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Mar 2013 · 203
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Nice to see you're happy,

'cause I'm not.
It's all your fault.
Mar 2013 · 300
All the boys
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Eventually you learn,

they're all lying
they're all pretending
they all see it as a joke.

They never see, or care, how you really feel.
Mar 2013 · 394
A needed lecture
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Just about now I could use a lecture

Yelling at myself for not moving on,

for not letting go,

for not being happy.
Mar 2013 · 251
Help me find
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Please help me find the smiles,
the happiness,
whatever is left of the joy,
and if there’s any love left,
please show it to me.
I know it's bad!

I might edit it later.
Mar 2013 · 579
Alice Kay Mar 2013
The poor little kid,
he thinks he knows who she is.

Don't get pulled in her trap, kid.

You don't need anymore tears, kid.

You think she's perfect in every way,
but she's not,
not one is.

Don't get pulled in her trap, kid.

You don't need anymore tears, kid.
Mar 2013 · 557
Give up
Alice Kay Mar 2013
At some point you have to give in,

admit you've lost,

and give it up.
Give up,
give in,
stop the fight,
you can't win.

Mar 2013 · 999
Alice Kay Mar 2013
If you keep trusting,

in anything, anyone

you're gonna end up getting hurt.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Why should I continue

to work towards something

that I hardly believe in anymore?
Mar 2013 · 634
Alice Kay Mar 2013
As I turn up the volume,

I turn down all sense of feeling.
Mar 2013 · 257
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Another one joins the family,
to share ideas
and to receive them in return.

To grow in imagination
and writing ability
and not to mention,

to meet some of the best people ever!
Welcome to Hello Poetry Skye!

We have a new member of the family! He's just starting to write poetry, so ideas and comments are welcome!
Mar 2013 · 404
One of the hardest things
Alice Kay Mar 2013
One of the hardest things

is being in the same room as you

and knowing I can't even look at you

without receiving your look of disgust.
Mar 2013 · 713
Alice Kay Mar 2013
When are you two going to stop being kids?

Grow up,

see those looking up at you,

and at least act like you love each other.
Mar 2013 · 513
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Can you please shut up?

I can't stand your silence,

and I need to remember I'm mad at you.
Mar 2013 · 631
Tattoo Heart
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Someday I'll give you a tattoo

it will be right on your chest and will be a heart.

Just so it at least looks like you have one.
Mar 2013 · 346
Part of the Pattern
Alice Kay Mar 2013
With a simple friendly gesture from me,

you fade back into the wallpaper
Stop trying to hide. It doesn't make anything better
Mar 2013 · 486
Your Mistake
Alice Kay Mar 2013
My mom has been trying to get me to go back

to my old phycologist again,

just because I lock my door at night.

Some mistakes are bigger then others...

why did yours have to destroy my life

and leave it for me to fix when I was old enough to understand?
Thanks bro :-/
Mar 2013 · 263
Alice Kay Mar 2013
You know it's completely over

when you've given up even trying
Mar 2013 · 421
Thinking of you
Alice Kay Mar 2013
If I stop working

on pointless projects

I'll start thinking of you.
But I'll keep working

because I don't want to cry.
Mar 2013 · 378
Stop it
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Why can't you just let it go

and stop ruining it for everyone else?
I don't care what went down between us! You can't ruin things for everyone else just because it's awkward for you! We aren't little kids anymore!
Mar 2013 · 321
Alice Kay Mar 2013
My slightest presence
silences you, no matter who else
is trying to talk to you.
Was I really *that* bad???
Feb 2013 · 493
Alice Kay Feb 2013
And thus I continue to distort pristine images.

Just to convince myself that something good must come from this..
I've developed a new, almost obsession, to create cubism images. Not quite sure why, but it's fun.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Alice Kay Feb 2013
"She deserved to know,
we should stop doing that"

And yet, less then 5 minutes after you say its all good,
you continue the very thing that started it all.

That totally makes sense.
Feb 2013 · 325
And again
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Again we run away

Again we try to solve a minor problem

with all this useless drama.
Nuh uh. I was not using your poetry against you. Instead of making a big deal why can't we just talk it out at least?
Feb 2013 · 413
So meaningless...
Alice Kay Feb 2013
All that ends

with just a half-hearted handshake...
Even after all that, I must have been right. You never did care...
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Love at first sight ~ Part 1
Alice Kay Feb 2013
If you have never been to a music festival,
you are missing out on a great life experience.

Beats are pumping through your blood,
and everyone is united from all backgrounds a places
to share a common love of music.

It's an event to let go and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Many people have the happiest looks on their faces,
but one boy caught my attention.

I was one of the first one hundred people to arrive,
and he stood out, he looked nervous and unsure of why he was there.

We both ended up near the stage, and when the music started to play
and the thousands of people started to sing and dance along with all their hearts,
he just...let it all go.

I had never before seen a face of such pure joy,
and I knew that was a person I wanted to be with.
Thus began my wild story of love at first sight.
I may or may not continue this. Maybe I need to meet the guy first :P
Feb 2013 · 319
Alice Kay Feb 2013
You're one of those people

where it doesn't matter if someone cares.
It's just the illusion you need.
Feb 2013 · 11.5k
Love at first sight ~ Intro
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Do you believe in love at first sight?

