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Jan 2013 · 388
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Everything I thought I felt
All the fun we had
It all went down
down the
idk :P just playing around
Jan 2013 · 299
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You can't just let it be can you?
Just when we are letting go,
you have to leave one more
everlasting blow.
Jan 2013 · 262
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Maybe this year will be better.
Vacant of heartbreak and disappointments

Maybe this year the smiles will reach my eyes
and the laughs actually real
Jan 2013 · 475
a new year begins
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Distant fireworks glitter across the sky
reflecting on the glassy lake
they sizzle away as neighbors call to each other
sending well-wishes for the new year.
This is kinda what my new year's was like :)

Happy 2013!!!!!!
Dec 2012 · 448
Florida night
Alice Kay Dec 2012
The moon shines through
the whispering palm leaves
as the stars above glitter
Dec 2012 · 251
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I feel like some over attached girlfriend...
I hope I don't seem that way,
but if we aren't even going to be distant friends,
then I want things to be left on a positive note.
Dec 2012 · 205
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Everyone knows you...
even my extended family.

Letting you go and not thinking of you
all the time is impossible

because everyday they remind me...
My family likes cool names... your name was, and everyone in my extended family knows you as the Pokemon....I'm teased about ou everyday...but what am I gonna say? that things didn't work out? nah, I have to have some part of my life private.
Dec 2012 · 214
Alice Kay Dec 2012
As I drift under the surface,

the blue waters cloud my vision

I close my eyes and try to let go.

But your image is always here.
Dec 2012 · 1.8k
Full moon
Alice Kay Dec 2012
The moon is full and bright.

For some reason, I can't keep my eyes off of it.

I guess I'm just hoping that where ever you are,

you're looking at it and thinking of me to.
Dec 2012 · 180
moon 10w
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Even as the sun is setting

the moon is rising
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Everyone has taken their pictures of the sun set,
the sun is gone, and its not what people like on postcards
and to show off the friends anymore.

But as the tourists leave the beach in one big crowd,
they fail to notice the moon rising
large and bright behind them
idk...i thought the moon was really pretty, but everyone just left cause there was "nothing left to see"
Dec 2012 · 284
Alice Kay Dec 2012
You know what.....
Ima stop crawling on my knees
just to talk to you.

If I'm worth it to you,
you'll come find me.
And if that's the case...

You better hope I didn't forget you.
idk.....rebelling a bit?
Dec 2012 · 272
Alice Kay Dec 2012
your profile picture is a heart,
same with your status.

you act
as if you have one.
Dec 2012 · 357
Young and wild and free
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Roll down all the windows
and blast the music

Let your hair loose
and go full speed on a freeway

We're young and wild and free babe,
In a sunshine state with no parents around
idk....just had a fun road trip with my brothers, and we just blasted the music and just went down a freeway with the windows down and I felt free for once......
Dec 2012 · 844
Family car ride...
Alice Kay Dec 2012
My brother and father are talking the the front of the car.
About some cool twist in mystery my brother learned about in school,
or maybe about a latest buisness plan.
My youngest brother is sleeping next to me in the very back of the car.
My middle brother is listening to music,
like he always does as he falls asleep.
My sister is sleeping as well.
She can't read, because she always gets car sick.
And I'm sitting awake in the back seat,
as I always am on this long trip.
Staring out the window...
just thinking about everything going on in my life,
trying to find anything in it to grasp...
trying to fight back the threatening tears.
This is how it always is at 1 in the morning on this never ending trip.
We are all in this small space for a long time.
But no one will ever know me like they think they do.
Even if they asked...(which they never will) why would I tell?
I'll just be told I'm being silly,
and then a lecture will start on how they grew up,
and how that's how I should as well...

Not that i'll ever listen.
Dec 2012 · 2.8k
Role models
Alice Kay Dec 2012
There are four other "role models" in this car.
Other kids that have set the standard for how I will be
even before I was born.
But no one ever thinks that that's not who
I want to be.
Dec 2012 · 1.8k
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I've told you how I've always wanted to watch a sunrise.
From the very beginning,
when the night sky is a dark navy,
instead of black at one corner of the horizon.
I've also told you how I've always been to scared to be out in the dark alone.
Well, I finally got my chance to watch my sunrise.
I wish you could have been there to see it.
It was everything I've told you it would be.
I just forgot the mention how lonely it would be without you.
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I can't sleep.
'Cause I know if I do...
I'll wake up crying
and I'll never be able to explain.
Dec 2012 · 223
Missing you
Alice Kay Dec 2012
This time last year
I wanted to cry because I would have to leave you..
the only constant in my life.

