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Feb 2013 · 267
Alice Kay Feb 2013
What do you do when there's nothing left

and no one will listen to you

no matter what you say

how you say it

or how loud you are.
Feb 2013 · 241
I've had enough
Alice Kay Feb 2013
It's been enough.

nothing will ever be right

I'll make once last climb to the top

this time to the very top

before I fall

and end

it                                                     ­                   

all                                      ­                                                                 ­                              .
Feb 2013 · 405
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Guns, shouting

Crying, jeers

Music, screams

Tripping, laughing

make it stop

make it stop

make it stop

please.....just make it all stop
Make my ears ring from the silence
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Solar System Ninja
Alice Kay Feb 2013

Outta the solar system.

go find another planet to revolve around you

as long as you don't burn me up,

I'm happy
Feb 2013 · 303
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Everyone says he'll finally realize his mistake
in letting me go...someday

*but I know better
Feb 2013 · 241
Everyone says everyone says
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Everyone says you will figure out your purpose in life soon enough.

But that hasn't happened yet.
Feb 2013 · 561
Years of walls
Alice Kay Feb 2013
All those years

of building up impenetrable walls

disappeared with a smile

as the walls crumbled down.
Feb 2013 · 288
Just two....another two....
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Another two hours....

just two more hours left

to try to keep my eyes open

and maybe sleep well knowing everything is done.

another two hours...

another $20......

another 120 minutes that could've be spent in sleep

another 7,200 seconds the could've been spent finishing homework.
Is two hours of of dealing with crying kids worth is for just $20?
Feb 2013 · 438
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Must make money.....

Must do all my school work.....

Must work out and lose enough pounds that I'm not fat anymore...

Must regain all the trust that has been lost....

Must find a way to make everything better again.....


How to prioritize????

You can only put so much into one without completely losing all the others.
my life right now :P Not complaining of anything....but there's no way to choose sometimes!! -_-
Feb 2013 · 656
School rant...
Alice Kay Feb 2013
No matter the grades,
no matter the effort,
no matter the number of "Good job!"s.

Nothing will ever be good enough
for someone else.
Feb 2013 · 519
Redefining trust
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Trust is what you say,
but you don't trust me for stupid reasons.

Be glad I'm not taking drugs
or tearing up the town.

Because if it wasn't because of you,
that's where I'd be.
Haha, just kidding!

But my dad is getting all mad because I like having my laptop in my room to listen to calm music when I go to sleep. I think he thinks I go on bad stuff, which is stupid. I'm reading ro writing poetry! Duh! And then he doesn't believe me even more because I won't tell him my username, because my parents would probably send me to a psychologist if they read them all. ^.^ Little update on my stupid life.
Feb 2013 · 2.6k
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Faces blur,
hellos merge,
every handshake automatic,
every sparkling smile sarcastic.

You start to count the minutes,
the seconds.

Until the clock chimes at 12
and you can run away
in your glass slippers.
Feb 2013 · 409
Not again...
Alice Kay Feb 2013
When did I stop missing you?
When did I stop living in the past,
constantly remembering?

We all need to move on from any death,
but is it bad I almost never think of you anymore?

I feel like there's no emotional attachment.
I don't remember you much anymore,
just the last time I ever saw you                                                                                                *alive
Just really confused how much of letting go is good, and how much is bad, that I hardly even remember him.
Feb 2013 · 567
Talking to the Moon
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I had
You're all I had

At night when the stars
Light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon.
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
The other side
Talking to me too.
Or Am I a fool
Who sits alone
Talking to the moon?


I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
Part of my new favorite song by Bruno Mars...
Jan 2013 · 291
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Nothing is left anymore

every last tear has fallen

every last punch or slap has been landed.

All those cries, shouts of frustration are done echoing.

My ears are left ringing from the sudden sounds of silence.
Jan 2013 · 174
Spring (10w)
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You are my spring
that melts





the cold snow.
Just playing around with structure, format, style, whatever you wish call it :P
Jan 2013 · 4.1k
Short-term memory loss
Alice Kay Jan 2013
It seems you have short-term memory loss.
when it comes to anything we said or did.

You tend to forget that you are the one that never cared,
and that I was the one that tried to save everything.

You tend to forget that I actually thought I loved you,
and you tend to forget that you were the world to me.

