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Jan 2013 · 500
The train
Alice Kay Jan 2013
The many people push off the train.
I must stay on, but everyone is leaving.
And pushing me along with them.
Their dull faces not caring that staying,
not going with the flow of people,
is everything to me.

As I'm about to be pushed out,
I fight back, looking back into the train.
There is a couple standing there,
they somehow escaped the flow.
Holding hands, smiling brightly.
Moving in closer.
"NO!!" I shout as the people block my sight
and I'm carried out.

No....that was my everything.
That should have been me.

I should have been her.
I should have been holding his hand.
I should have been happy.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You always imagine something to happen a certain way.

But for some reason,

it seems the other person always has a different imagination.
idk........random thought of the day.
Jan 2013 · 199
Alice Kay Jan 2013
It's a constant struggle

to find true happiness in my life

without you.
Please come back......
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I don't know why I keep coming back.

You never cared and never will.
Jan 2013 · 293
Stay away
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I'll do anything to stay at school.

Run my **** off,
swim 'til I'm numb,
help save the earth (like I give a ****)
or learn about stuff I'll never need to know.

Any thing is better then what awaits me at home.
Not completely based on reality...for me.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
“You need to read with brighter light! You’re going to have glasses by the time you’re 20! Is that what you want?”
Sorry, but I don’t care.

“Stop playing music so loud, you’re going to need hearing aids when you’re older!”
Do I care? Won’t almost everyone need hearing aids at a certain age?

“Don’t dance or sing in a store! Everyone will think you’re crazy!”
So? It’s not like anyone knows me or I care.

Didn’t you have fun when you were younger?
Didn’t you test the limits at all?

I live in the moment, and that’s how I will for the rest of my life.

Don’t you know?
Thinking about the future ruins the present.
Jan 2013 · 216
To much
Alice Kay Jan 2013
One can only study so much
Practice for so long
Stay locked up for a period for time.

Complain about being stuck inside?
There are only so many miles one can run,
So many pounds someone can lift,
So much weight one can lose.

Don’t **** me when I’m young,
I don’t care if that’s what your parents did to you,
I’m not letting it happen to me.
Jan 2013 · 531
Sword fight
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Swords pressed to the point of breaking,
you feel like you are breathing to hard,
but you aren't breathing at all.

This fight will never continue or end
unless someone gives up or in.

And this time, I promise it won't be me.
Jan 2013 · 297
Too far...
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You know when you're missing someone that's far away?
Well, with you, it's that same kind of thing...

Only you're tantalizingly close.
"And it feels like I am just too close ... there's nothing I can really say" Too Close ~ Alex Clare
Jan 2013 · 286
That feeling
Alice Kay Jan 2013
At one point,
tears aren't worth it anymore.

And you're left with that feeling,
that you're missing something.
ahhhhhh, this sounds so pitiful.....but I kinda miss you right now....
Jan 2013 · 503
Alice Kay Jan 2013
When most people step into calm waters,
the only effects are a few small ripples.

But you never just step into calm waters.
You cannon ball and send waves crashing.
Jan 2013 · 294
Missing someone....
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Tonight I'm missing nothing...

but my life, my best friend
Idk if you even read any of my stuff anymore.....but if you are......I'll wait until I die for any words from you.......
Jan 2013 · 661
Two mannequins in a window.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
We stand facing each other.
each knowing the other is fake.

the only thing that we can do together
is hiding that knowing from the outside world

We will just keep staring at each other
on display in the big front window.
Until the shop closes
Alice Kay Jan 2013
The wind is howling outside, they say.

I wouldn't know,

it's not cold in here with you,

and I couldn't hear the wind,

not with this perfect music playing.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I don't know why I can't stop smiling,
everything has been going wrong lately.

But maybe its just because
you've come into my life
:) I'm actually happy 'cause I just watched Singin' in the Rain [thus the title], and it's so happy :) oh well!
Jan 2013 · 526
One night
Alice Kay Jan 2013
"Be good for your mommy, ok?"

The girl tried to control herself,
she didn't know what was going on,
but it was something bad...
why was Daddy saying goodbye?
Why is Mommy crying so much?
Everyone was scaring her so much.

She nodded her head,
and hugged Dad.
Mommy was at the other side of the bed,
holding onto Dad's hand.

