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Don't bother with the politicians, the war men -
For Karma will fulfill the People's ancient justice.
Just say "mu",
And let your soul dance naked down the avenue,
Singing songs,
And carrying on,
From the day you came to Earth
To the day you'll rejoin the Sun,
Peace is what we need -
Peace is everything.
Peace in the mind,
In the body,
In the naked Soul of Infinity -
Let peace ring out in song
And silence the War Man's voice.
For we all have a choice.
Every moment,
Of every day,
We all have a choice -
And our choices are ripples,
Ripples that are endless
And affect the entire universe.
So be well,
And spread your peace.
Don't be swallowed up by greed.
Just be well,
And spread your peace.
This world needs you.
We need your peace.
For if you're not free, no body is free.
Life is a moment,
So seize the day,
Go out and play,
Say what you want to say -
For life is a moment,
And your body won't last forever -
Walk easy, Speak easy, Be easy
Nobody said life would be easy -
But It Is.
So be well,
And Spread Your Peace.
Spread Your Peace.
Spread Your Peace.
What are you doing still reading this? Go out and Spread Your Peace. :)
 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
Love and like
Two different things
But then again they're kind of alike.
But different at the same time.

You can't love without liking,
But you can like, without loving.
Confusing to some of us.
Cause when do you know
Which one of them that you feel

It should be easy
Shouldn't it?
Knowing how strong your feelings are.
But in Love and Liking
Theres a closeness to the meaning.

Love and Like
Close, but not the same
So look inside your heart
And see what feeling is running through your vein.
And then you will know
What is love
And what is like
I walk tonight.
The sky casts no light.
The lack of shadows hides my solitude.
My dormant heart beats alone.
Awaiting to be heard.
Longing to be held.
By the one so wrongfully taken for granted.
The only one that truly cares,
If it beats at all.
This heart beats for you.
These tears fall for you.
These feet walk for you…

A gleaming light flickers in the distance.
Lightening is strewn across the horizon.
Such power given by gods to move mountains with profound toxicity.
A power given to slay the inexhaustible flame I hold deep within.
I have been stricken down.
By this hand of fate.
What you call an obstacle,
I see a labyrinth.
Twisting and contorting with layers unreachable by the most straining efforts.
To be wandered for eternity,
These walls hold me in captivity.

Adjacent lies the potent moon.
Tearing a lucid hole in the darkness,
Light pours in.
Thrown to my knees by the fiery fervor that drips so elegantly.
Diminutive under these chains of misery,
I look up.
And cry out!
But I am not heard…
I am not seen…
I am forgotten.

And so…
Once again,
The moon has fallen…
Left in darkness.
No shadow for company.
I hunger.
For another day.
Another chance.
To prove myself worthy.
So that some day,
I can again feel your supple skin beneath my fingertips.
Taste your succulent lips.
And embrace you for what you are worth.

The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.

We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.

The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle.

You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.
 Sep 2011 Alexis Lehrer
Alex T
kicking lonely through the autumn leaves
you wondering how life came to this.

but we're all still here,
like everything you miss:

the moment, the moon, the mirthful child's bliss.

staring like strangers who swear they knew,  
sitting on benches while shadows grew,
rising up towards the night's debut,
moving like moths near the light of you.
Her bare feet slapped against the pavement.
Tulle skirt stuck to her sweaty thighs.
The first drop fell.
Rain came that day.

Arms outstretched, she started to twirl.
Until the footsteps came near.
Out of time with the thunder claps and bursts of light.
She stopped and stared.

He was there.
Drenched in the rain.
She laughed and pulled him to dance with her.

I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—
The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air—
Between the Heaves of Storm—

The Eyes around—had wrung them dry—
And Breaths were gathering firm
For that last Onset—when the King
Be witnessed—in the Room—

I willed my Keepsakes—Signed away
What portion of me be
Assignable—and then it was
There interposed a Fly—

With Blue—uncertain stumbling Buzz—
Between the light—and me—
And then the Windows failed—and then
I could not see to see—
 Sep 2011 Alexis Lehrer
 Sep 2011 Alexis Lehrer
Pull yourself together
******* with scotch tape
Pieced back with rubber bands
Nothing whatsoever to do with paper clips

Caffeine in crosrodaires
Kicked the habit to the curb

we're done with all that

so get back up on your wall.
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