And people like me...or should I say, people in general,
don't forget someone or a time like that
as easily and something like you do.
Yeah, this one is about you to. These (I hope) are the last angry words about you I'll post.
Jan 2013 · 402
In your heart
Alice Kay Jan 2013
"If there ever comes a day
when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart,
I'll stay there forever"

*~Winnie the Pooh
Sweet words from the Pooh Bear :)
Jan 2013 · 1.6k
The Pathway
Alice Kay Jan 2013
It's amazing how fast the pathway

went from bursting with life,

to cold and crooked and blue,

to freezing and broken and black as the constant night.
Jan 2013 · 332
Fading 10w
Alice Kay Jan 2013
With each tear drop

another cherished memory of you

Jan 2013 · 320
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Everyday I look on that poster on my wall,
and I'm reminded of you.

Of how you left,
of how you'll never come back.

And with everyday I forget a little more of that smile
from that one day in the park.
Jan 2013 · 209
Alice Kay Jan 2013
"Your absence should be long enough that someone misses you,
but it should never be so long that some learns to live
without you."

I think you've been gone to long...
Jan 2013 · 846
Maybe this time
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Maybe if you really knew how much pain I was in,
and how sorry I am and how true my words really were,
you would give me a second chance
and maybe you would stay this time.
Jan 2013 · 344
Why did you go?
Alice Kay Jan 2013
How can anyone get over
their best friend leaving them forever?

Acting like he doesn't know you in public,
and in private, treat you like he hates you?
I don't know you anymore.....but please, still come back...maybe I won't mess up this time.
Jan 2013 · 227
Maybe this time around
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Maybe this time when the fog rolls by,

you'll leave with it.
Jan 2013 · 330
Childhood memories
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You were like that old, worn out toy that everyone keeps from their childhood.

That thing that you keep in a box in the attic, that just takes up space,
but you don't have the heart to throw away because of all the memories that come with it.
But everyone has to throw it out or give it away at some point.

And now is that time
Jan 2013 · 363
Letting go
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Now I can talk about your favorite band,
without seeing your face,
without thinking back when we used to sing their songs together.
Now I can do what we used to with someone else,
without becoming lost in thought and regret.
Now I can sing to a sad break-up sing,
without wanting to cry because it was just like us.

Now I can smile without you.

Now I can live without you.

Thanks for teaching me that I don't need a **** to live.
:P Teehee!
Jan 2013 · 247
The healing process
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Shruging like it's no big deal,
smiling and truely meaning it,
seeing other options...
better options then you were.

All part of beginning the process of letting go.
Jan 2013 · 509
Alice Kay Jan 2013
It's amazing, really,
how you can brighten my day,
make me laugh,
with just one word.
Or the way you say something,
or the way you look at me
can make a dark day
to bright to be real.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Let's all just sing a happy song
smile wide and get along?








Sorrryyy! But I'm really hyper, and way I'm 14, I feel like I'm 7!!!!!! WEEEEE!!!
Jan 2013 · 413
Strange place
Alice Kay Jan 2013
There is a place I've heard of
many times from many people.
I've heard it's bright and green,
full of life and real smiles.

Of jumping around,
free of scolding parents
and constant demands of normal,
free of the heavy weight of societies expectations.

It's this strange, and wonderful place I've only heard of.
They say it's called "Happiness"
Not depressed or anything, just an idea! XD I'm so hypeeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 2013 · 296
Poem Art!
Alice Kay Jan 2013
.                                 t
                                  h                            ­                                        i
                       ­           e                                                     ­                  s

        ­                                                    o

       ­                                                                 ­         d
                                                               ­                    i
                                                               ­                   r
                                            ­                                         e
                                                               ­                         c
                                      ­                                                     t
                                                               ­                               i
                                ­                                                                 ­  o
                                                               ­                                          n

                         ­          r
                           ­      e

                     ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                 i
                                              ­                                                                 ­                                                         n

   ­                                                                m
                                                               ­     y

                                                                ­                                 i
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                e
weeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Just playing around, randomness! XD
Jan 2013 · 457
Family Mom...
Alice Kay Jan 2013
"This isn't how things are supposed to be"
she said.
"I'm so sorry you have to hear all this"
she said.

If she really means this,
then why doesn't she make the effort necessary to save everything from falling apart?
Why doesn't she stand up so her voice can be heard when she's right?

Why can't she care 100% for once...
not be halfway here in mind.
Like things are supposed to be.
Don't be a hypocrite...
I don't need another in my life.
But please just try to open your eyes
and keep our family together.
Because I can't do it by myself.
Jan 2013 · 185
Alice Kay Jan 2013
There are only so many ways
to write and say the same thing.

So here is one more.
Jan 2013 · 6.3k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You burned a tattoo on my heart
that I used to be proud of wearing.

But people don't lie when they say removing a tattoo
is much more painful then getting the tattoo in the first place.
Jan 2013 · 243
Those nights...
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Everyone promises to move on
to forget.