It's a concept that's often portrayed in movies and stories.

But maybe it's one of those things you have to experience

to truly understand what it is.

Let me tell you a story...
Feb 2013 · 261
On Cloud 9 (10w)
Alice Kay Feb 2013
How is it

that you can always make me laugh?
Feb 2013 · 365
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I think I'm falling in love

with the ghost of you.
Feb 2013 · 304
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Whispers echo around the room,
the voices of crying hearts.

Crying for a change,
hoping for a new beginning,
begging for a chance,
for forgiveness.
For some reason, this confession I went to affected me in some way....I can't describe it.....I was things in a different way.
Feb 2013 · 423
Alice Kay Feb 2013
"Everyone needs something to believe in. Don't they?"

"Yes, I suppose that's true."

Dear priest, I hope you know that what you say
is what people want to believe in.

Feb 2013 · 602
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Flickering lights live in the shadows of the granite walls.

Extending on and on with infinite layers,

each with a story,

each with a tear,

each as a candle was lit with prayers from the soul.

Each with a hope that things will get better,

that things will heal.

That maybe, just maybe, their prayers, hopes, and dreams will be answered.
The smoke curls up into the heavens as it is extinguished to be lit again.
Feb 2013 · 379
Temporary Goodbye
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Everyone needs time to step back and take a look at their life

To try to understand the action of him/herself and those around them.
I'm not going to be posting any poems for a while, I just need a short break to try to sort everything out. :)
Feb 2013 · 4.6k
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Sore arms,
a sweaty mess.

I'll show you I'm not fat.

just wait...
Feb 2013 · 2.9k
Alice Kay Feb 2013
In the middle of the chaos,

a few strummed chords

play happily on
I liked your playing this morning Zeba!!!
Alice Kay Feb 2013
You always had to win

you always had to show how smart you were

even when I was crying to you.
Yeah, you can write about a theme in a book, but you don't understand it.
Feb 2013 · 256
Alice Kay Feb 2013
You made me want to die of heart break

but you were my reason for living.
Ahhhhhh, it's another one of those hangover nights (not literally :P )
Feb 2013 · 249
Alice Kay Feb 2013
How can you read the last thing I sent to you

and think I don't care?
Feb 2013 · 405
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I need a shoulder to cry on

but I forgot no one cared but you

and now you're gone.
Ahhhhh, I'm in such a depressed mood tonight....I can't make this a habit.....

Me: if u could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Him: have no life exist on earth
Him: bye, i must be going now

Isn't this the happiest last actual conversation to have with someone you loved?
Alice Kay Feb 2013
It’s one of those nights
when I can only describe
how I feel about you
with a tear.
Feb 2013 · 346
Darn it.
Alice Kay Feb 2013
We are at a stand still

neither of us want to put down our masks

but maybe that's just my imagination.
Feb 2013 · 258
Alice Kay Feb 2013
When so many battles are fought

and energy dies with each blow

both given and received

you begin to wonder

if this war is even worth fighting.
Feb 2013 · 540
With a push and a shove
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Some people say they fell for someone,
either they jumped and fell,
or didn't see the end of the cliff.

For me it was a bit different.
I saw the edge of the cliff,
and I tried to stay away from it.

Then you somehow wandered by
and pulled me to the edge hypnotizing me.
and then right before we fell off, I tried to back away,

but you gave me a big push,
and down I went only regretting letting you lead me
once I hit the ground.
Feb 2013 · 360
The truth
Alice Kay Feb 2013
For me this is just another normal day

for some girls, it's a day where he proves his love to her

gives her a little extra something like pointless chocolates.

Stupid girls... he's just doing that because he has to.
Feb 2013 · 428
And the music plays on
Alice Kay Feb 2013
He sits there,
joyful music in his ears,
a frown on his face.
Feb 2013 · 212
Everyone... 10w
Alice Kay Feb 2013
The only things that you ever see are


Feb 2013 · 188
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I will not fall   I will not fall  I will not fall I will -not-





for                                                                                                                                      **you
Feb 2013 · 595
Clouds of Grey
Alice Kay Feb 2013
The clouds passing over head
form fifty shades of grey

The lightest shedding a bit of light on the dying grass
for only a moment before the almost-black erase the memory.

And so they march on
the never ending army of clouds
As the grass fades away into the dirt
Alice Kay Feb 2013
It's amazing how two people

at one time can appear perfect for each other

even when they aren't

and then the inevitable comes

gradual distancing via work and some other lame excuse

and then it's just not there...

and even if they still love each other,

it's to different

and they go their own ways.

Leaving two children behind.
Feb 2013 · 560
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Even if I need help                                                             ­                               I do

I would never tell anyone                                                           ­                    definitely not my family

Because then I'd be treated differently                                                      ­    with pity "oh, I'm sorry!       .                                                          ­                                                             I didn't even realize!

And I definitely wouldn't have a life then                                                      *like I ever did
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