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Dec 2012 · 362
Alice Kay Dec 2012
What's the point of asking,
when we could never be?
Everything we had
was blown away in the wind.
I don't think I'll get over the fact
that a single mistake ruined us.

All those plans....
wiped out.

Even though we are just friends now..
I can't help but want more

Because I'm still in love with you're old self

and your new personality is alien
Dec 2012 · 542
Insanity in reality
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Yeah, I'm insane.

Everyone knows it, they just don't say it to my face.
It's probably better if they...or someone calls the police
before someone gets hurt....or something goes

h                                                          ­               i                                                                ­   y

                  o                                         r                                 b
                                                 r                                                                ­      l

                                                     ­           r
                                                    ­                                         o
w                                      n


                                                                                          ­                                                                g
Dec 2012 · 241
Alice Kay Dec 2012
It's when you walk away with a smile on your face,
wind blowing your hair back,
a song playing in your head,
contrasting the usual depressing tune.

Just knowing that there's a chance for us...

Dec 2012 · 407
No one
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Yeah, I'm that girl in the far corner of the classroom.
Headphones plugged in, solving math problems

but my mind is elsewhere.

the headphones blast sad music
bringing me down even more.

No one would guess tears threaten to fall
no one would guess that a storm is raging inside.

Then again, no one would guess I'm writing poetry,
not working on a stupid math program.

I guess that means no one knows me at all...
Dec 2012 · 373
Favorite song (10w)
Alice Kay Dec 2012
He's my new chapter,
a new favorite song to memorize
Dec 2012 · 561
Alice Kay Dec 2012
"Hey" he says
and from there my life is of to the races

The last night talking
the "it's 1 am already???"

then when what already was is confirmed
with an "I want a relationship"

next comes the slow and sad decline
the words "we are drifting apart"

suddenly, you know the reason
hateful words and actions burst forth

finally, the realization
that you still love him, but it's to late...

the long, silent nights of tears follow
when regret replace the forgotten smiles

"Hey" he says
a new chapter begins with someone new
Nov 2012 · 430
With a smile
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Go on and starve yourself if you think you're fat

(even though you're already a toothpick)

I've tried your methods to have a flat stomach.

(It didn't work)

If I'm going to starve myself and feel depressed

(feeling worthless and never good enough)

to get a flat stomach, to hell with that.

I'd rather be fat and with a smile
Nov 2012 · 415
Lies of love (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
It's lonely here without you

and your lies of love
Nov 2012 · 562
Stomach in knots
Alice Kay Nov 2012
After all that...

I guess I really meant nothing to you
Nov 2012 · 333
Alice Kay Nov 2012
And so the cycle continues

her life is fixed as mine falls apart

it won't be long be fore we switch places...

Nov 2012 · 202
Alice Kay Nov 2012
A tear silently

s l o w l y

makes it's way

Nov 2012 · 2.0k
Shadow under a quilt
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Lost in a big quilt

hot mug of coffee in her hands

She stares into a cobwebbed corner

as if it holds the secrets of the world.

Everyone has been wondering about her

She's been like that for a long time

no one knows why, or how she is still alive

once that shadow of a body was strong and active

now she's wasting away under a big quilt in her room

and the coffee is getting cold.
Nov 2012 · 478
Thunder in my ears
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Let this music blast me to hell

I honestly don't care where it takes me,

as long as it's away from reality
Nov 2012 · 230
Move Along
Alice Kay Nov 2012
When all you gotta keep is strong
move along, move along like I know you do

you say

but as much as I want..need to,
how can I when I can't even lift my feet
off this office-white pavement?
Nov 2012 · 898
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I guess you really did it this time
Left yourself in your warpath
Lost your balance on a tightrope
Lost your mind tryin' to get it back

Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?
Always a bigger bed to crawl into
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything
And everybody believed in you?

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been.
You're still an innocent,
You're still an innocent.

Did some things you can't speak of
But at night you live it all again
You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
If only you would seen what you know now then

Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?
When everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you
Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep
Before the monsters caught up to you?