Everyone also has those nights now and then
when all promises melt away
to uncover past memories and regrets.
Nights like this one.
Jan 2013 · 390
Real definitions
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You said she was patronizing
that was a new vocabulary term.
But it was really you that was guilty.

You called everyone a hypocrite,
even me sometimes...even before you hated me.
I guess that was another vocabulary term that I learned
by example.
Jan 2013 · 216
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I knew you're world shined to bright

but I didn't think it would blind me for life.
Jan 2013 · 226
Alice Kay Jan 2013
When most people move away,
it's to a different town or state.

But you had to move to a different country
and forget how to speak our language.
Jan 2013 · 693
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Those that need to matter,
to be absorbed, they cease to.

Everything that used to matter
now a competition.

Things that need to be well done
with high marks and approving glances
move down to the bottom of the list.

Things that don't matter,
like you,
as suddenly first.

All a competition.
To who will have the final say,
to who will have the final tear.
Idk.....just playing with different ideas.
Jan 2013 · 675
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Not a single mistake surpasses
the lash of the pencil.

One small misstep
and the disapproving frown,
the mark on paper.

Life on paper
recorded in marks
in points out of the best.

Which I'll never be.
OMFG just found out I'm going to have a C (or...maybe two...) this quarter, and my parents hardly let me get a B. Ready to die. Help?
Jan 2013 · 725
Snow Days
Alice Kay Jan 2013
After sleeping in until 11,
I get to act like I'm 10 again.
Play Lego's with my brother
while blasted music we both love.

Rediscovering imagination and old memories.
While new are being made.
idk.....basically how I'm going to spend my snow day. Playing Lego's with my "younger" brother. :P
Jan 2013 · 745
Music coma
Alice Kay Jan 2013
The music won't stop
I can't think.
Why does my head hurt so much?

Cold ground...
It shakes from running footsteps.
Where did everyone go?

Blank, white walls
a beeping heartbeat
a new present.
Jan 2013 · 266
A death
Alice Kay Jan 2013
True meanings cease to exist

                            as you do

Tears disappear into the earth
                            freezing in the ground

As you are
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I want to be strong,
I know I am inside.
But your lack of words are stronger
and keep me coming back
with the hope there's something you want to say.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You won't let me be

with your lack of words.
Jan 2013 · 3.5k
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I wish happy endings

happened in real life
Jan 2013 · 344
Innocence is bliss
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Times of innocence pass,
day spent running around without a fear.
The future non-comprehendible,
not that it even mattered.
It was a time of living in the moment.
Of Mommy can fix any problem
and Daddy can do anything, and knows everything.

A time of complete and utter bliss.

If only I could re-live that time
and remember the exact feeling
of Daddy spinning me around in circles.
Of feeling like the whole world was my playground
and forgetting any bad things in a matter of seconds.
I wish I could stay young forever.
Jan 2013 · 2.5k
Young Forever
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad man

Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

So we livin' life like a video where the sun is always out
And you never get old and the champagne's always cold
And the music's always good
And the pretty girls just happen to stop by in the hood

And they hop their pretty *** up on the hood of that pretty *** car
Without a wrinkle in today 'cause there's no tomorr'
Just a picture perfect day that lasts a whole lifetime
And it never ends 'cause all we have to do is hit rewind

So let's just stay in the moment, smoke some ****, drink some wine
Reminisce, talk some ****, forever young is in your mind
Leave a mark that can't erase neither space nor time
So when the director yells "cut," I'll be fine, I'm forever young

Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

Fear not when, fear not why, fear not much while we're alive
Life is for living, not living uptight, see ya somewhere up in the sky
Fear not die, I'll be alive for a million years
Bye-byes are not for legends, I'm forever young, my name shall survive

Through the darkest blocks, over kitchen stoves, over Pyrex pots
My name shall be passed down to generations
While debating up in barber shops
Young Slung hung here, Shorty, the ***** from here
With a little ambition, just what we can become here

And as the father passed his story down to his son's ears
Younger kid, younger every year, yeah
So if you love me, baby, this is how you let me know
Don't ever let me go, that's how you let me know, baby

Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

Slamming Bentley doors, hopping out of Porsches
Popping up on Forbes lists, gorgeous
Hold up, ****** thought I lost it, they be talking *******
I be talking more ****, they nauseous

Hold up, I'll be here forever you know I'm on my fall ****
And I ain't waiting for closure, I will never forfeit less than four bars
Guru bring the chorus in, did you get the picture yet?
I'm painting you a portrait of young

Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?
Forever young, I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever young?
****...I really don't want to get any older.

Song by Kay-Z and Mr. Hudson
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
For better or worse?
Alice Kay Jan 2013
I don't know what's worse.

You openly insulting me

or ignoring me like I'm not there.
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