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Sep 2014 · 294
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
I'll leave you in the dark this year
Being a senior is the coming of adulthood
I won't need to report to you,
so I'll get used to it now.
ahhhhh I got my tassel and ordered my cap and gown, gradutaion is so close!!!!!!!
Sep 2014 · 273
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
I told myself I didn't miss you,
but then I heard your voice again.

I don't know what it is about you,
but I always end up addicted.

You talk so smooth,
and you break me

each and every time

you smile

at me
Sep 2014 · 244
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
when you asked me to be your girlfriend,
i didn't cry.
nor did i cry when you gave me
this promise ring.

I cried when you told me
"if you talk to him again, we're done"
and i cried when i had to tell him

i didn't cry after the first time
we made love,
nor the first time you told me
you loved me.

but i never cried so hard until when
you found out he kissed me
and you told me that it was over
but you wouldn't let me leave

today, i cried because i know
i've done so many wrongs
and i don't know when or if
i could ever make it

Sep 2014 · 352
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
Every week I see changes
after your freshman year of college,
will you be the man I fell in love with
in his junior year of high school?
Sep 2014 · 286
what if
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
What if, one day you don't love me,
if everything was different,
or what if we never even met?
Would I still be this happy,
living my life loving someone else?
Do we really only have one true love?
Could someone else love me exactly like you?

What if someone out there already does love me, secretly?
Do I really want them to tell me,
or would that be a big scary risk?
Could someone truly find me as perfect as you do?
What if someone adores the touch of my skin more than you,
or if they fantasize of my kisses, though the encounter is unreal?

Am I living my life with the wrong person?
Did some supernatural power put us together?
Is my life really a fairy tale?
Could I be with the dragon, not letting my prince save me?
More importantly, am I wrong for thinking,
I am a princess, who deserves a prince?
Sep 2014 · 342
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
I have loved you since I laid eyes on you
since you first came to my house.
I love when you tell me about our first kiss
how you kissed me because you thought
I would slip away if you didn't.
I love that you've saved all of our texts
I love the text you sent me on our first Christmas
because we couldn't see each other.
I love that I gave you your first true love.
Sep 2014 · 345
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
i love to read about love and mysteries
i love to wear my prom dresses around the house
i love buying new clothes and planning outfits
i love looking into your eyes and seeing how you feel
i love walking into my senior English class
i love new literature and the old
i love hearing poems and reading paperbacks
but you know slam poetry has a special place in my heart
i love to hold hands and forehead kisses
i love waking up to texts from you
i love the little things about us
the way you stroke my hair before bed
the way you listen to me sing
i love the feeling of your skin close to mine
the feeling that this will last
Sep 2014 · 327
Alexis Melvin Sep 2014
I learned more   in high school   than I thought
I learned that   you aren't given love
Love is not a   necessity   to survive
is   love   even what we   think   it is?
love   can be for   one night
love can be   for the rest   of your life
it is not restricted to   one person   or
to a method to love   one another
I have loved   three times   but
I do not doubt   love   will find
this half   of me   and make me whole

— The End —