Feb 2013 Allie Johnson
Her makeup is splattered on her face
Too much of it
Almost clown-like
And sloppy
She's insecure
Probably reeling from heartbreak

Her hair is pulled back
She hasn't been taking care of it lately
Lots of split ends
We all know
How girls like her
Despise anything but perfect hair
Her mind is scattered

She's drinking coffee
When she lifts it to her lips
Her hands shake a bit
It's probably not her first cup
She's going through something

When I approach
She looks down
And then pastes a horrific
Facade of a peeled back grin
Another addition to an already
Fizzled out display

I contemplate "hello"
But her body language speaks volumes
And tells me that whatever I say
Won't mean anything
Her minds not there
It's miles in the distance
Not even glancing back

So I walk, slowly
Clearly watching too much Sherlock...
 Feb 2013 Allie Johnson
let’s just sit in the shallows of our souls

and maybe you will trace my skin

onto parchment paper

run your fingers down my veins

my spine will forget about your lies

and remember your lips

i press your heartbeat against my chest

to feel you alive

because you don’t laugh anymore

i need to certify your existence

you feel like a ghost

slipping through my fingertips

the thunder in the clouds

matched the pounding in my head

i had nothing left to give you

when you left me there for dead

i will turn to dust here

in this fading place
Wandering paths, merely brush pushed aside by eager hands
feet pressing firm on uncharted land
the vantage points of a cliff undiscovered
rustles the passion in me, that I had longed to recover
lost along the way, between the miles traveled and moments marked in my past
I cover the tracks
for home is where I am at the moment
I reach to the sunrise arms spread wide trying to hold it
close to my chest to scare off the winter air rushing over my skin
one foot after the other and I begin
a skyline of ridges and peaks
seem to swallow me
in their lush valleys, rich with soil and trees racing to the heavens stopping just shy
I sit on the ledge of a rock jutting over the valley, this paradise is mine
wandering the world, the way it was meant to be
wandering forever the home always meant for me...
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