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 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
I tire
Of the perfect:
Of the flawless,
The azure,
The quiet,
The pastoral.
I tire of sunsets
And of flowers
I tire of perfect skin
And perfect lungs
I tire of politeness
And I tire of patience.

I am bored
by golden sunrays,
Reflected brightly
from golden hair
Trailing behind a sundress
Weaving, careless,
through golden wheat.
I no longer want to be her.

I tire of fluffy pillows
And warm blankets.
I am bored of hot tea
And of books about things
That are not real,
Only beautiful figments of the mind,
Only as real as the pages, the cover,
Only as real as we can pretend them to be -
And I am bored of pretending.

I am bored with cities
And with mountains
And with fields
And rivers
And the ocean.
I grow impatient with the trees
And the clouds
And the birds.

I am bored by the beautiful.
Because beautiful is beautiful, so,
But it is only beautiful.
And Beauty, though held fast,
Esteemed above all other qualities
Sought tirelessly
Worshipped and envied
Revered, praised
Beauty is only beauty.
It is not deserved.
It is not earned.
It cannot speak, it cannot give
It cannot love.
Beauty is nothing.
Beauty is boring.
I am bored by beauty.
I do not seek what is beautiful.
I will never be beautiful.
But that is a very small thing
To never be.
I can be far, far more
Than beautiful.

I can be real.
You are real.
And I am real.
And us, we
We are real.
What we are
What we have
Is real.
I am not yet tired
Of you.

And I will never be tired
of us.
It’s like crying in the rain
Being drowned out by the rest of the world’s woes.
A voice yearning to be heard
But can’t utter a single word . . . it’s too young.
Too young for a world so old.
Facing the brunt beginning of our future
We’re just the runts of the pack.
Aware of the all the deluded foolishness
Amidst this crazy circus
Trying to put a stop to the ruthlessness
And erase the selfishness
We only have a “futile” esophagus.

Old beliefs, but new fashion
Knowledge is dangerous to those who have it,
And all the youth who have it
Are shunned . . . because youthful thoughts are unformed views.
“Useful” thoughts come from a view
That is so high up and extremely corrupt
It makes the change seem distant.
And discouragement from the encouragement
Is the exact thing that’s sought.
Take a stand and make all the old beliefs rot
It’s time for the new fashion:
A youthful mind and fruitful esophagus.
Youthful minds are intelligent but shut out by the "mature" ones. Discouraged, they don't speak up for what they believe in. We are a huge part of the country but such a little part of everything that is happening. We need to make our voices heard because our future is being planned by those who didn't grow up in OUR present.
I remember in your car
When you told me the sound that
Airplanes make is
I knew there was poetry
In you.

These months,
They’ve felt like years.
And these days,
Well, I wish they wouldn’t
Go by so fast.

Some people,
They train their hearts to
Love one another.

We only train our
Hearts to love harder,
And to not break each time
We say goodbye.

Some people,
They talk about love like
It is all romance,
It is all sympathy and roses.

But us, we don’t talk
About love,
Because we know we have it.

And you tell me beautiful things like
The mountains are jealous of me.
The night sky is jealous of me,
But Love,
I’ll bet you
The universe, in its beautiful and ugly
Is jealous of us,
Because between each smile,
We hold more than the universe could
Ever hope to hold in its
Outstretched arms.

With you,
I never need to think about the things I have
Because in front of me is the everything I have
If I were the rain,
Then you are the clouds
The source of my pain
It’s all coming down.

Like a water balloon
I pop and cascade.
Built up over time
The pressure gives way.

From the scornful words
To deceitful lies
I burdened it all
Because I was blind.

Dazzled by feelings
That I thought were real
I let you dictate
The way I would feel.

After a while,
What used to be blue,
Turned to a thick gray;
My feelings for you.

I wish I could say
The day is still bright
But the forecast says,
“This is what is right.”

You had your last chance
To show what you’re worth.
With that chance you showed
You’re no more than dirt.

So now when it rains
I look to the sky
Open up my arms
And accept it’s fine.
The silhouette in the mirror,
As dark as night can be.
Not a single thing can be heard,
Nor a single thing seen.

Terrified of the vast unknown
Running 'round in circles
Without any corners to cut,
Just speed bumps to hurdle.

The silhouette in the mirror,
Lost where nothing is found.
Searching, trying to find a light,
But hope is still around.

Searching, trying to find the light
That fills the silhouette,
And hope whispers in the distance,
"I'm here, stay diligent."

The silhouette in the mirror,
Just hoping to be found.
Still positive, yet vigilant,
A dim light shines abound.

As the light is being approached
Hope is starting to shine.
The silhouette's getting closer
To reaching hope in time.

The silhouette's now filled with hope,
And a bright road's ahead
To find what is yet to be found,
The light hope's whisper said.

Holding a light to the mirror
The silhouette can see
All he was ever searching for
Was who he's meant to be.
You may be gone now
But that doesn't mean forever
You left and we frowned
The pain was hard to endeavor

Clouds are a bit gray
Not many words are being said
We close eyes and pray
Saying we wished you were not dead

It's hard to believe
That God decided to take you
But everyone knows
That skies once again will be blue

Some time has gone by
And life's not so hard anymore
We stopped asking why
Cause it's new lives we're ready for

The journey's been rough
There have been ups, there have been downs
But they're not enough
To prevent the upside down frowns

Because you are gone
There's a new perspective on life
And it won't be long
'Till we meet again after life
I step outside and feel my nose crinkle
Look to the sky and watch the V’s fly south
Walk through the woods and hear the leaves whistle
Take a deep breath and taste fall in my mouth.

A start to the happiest time of year
Everything’s changing like wind where it blows.
Squirrels hide acorns, scarecrows create fear,
Pumpkins make faces at kids and their clothes.

Delectable treats in bags and buckets,
Scary films to watch on the edge of your seat.
Kids running around creating ruckus,
Stomping on leaves in the street with their feet.

Lets not forget Oktoberfest and beer;
Where people gather ‘round to celebrate
A special event that’s held every year,
Something so special you can’t replicate.

Delicious mystery looms in the air
While evil spirits meander ‘round town.
Libra gives the torch to Scorpions heir
And leaves pile up into one big mound.

The autumn harvest is now creeping up
Making food to put on everyone’s plate.
A great time of year where change is a must
Because without change, nothing can be re-made.
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
Don't say it
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
Don't say it.
I don't want to hurt you,
But I can't lie.

Don't say it.
I don't want to tell you,
But you leave me no choice.

Don't say it.
I don't want to see you cry,
But I can't say it back.

Don't say it.
Please don't say it.
Don't say you love me.
Inspired by the song Please Don't Say You Love Me by Gabrielle Aplin and a personal experience of mine!
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