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 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Her clockwork heart
Will always tick
Because that’s what it does.

She lives forever
And nothing can change –
Not till the time is right.

Her clockwork heart
Will always tick
Even if you break it.

Steal her love,
And crush her spirit,
And the curse will come to you.

The clockwork heart
Will soon be yours
Because you stole it from her.

The clockwork heart
Will always tick
No matter whose it is.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
The littlest mermaid
fell in love with a man
and she asked the witch to give her feet.

She gave her the gift
and she took her sweet voice
then she gave the mermaid a curse.

"If he does not fall in love with you
before the full moon rises,
you will turn into sea foam."

Ariel, the mermaid,
ignored the old witch
and made her way to the shore.

The man whom she loved
was also a prince
and he came to the shore to help her.

She loved him so dearly --
but he loved another,
and she knew should would not win.

So, as the full moon came,
she went to the cliff
and dove into the sea.

The prince, Eric, saw this
and ran to save her
but when he got to the edge, she was gone

When he looked over the cliff
and all that he saw
was a small bit of sea foam.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Do Not Forget
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
I have my scars,
and you have yours.
So you keep your scars
and I'll keep mine.

They cannot be healed
but they can be forgotten.
I have a shield
and you a sword.

We can fight
this war together
and we can be
with each other forever.

If I die,
you mustn't forget.
And if you die
I will not fret.

When the war begins
and we say goodbye,
we hold our heads
and do not cry.

I find myself
on the ****** ground
I cannot see,
can't hear a sound.

Then I feel your hand on mine
and feel a smile begin.
I am going
but we will win.

He whisper to me
his old promise,
"I won't forget you,"
and then we kiss.

Then he's gone
and I get a chill
because I know --
forget? -- he will.
I don't remember, any more,
The exact shape of your hands
As I held them in mine,
Caressed them,
Memorized the length of your fingers,
The depth of your calluses.

I don't remember, any more,
Exactly your height, how much
Taller than me
You were, where
My head rested on your chest
When you held me tightly close.

I don't remember, any more,
Your scent, when we lay together
Creating our own
Magic rhythm,
Matching our heartbeats as we
Touched the sky, together.

I don't remember, any more,
The sound of your voice, calling
My name as though
It were a song
Within itself, a precious treasure
You valued with all your being.

And I don't remember, any more,
The color of your eyes, the shape
Of your lips,
How your eyes crinkled at the corners
And your laugh, as you told me,

"I love you."
Copyright by Ash L. Bennett, 2011
If things were different
would I have learned,
what I needed
what I wanted,
could I have discerned
what is right for me
is this the life I want to lead?
Or should I try to be,
everything, and all that I am
not according to him
not according to anyone
but my own heart,
because I know now
what I am worth.
I feel like a fallen angel
with a broken wing,
I may not be able to speak now,
but one day I will sing
and I am taking in this world
with a new pair of eyes,
ones that haven't seen pain,
ones that haven't cried
and I am feeling this earth
with a new soul inside,
abused no more
but vindicated and alive.
And when I smile,
it will be for no one else
and everyone will see
beauty in a girl
who always hid it underneath.
It's going to be a wild time,
and a free spirit.
One day I will make an entrance
and everyone will hear it.
Everyone will know I have got heart
and I have got soul
because this new drummer I'm marching to
is playing the beat of rock n' roll.
It's so freeing,
you may see a fallen angel now,
but sure enough
one day I will sing.
Copyright 6/4/10 Ashley Marie Warrer
I wish I was like a bird
So I could fly away
Flap my wings
And go away
I watch as they fly so high
It's beautiful how complex they seem
Yet so peaceful they are
I watch how they soar
As I sit in this burning hell
Wishing i was like a bird
So complex yet so care free.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Jacob Kirk
It's been broken and repaired so much
My heart is mostly glue,
But it still beats and it still loves,
I think it's stuck on you.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Greig M
Between his thumb and finger he
held up the stone and watched
the sunlight drift along the
smooth surface and then drop
towards the ground.

He eased his squeeze and watched
as his stone fell from his hand
and bounced from his steel toe
into the cold streaming water
surrounding him.

Then he bent over looking for
some place to wash the dirt
from between his fingers and
to wash the blood from under
his eyes.

Then there was no water,
and there was no dirt,
and there was no blood.

He drifted back towards the path
and made his way along the path
and he tried to make his boots
push deep into the ground with
each step.

There were some rocks at the
sides of the path which lay beside
each other and laid on top of
each other between the grass and
the dirt.

He tried to avoid walking on the
rocks at the same time as making
sure he looked at every last one:
the size, the shades, the colour,
the lines.

Then he looked at the sky,
the rain fell on his face,
and he missed him.

Blind he threw himself to the ground
and threw his face in to the ground
and tried to scrape his fingers
through the dirt so that some
dirt might stick.

There he laid turning his body
in the dirt sifting through it
with his hand holding some up to
the light looking for some
trace of something.

But there was nothing amongst this,
none of it stuck between his fingers,
none of it sat thick upon his lungs,
none of it was big enough to hold up
to the sky.

So he squeezed his eyes shut,
blood ran down his cheeks,
and he missed him.
First post, comments appreciated.
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