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Nov 2012 · 166
No one to turn to
Alice Kay Nov 2012
You won't respond...

my life's a mess

You're the only one I can talk to


But your stupid pride is in the way

of send a simple email

or say any simple word

just to let me know you're there
If you're not here....
Nov 2012 · 338
I walk alone
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I walk on a lonely road .   .   .

the faces and memories pass by

before fading behind me...

I cannot ever stop walking

no matter how tired I am

nor can I        ----------------->         run               --------------->                           ahead  <---------------

                                   ­      (of course)
in time...

and I walk alone.

kinda experimenting....hope you like!
Nov 2012 · 366
Real heartbreak
Alice Kay Nov 2012

what the hell have I been talking about
all this time?

Have I ever thought of the true heartbreak
felt by the loved ones of the soldiers
sent over seas to fight
for spoiled people like me.


ha, yeah right...
I don't know the word

Not when I see little kids
who's dad's are fighting
across a wide and stormy sea.

yeah...look at this picture...this is why i wrote that...

I now have a folder of things to look at when I think life is hard and need a reminder that I have the easy life. This is the first picture.
Nov 2012 · 4.6k
Like stupid sunflowers
Alice Kay Nov 2012
We were like sunflowers

following the sun

Turns out it was only a light bulb
Nov 2012 · 220
Line from song
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Half of my Heart ~ John Mayer
Nov 2012 · 305
My drug
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Stop thinking of feelings.....

i slip away...

music is my drug
Nov 2012 · 534
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Is depression

supposed to

be this

wildly crazy

and painful

and bland

and worth

the loss

of tears?
Nov 2012 · 291
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Nothing i do can reflect my true feelings deep inside
Nov 2012 · 334
Alice Kay Nov 2012
i can't take it anymore!

Nothings worth anything...

the dispair grabbs hold of me

dragging me down


i don't resist
Nov 2012 · 181
Who would miss me? (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Nothing matters anymore...

So should it end?

*Would anyone care?
Nov 2012 · 587
Alice Kay Nov 2012
All fails...

Nov 2012 · 147
Alice Kay Nov 2012
My life is a constant rant

of words that refuse to be heard

of to many thoughts to say in a lifetime...

But the one word that defines my life

will never be heard in it's full meaning
Nov 2012 · 340
A ramble
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I can ramble forever about everything we had,
everything we could have been,
everything we had going for us.
I could write dozens of poem about everything that we lost,
and I have.
I could ramble on forever....
and never have said enough.
It's one of those things you can never describe...
no matter who it is speaking.
But the one thing I must come to face eventually
is that your gone forever...

                                                               ­                                  and there no way to get you back.

                                                      ­                                                                 ­                                      ´ *ever
I would apologize...if I could but look in your eyes
Nov 2012 · 137
Lost song
Alice Kay Nov 2012
My gift is my song and

this one's for you...

It's been almost a year now
since you sung me those words...
full of the emotion they were written in....

How fast they were lost in your memory
Nov 2012 · 248
What ruins
Alice Kay Nov 2012
One slip of tongue can ruin a bond

so close...

that it defied all laws of society
Nov 2012 · 286
A single breath strong
Alice Kay Nov 2012
"I want a relationship"
you said
"Same has always been for me"
I replied.

What has happened since then?
How was it that we fell apart

When just weeks ago you said
"How are we going to make it through college?"

How did that happen?
When we didn't even last a year?

How can a love so strong
a love we both risked for

Have been blown away
with a single breath?
More ranting
Nov 2012 · 491
Alice Kay Nov 2012
It's been over a year now,
but even now
with every word comes a memory

And I can't forget...

Will I ever even get over you?
Nov 2012 · 230
And always will be (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
reality sets in

and i realize he is still gone
Nov 2012 · 227
My hopes.... (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
shattered, dashed upon the rocks

                                                              ­                                                                 ­   

                                                           ­                                                              on a dark, stormy night
Nov 2012 · 250
Moon Lit (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Together we will stay,
'til the moon lit stars set
Nov 2012 · 256
Bitter sweet..... (10w)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
The many happy memories are the cause of my tears
Nov 2012 · 196
your childhood dreams
Alice Kay Nov 2012
They are as much mine as yours,
but you are the house of those dreams...

keep them safe,
and maybe one day we can live them
Nov 2012 · 425
Hold on
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Don't stop your dreaming

I don't ever want those boyhood dreams

to be lost in the wind...
Nov 2012 · 192
Song lyric
Alice Kay Nov 2012
its you i like, the way you are right now, the way down deep inside you, not the things that hide you
A friend recently sent this line from a song to me, I just like it so much for some reason, that I decided to share it :)
Nov 2012 · 480
Last star seen of its kind
Alice Kay Nov 2012
That split second of eye contact

was like seeing a shooting star for the first time.
Nov 2012 · 474
False hope
Alice Kay Nov 2012
My messages are pending...

is it crazy that i check every few minutes
just to see if you have been on?

maybe things never really ended between us...
maybe you think of me as often as i think of you...

but that's just a stupid wish
Just kinda ranting i guess
Nov 2012 · 490
Well wishing, darlin'
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Darlin' be calm,
everything will be alright.