"Mommy? What's wrong with Dad?"
"Honey...Dad is saying...goodbye"
she choked to get the words out.
"I'm sorry Sweetie...but we'll be alright"

Suddenly, Dad started gasping,
and she couldn't breath for fear.
What was going on?

A small noise came from his mouth,
and she thought she could hear the words
"I love you"
and then Daddy was still.

"Daddy!!! Wake up!!! What's wrong???"
she started screaming,
everyone was crying,
no one was telling her what was happening.

She never felt so alone.

Now she's 16,
and she doesn't remember
what it was like to be swung in circles
in his strong arms,
and knowing he had the answer to everything.
She can't remember making tents in the living room to sleep in,
or Mom laughing out loud.

She can only remember the one night
when everything she knew went away.
Jan 2013 · 253
Run along, Boy.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Shut up and move along, boy.

'cause you've just been replaced.
}:)  Idk...I felt like showing a bit of attitude. I promise I'm not really like this in real life.
Jan 2013 · 335
Night skies
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Stars collide
creating a brillant light show
in the skies
Jan 2013 · 10.8k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Oh **** it!
I ate a whole slice of cake,
how could I?

I'll never get to 90 lbs. this way...
When my parents go to bed,
it'll be another trip to the bathroom
to get rid of those ugly calories.

I'm never hungry anymore,
and I only eat one meal a day
(of course, only half...only fat people eat full meals)

I can already see all of my ribs,
I that's good right?
all the models look like that.

Maybe now I can fit in with the real crowd,
and I'll get a good guy.
All I have to do is get my stomach a little more flat,
lose those 3 more pounds.

Then I'll be perfect.
Jan 2013 · 642
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Baby, stop drowning me.
I need air,
let me be on my own for once.

I need to swim to land,
I need to feel the solid ground beneath my feet.
stop dragging me under the surface.

Baby, please stop drowning me.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and father
Then my world was shattered
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here

Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never would
Dreaming of you won't help me to do
All that you dreamed I could
Passing bells and sculpted angels
Cold and monumental seem, for you the wrong companions
You were warm and gentle

Too many years fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die?
Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say, "Goodbye"
Try to forgive, teach me to live
Give me the strength to try
No more memories, no more silent tears
No more gazing across the wasted years
Help me say, "Goodbye"
Help me say, "Goodbye"
This is from the Phantom of the Opera, it's my favorite song from the movie :)
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
False Hope
Alice Kay Jan 2013
No.....I can't even dare to hope.

Because it will always end in disappointment

and tears.'s probably just an illusion he doesn't hate me anymore....
Jan 2013 · 215
Alice Kay Jan 2013
p  h
o       e
t             t
s                e
t                     a
n                   r
o             s

idk :P just bored in math class....
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I need to force these words
these stories into people's minds.
They need to stop running,
bad things do happen.
What are you going to do??
Ignore them????

I could talk to someone for hours
but they still wouldn't understand
a word I have to say.
Everyone hears
but far to few ever listen.

It makes me want to cry,
how easily people forget
how easily people can ignore
deaths before their eyes.
Jan 2013 · 501
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Let him hold you close
and run his fingers over the scars
that he caused.
Maybe then you will stop.
Maybe then he will understand.
Jan 2013 · 298
Alice Kay Jan 2013
All these characters lose their different shapes and meanings.

Is there really any point in this?
Chinese class explains itself
Jan 2013 · 285
Stupid songs...
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I don't need some perfect, rich, famous singer to tell me
that you don't have to be perfect,

Cause they have it all, so what does their word mean?
Jan 2013 · 536
New Ideas, New Path
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Is it so wrong that I agree with someone else?
And if I ever try to voice my opinion,
you will come up with all these things wrong with it.

"Stay" you would stay.
But I still don't understand.