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been
You're still an innocent
It's okay, life is a tough crowd
32, and still growin' up now
Who you are is not what you did.
You're still an innocent.

Time turns flames to embers
You'll have new Septembers
Every one of us has messed up too
Lives change like the weather
I hope you remember
Today is never too late to be brand new

It's alright, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been
You're still an innocent.
It's okay, life is a tough crowd
32, and still growin' up now
Who you are is not what you did
You're still an innocent.
You're still an innocent.

Lost your balance on a tightrope.
It's never too late to get it back.
this is by Taylor Swift. I've recently been completely obsessed with the song, and for some reason, I get a lot of poem ideas from it. Hope you check out the song for yourself.
Alice Kay Nov 2012
the winter is cominG...

soon yOur birthday will be here

remember the gift i gave yOu last year?

you probably Don't have it anymore

rememBer how last year when i went away for vacation

we would chat at least twice a daY...

you said so oftEn how much you missed me

i missed home because oF you

and yOu only.....

you said you had a present for when i retuRned

i nEver got it

i guess it wasn't loVe, and these things just fall apart

and as this year rolls around without you herE

i know i'll be missing eveRything i thought we had
Nov 2012 · 907
Judgment: Parental Version
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Ok, so a guy I was talking with used a "bad word"


He was playing around, having fun jumping off a short wall


I laughed because he said something really funny to his friend


I rolled my eyes at your senseless over-reaction


Seriously Mom???
My mom is the kind that think's it's awful if I say "dude, that *****!" cause it's "bad" Just kinda ranting how she was freaking out over a friend of mine that's a good kid...

Sorry Mom, but it's ok to be cool sometimes
Nov 2012 · 641
Straight A's? Yeah right...
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I might not be a straight A student

Sure, I can always get the perfect grades you want me to get.

I understand you're trying to make me do what you didn't
so I have a "better life" or whatever....

But so what?
Maybe I am just like you were
And you turned out fine
You have a good job and a big house

What's one grade going to do to my life?

What if I don't want to go through med school like you want me to?

I honestly don't care what you think,
8th grade isn't gonna **** the rest of my life
If I get one bad grade
...or two
Nov 2012 · 301
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I can hear your tears from here
I know you try to muffle the cries

But I can still hear them
no matter where I am in the world

*Why won't you let me help?
Is it because of pride or her?
Nov 2012 · 665
Run to the hills
Alice Kay Nov 2012
The dark clouds roll in
a silence rings about the plains

a silence that's not at all comfortable

suddenly, terror rips across the sky
lighting up all evil inside all living things
good scatters into the far corners of the distant hills
a chaotic darkness falls upon the earth
Nov 2012 · 218
The end
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Like a snake waiting in the shadows
We both know it's there

How do we get rid of it?

simple answer:

We don't
Nov 2012 · 744
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Why can't we stay like this
just how we are?

If we want more,
it will just fall apart
if you leave
everything will be broken again
And I won't have enough glue to put it back together again
Nov 2012 · 716
Homecoming (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
It's so nice having you home again...must you leave?
Nov 2012 · 589
Footprints in the sand
Alice Kay Nov 2012
The ocean breeze whips my skirt against my legs
Only, at this point, even my favorite place in the world
can't mend what has been broken inside of me.

I walk into the cool waves
they foam about my ankles, wetting the ends of my skirt
I stand there for what seems like eternity
the tides come in, water reaching to my knees.

The sun sets and everything becomes unbearably cold
I can't stand here, listless, forever.
(although I wish I could)
My feet move, taking me to the boardwalk.
Nov 2012 · 299
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Is it better to go on
heart breaking that you aren't here?

Or have a perfect five minute conversation with you
That just leaves me wishing i said more
and heart broken that it'll be a long time
before I see you again?
Just rambling....this isn't poetry i guess.....sorry!
Nov 2012 · 894
Feather on the wind
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I swoop down suddenly
my stomach drops

then I'm blown on

over dry fields
and cracked riverbeds

dust stinging in the wind
Nov 2012 · 278
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I'm falling behind
and I can't keep up.