The moon will rise
the sun will bring light to the world.

You'll find love someday,
and I hope it's everything you didn't find in me.
Oct 2012 · 240
Alice Kay Oct 2012
The only thing worse then knowing your doing something to hurt someone
is doing something that hurts someone you love...
*and you don't even realize it.
Oct 2012 · 286
And don't forget me
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Please don't lose me in the crowd

* so many have before you...
Oct 2012 · 159
Alice Kay Oct 2012
And so I step off of the edge...
and fall...
You can kinda see this two ways; the end of it all, or the beginning of something brand new.
Oct 2012 · 353
Fatality of the heart
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Calm before the storm?
It was a wild rush....
... love?

Then hitting a brick wall
at one hundred miles an hour

The weren't even a storm...
Just a fatal crash
Oct 2012 · 237
Hurricane of break
Alice Kay Oct 2012
When you ended everything we had going for us,
I was caught in a hurricane.

Now that the storm has past,
All I can do is fix the damage and try to move on.
Alice Kay Oct 2012
I don't want to fall in love
just to say goodbye
Oct 2012 · 260
Eye of the storm
Alice Kay Oct 2012
The wind howls around us
branches flying by
the rain stinging.

But we are safe in each other's arms
We are the eye of the storm.
Oct 2012 · 197
You are.... (10 w)
Alice Kay Oct 2012
.                                                                                      (your name comes up in every conversation) biggest regret
Oct 2012 · 391
Everyone says
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Everyone says they want to forget
I never want to forget what we had...
I just won't let the regret and longing dominate my life.
Oct 2012 · 302
A forced friendship...
Alice Kay Oct 2012
your from a different country
i'm from a different school

i've been here for four years now
This is your fourth time moving

i guess we kinda got forced together...
there was no one else to turn to

and i guess no matter how long we will be friends
the best we'll ever be is there for each other
Oct 2012 · 212
Words cried out
Alice Kay Oct 2012
The music I'm blasting hurts my ears

but its better then the words being cried out in the outside world
Oct 2012 · 224
October ( 10 w )
Alice Kay Oct 2012's the kind of color memories are made of.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
hiding under an Umbrella
Alice Kay Oct 2012
I'm a life hiding under an umbrella,
instead of welcoming the rain
and letting it wash away all my worries...
Oct 2012 · 236
Come home... (10w)
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Ever since you left home....its never been the same
My best friend recently moved to the other side of the yeah....this is to Rachel
Oct 2012 · 243
Alice Kay Oct 2012
with every casual goodbye...

                                                                                                                        ...I wonder if it's the last
Oct 2012 · 346
Chill (10w)
Alice Kay Oct 2012
It's time to sit back and let life

*~fly by~
Any title ideas?
Oct 2012 · 324
Poetic relief
Alice Kay Oct 2012
"Let me take your burden for you"*

I lift my trusting eyes to the one who has always helped me

The plea is answered, and the weight is lifted.

Each day, the thoughts and feelings pile up,

the pain, the joy....everything.

Now it is released and I can let go..

to start anew

*"Thank you, Poetry, for always helping to carry my heavy loads."
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Such a tiny speck...
in the middle of no where                                                            ­                                             literally

Suddenly, from no where,
it explodes!
***** of fire,
flames of passion                                                          ­                                                            Erupt­

My! What a sight to see!

But no one is there to see it

This started the universe

yet it remains...                                                       ­                                                             
                                                                ­                                                                 ­               Unseen
                                           ­                                                                 ­                               unproven.

                                             ­                                                                 ­                  Lost...
Random rant...hope you like it!
Oct 2012 · 3.2k
Alice Kay Oct 2012
It's like going through all your life, thinking what your doing is right...

when you should've been going left
Oct 2012 · 3.6k
that shooting star
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Make a wish on a shooting star.*

I can only see the northern star
and the big dipper.

Stars are hidden by artificial lights
in the city.

One day I'll run away,
and find my shooting star.
Oct 2012 · 236
For time (10 w)
Alice Kay Oct 2012
a small dent in time
that's all i really am
Oct 2012 · 225
Turn to the wind
Alice Kay Oct 2012
When no one is left
who do you turn to?
When no one will listen
who do you tell?

The wind is my friend
He will gather the words I am trying to share
and understand them
will spread my thoughts to the trees

They whisper back to me
tell what they think
ask for more

So I give the wind
that I've been wanting to tell
to share with the trees
Because they will listen.
And understand.
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