Why would everyone would be so disappointed
if I followed a different path?
Confirmation is coming up, and I don't completely agree with everything in my branch of christianity......I would like to explore the other branches to see if there is one that fits with how I think things should be, but my mom wants me to stay how the whole family is...and I would be the odd one out. Yes, I do love Jesus, and I think that all the branches are family (of course) but I just things should be done differently then they are in my branch.
Jan 2013 · 413
To sleep with a :)
Alice Kay Jan 2013
for giving the greatest gift
of going to sleep with a smile.
Jan 2013 · 356
Darn habits.......
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Out of habit I sign into my email
just to click on an empty inbox.
I forgot you hate me now....
Jan 2013 · 209
Alice Kay Jan 2013
It can get so tiring
fighting against air
when you are continuously falling.
Jan 2013 · 536
The perfect day
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Crossed legged in pajamas
on top of a thick pillow of blankets

Ear buds plugged in.
Favorite music plays.

A journal in lap
a pen in hand.
:) 'tis the life
Jan 2013 · 437
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Stars shining bright in the sky

blur together

as tears start to form
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
No talent
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Not long ago,
I thought maybe I could do something special in life
even if in a very small way.

But I forgot I'm not good at anything.
Jan 2013 · 483
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I always end up in a state of self loathing,

but maybe it's worth it for those few minutes

of feeling like I could do anything I wished
only as long as you were at my side....

but now you're not....and never will be again
Jan 2013 · 524
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I always end up in a state of self loathing,

but maybe it's worth it for those few minutes

of feeling like I could do anything I wished
only as long as you were at my side....

but now you're not....and never will be again
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Although I don't regret my decision,
I'll always miss you,
and wish that you gave me a second chance.
Jan 2013 · 877
Alice Kay Jan 2013
"if you'd just pretended to understand that one time"

sorry, but I don't pretend....
no matter what it costs,
and if I have to pretend for us,
none of it matters.
Jan 2013 · 541
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I'll forgive him a hundred times over (but no more then that)
just because he was so lost and confused...

but you.........

Jan 2013 · 186
To much white noise
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Now the only thing I hear from you

is *silence
Jan 2013 · 538
The mind
Alice Kay Jan 2013
The mind is a never ending maze,
at each turn is an infinite different new paths                                                            ­                a decision
sometimes you are walking on cool, green grass                                            warm feelings, often love
other times, on blazing hot coals                                                            ­                                            anger
maybe a long passageway must be crossed on a tightrope                                          overcoming fear
or your feet on solid stone                                                            ­                                         security, trust

Eventually, the maze will dissolve,
and there will be no more passageways to walk
or turns to make                                                             ­                                                                 ­        *death
Jan 2013 · 235
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I just hope
that I won't stop
wishing you were here
As friends move, over time, I get used to them being gone, and sometimes forget about them...I'm scared that will happen again
Jan 2013 · 471
Bye, friend
Alice Kay Jan 2013
1 2 3 4

another friend going out the door

5 6 7 8

for my last friend to leave, I only have to wait
Jan 2013 · 228
Your Words
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Your words were always there to help me stay strong
but you just had to leave for your own reasons.

Now your words just tear me down
and I’m left wandering the skies without you
Jan 2013 · 503
Murder on the beach
Alice Kay Jan 2013
when this beach is stained ******,
lit only by stars at midnight,
no one will know in the morning
because the tide is coming in
and will wash it all away.
No, I'm not a psychopath. :P I went fishing with two of my brothers last night on a beach to try to catch a shark (they are out at night), and it was really scary because no one was there, and the boardwalk to get there was surrounded by dense forest/swamp stuff. I get scared easily and I have a fear that a psychopath is going to **** me (yeah...I'm weird) so this was what was going through my mind that a psychopath would be thinking if he/she saw us standing alone on the beach.
Jan 2013 · 318
Alice Kay Jan 2013
With you out of the picture...

I've discovered the thick frame

*has disappeared
Jan 2013 · 295
Alice Kay Jan 2013
As life spirals around
the microscopic form
that is somehow me,

I wonder if all that I've said
has ever been taken seriously*
and if it was ever worth it.
I don't know about the italic and then bold.....just bored I guess
Jan 2013 · 305
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Crunchy leaves lay on the guitar
as the music drifts off in the wind
Jan 2013 · 469
Alice Kay Jan 2013
The city spreads out before you,

large and bright with sound.

In moments like this,

you feel like you own the world,

and the future is full of opportunities
Jan 2013 · 315
Alice Kay Jan 2013
A different name
a different picture.

I get to choose who I want to be.
It's that perfect freedom I don't have

in real life.
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