But this year,
I want to cry because there's no one to miss.
Dec 2012 · 452
Alice Kay Dec 2012
You offer a weak smile, a half-hearted laugh, and they're happy.

They never think of why your eyes don't shine, or you're smile broad.

They just want to reasurre themselves that everything is perfect.
Dec 2012 · 525
Alice Kay Dec 2012
People always tell me
that I'm always so alive...

*But are ghosts really alive?
Dec 2012 · 146
Alice Kay Dec 2012
All that's left now is waiting...

and hoping it was worth it
Dec 2012 · 216
I will NOT cry!
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I won't cry!

I won't.

I won't...

I tell myself that over and over

as the tears continue to fall
Dec 2012 · 428
Alice Kay Dec 2012
That happiness is up there

on top of the world,

an easy trip,

there are elevators and stairs

But I'm afraid of heights
Dec 2012 · 374
Brighter than the sun
Alice Kay Dec 2012
A bright light is blinding.

I guess you were to bright for me to handle.

And now I'm blind to everything but you.
Every time you blink after staring at a bright light, it's still there, and stays that way for a few moments. But how long does it last if the light is brighter then the sun? It blinds you forever.
Dec 2012 · 214
Iced Heart
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I tilted back my head

and let the rain roll over my face

as it chilled me to the heart.

And when I fell to my knees,

and remembered how easily ice breaks...

*It was to late.
Dec 2012 · 442
Alice Kay Dec 2012
If there is a cure out there

to prevent tears from falling,



tell me it to save my heart from breaking.
Dec 2012 · 584
Alice Kay Dec 2012
If you can take away all my love, what do I need you for?
You can take away all these words, there's no meaning anymore.
You can take away everything leave me lying on the floor,
all those sorrys, we can't go back to the start.
You can't fix me, I'm torn apart.

I wanna run away from love, this time I have had enough.
Everytime I feel your touch, I'm broken.
Shattered all the pieces of parts.
Never thought I'd fall so hard.
I'm putting back together my heart, it's broken.

You can take these photographs and watch them fade away.
You can through away all these letters, I don't care about what they say.
All those sorrys, there's a million reasons why you can't mend me, don't even try.


I know it's gonna take some time, to finally realize.
I got nothing left inside, nothing to hide, I'm broken, broken, broken
Leona Lewis ~ Broken

I'm really feeling these lyrics tonight.....idk
Dec 2012 · 249
Alice Kay Dec 2012
These love songs' lyrics

are only missing a name
Dec 2012 · 172
Simple and true
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I could write a novel on what's going on right now,

but it just comes down to this :

*I miss you
Dec 2012 · 274
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Why am I even awake?

There's no one to talk to

nothing to say.

Except stare at the screen

hoping for a reply from you
Dec 2012 · 156
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I would do anything to fix this,
to be on top of the world again
just because you are talking to me.

But my everything...

is just not enough
Dec 2012 · 282
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I laugh along
just because at one point

I would of actually been laughing.
But now it just kills...

because while he's being his old self with you,
he won't even talk to me.
Dec 2012 · 788
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Internet used to be really fast.

Messages to each other were sent and received right away.

But slowly, four bars turned to 3, then 2.

Every word lagged a little,

and every response started to come late.

Now theres just one bar.

And there's hardly any connection

for any length of time...

soon there will be none
Dec 2012 · 343
6:30 A.M. (10w)
Alice Kay Dec 2012
The alarm clock sounds.

Another day

of avoiding people

Alice Kay Dec 2012
So sorry...

so sorry...

This must be my fault

I'll do anything to fix this.

I'm so sorry...

I'm so sorry...
Dec 2012 · 222
Written in the sand
Alice Kay Dec 2012
You wrote your promise in the sand.

But i forgot

that winds will blow

that feet will walk wherever they choose

and that the tide always comes in

and washes it all away.
Dec 2012 · 438
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Every girl wants to be the one
that a guy falls head over heels over.

I used to have that honor to say
that I was that girl to someone.