Everyone else is leaping ahead
while I'm just trying to find my balance.

A breeze knocks me down again
but everyone else embraces it.

what's wrong with me?

maybe it's better i just give up
Nov 2012 · 228
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Tears are words
that the heart can't say
A quote i found online... anonymous
Nov 2012 · 183
Most 10w
Alice Kay Nov 2012
it's these bitter-sweet nights
that i miss you the most
Nov 2012 · 240
Haunted House
Alice Kay Nov 2012
When you jump out

I feel that thrill of being scared

of the hope

that maybe you'll stay this time.
Nov 2012 · 249
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Day and night,
summer and winter.
The years past,
memories fly by.
And yet,
no matter what will come,
I’ll never forget my first and last true home.
To a friend for his birthday
Nov 2012 · 5.1k
Thanks Father-in-law
Alice Kay Nov 2012
For fourteen years you were my father,
and for no better could I ask for.
I hope you can hear my thanks from heaven.
Nov 2012 · 415
At the end of the day...
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Laptop closed

Light turned off

Headphones plugged in

A sweet song plays softly

And as I drift to sleep...

The image your happy face

My eyes close with a smile
Nov 2012 · 185
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I'm tired!

it's been a long day

and another is coming tomorrow

I don't need to deal with you

not tonight

not tomorrow

not *ever
Nov 2012 · 178
Kiss (20w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I don't know who he will be, or what he will look like, just how it will feel...

*(like love)
Nov 2012 · 314
What do you believe in?
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I believe in releasing ballons
Writing a message on them,
letting them drift away... carrying with them, your worries.

I believe in the night.
It conceals your true self,
and takes of your mask... for just a moment

I believe in the blank spaces.
Letting others decide what you think,
laughing at their guesses that are so wrong
Nov 2012 · 159
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I have to get out of here.

I don't know where to

how to do so,

or even why exactly I have to leave.

But I do know that somethings not right here
Nov 2012 · 425
Alice Kay Nov 2012
No matter how well
we think we've guarded
what is most dear to us

a secret will never be hidden

Nov 2012 · 385
Heartbeat (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I fall asleep with my head resting on your chest
Nov 2012 · 661
Alice Kay Nov 2012

A sad song plays softly


Suddenly everything is light and cheerful


I have time to remember the words for later


The cheerful song continues on repeat
If only...
Nov 2012 · 635
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Life is a tightrope
If you have support,
the journey across can be easy.

But one mis-step or slip
and the fall is swift and unforgiving

Until the impact.
Nov 2012 · 327
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I'm tired of it all...

the jealously,
the hurt,
getting back,
the anger..


Why can't we just start over

be friends,

and just be happy you came back?
I just want everything to feel right....and not have to worry about everything I say
Nov 2012 · 542
Lucid Dreaming
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Everything drops from view
And I can see my perfect landscape

I take a step forward,
just to make sure.

And I'm free!
I run around wild,

Jumping high in the air
and rolling down hills.

Then it all starts to fade
and I'm just a spectator.


It's only when you wake up
that you remember all the things you wanted to do
Nov 2012 · 252
Alice Kay Nov 2012
How quickly things can bounce back
to where they belong

Why couldn't this have happened sooner?
to save all the heartbreak and depression?

I'm still glad you're back though, darling.
I'd wait another year if I had to
Nov 2012 · 531
Poetic Coma (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
the words surround
and drown
all other parts of life
Nov 2012 · 429
Outward appearances
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I look like i don't care

that you don't email

but inside I'm dying

of hurt
Nov 2012 · 259
Trapped words
Alice Kay Nov 2012
The only one that would understand

doesn't want to listen
Nov 2012 · 226
Damaged goods
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I could tell you were hurting..

but from what?

You wouldn't let me help..

And that made us fall apart

**** whatever's hurting you
*and come back to me
'cause i need you...........
Nov 2012 · 183
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Sorry for seeming to ignore you...


I just like feeling like I belong

in a fun and daring group
Nov 2012 · 170
Alice Kay Nov 2012
You don't get it...

when I say no one listens

I mean the only person I wish would care

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