But it turns out I was wrong.
Why is it so easy for people to lie?
Dec 2012 · 413
Alice Kay Dec 2012
My favorite oldies songs
that used to bring a smile to my face
because you used to sing them to me

now bring a tear to my eye
because now you're gone...
and there's no way to get you back
Dec 2012 · 239
Alice Kay Dec 2012
It's nights like these-

When tears fall from my eyes
with the water from the shower head

and my mind drifts every few seconds
with thoughts of what we were

-that I realize I've been living in denial
Dec 2012 · 253
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I didn't realize how much I loved air,

how much a desperately needed it

...until I was drowning.
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
To: Ana Marquez-Greene
Alice Kay Dec 2012

My name is Alice,

and I just wanted you to know,

that you are in my thoughts today,

and everything I do is in your name.

I hope I do your name honor.
Today I "adopted" Ana Marquez-Greene, it's something most of my grade is doing. We receive that name of one of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, and promise to do the right thing in his/her name.
Dec 2012 · 456
Alice Kay Dec 2012
If you stuff to much of anything
into anything

the pressure builds
until it explodes.

You will soon find...
I can only retain so much information.

But by then,
it will be to late.

And I will be gone
Dec 2012 · 321
Insane asylum
Alice Kay Dec 2012
The blinding lights
form spots when I blink.

They're always with me.

I need to break out from these white-washed walls
and polished floors.

Let me feel grass under my feet,
and the heat of the sun.

See the soft light of the evening
and the slow-rushing waters.

But no...
They will never let me out of this straight jacket.
How did Houdini get out of it?
Dec 2012 · 808
Alice Kay Dec 2012
All winter I've been wondering
where all the snow went.

But today I realized

that the heat from our fights
melted it all.

Now I wake to a drenching rain
instead of a magical snowy landscape.
Last bit doesn't really fit...
Alice Kay Dec 2012
"Losing" you
gave me the chance to see
what's really important in life.
Dec 2012 · 425
Wake up call, idiots
Alice Kay Dec 2012
How easily people stop to care
it really sickens me.

Did they even truly care in the first place?

A tradgidy they call it.

But what are they doing to help?


they just keep talking about,
looking back at pictures from years ago,
how much they've changed.

Do they not remember
that just five days ago,
20 innocents never got that chance?

Do they not even think
of what those families have to face
when Christmas comes by
and the pre-bought gifts are left un-wrapped?

Or what about the many kids going to school
and they don't have a teacher
because she was murdered trying to save them?

How can you ever forget anything like that?
I sent pictures of the 20 innocents to a group chat, and a bunch of people just ignored any comments about them and started talking about pictures and other stupid things. Wake up call: NO ONE CARES WHEN THEIR CHILDREN ARE KILLED WHEN THEY ARE SEVEN, in fact THEY NEVER DO AND NEVER WILL!!!

sorry about that....but I'm just really mad right now.
Dec 2012 · 686
The Moment I Knew
Alice Kay Dec 2012
You should've been there,
Should've burst through the door,
With that 'baby I'm right here' smile,
And it would've felt like,
A million little shining stars had just aligned,
And I would've been so happy.

Christmas lights glisten,
I've got my eye on the door,
Just waiting for you to walk in,
But the time is ticking,
People ask me how I've been
As I comb back through my memory,
How you said you'd be here,
You said you'd be here.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
As I'm looking around the room,
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

And the hours pass by,
Now I just wanna be alone,
But your close friends always seem to know
When there's something really wrong,
So they follow me down the hall,
And there in the bathroom,
I try not to fall apart,
And the sinking feeling starts,
As I say hopelessly,
"He said he'd be here."

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
And asking me about you,
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

What do you say
When tears are streaming down your face
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do when the one
Who means the most to you
Is the one who didn't show?

You should've been here.
And I would've been so happy.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all standing around me singing
"Happy birthday to you",
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

Ooh, I knew.

You call me later,
And say, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it,"
And I say, "I'm sorry too,"
And that was the moment I knew.
Yet another song by Taylor Swift. this is my new favorite song :)
Dec 2012 · 224
No life
Alice Kay Dec 2012
sleep has been tugging at me

for hours now.

But i'll just chug another coffee

and continue staring at my blank screen
Dec 2012 · 227
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Remember that one book?

It's one of the reasons we starting talking in the first place.

No one knows this,

but right after our first real fight,

I drew how a felt,

and wrote a little something in the back.

Then concealed it in a random page of the book.

You'll never find that piece of my soul

unless you know which book it is.

I need that piece of me back...

but I'll never get it until you check it out

and bring it back to me.
Semi-true story. If anyone knows which book I'm talking about...try to find the missing puzzle piece!
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