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Sep 2016 · 257
Alex Sep 2016
His words screamed louder than her demons,
But what she didn't know was that he would leave her
And let her demons destroy her.
Sorry, this is bad... Sorry
Aug 2016 · 194
Alex Aug 2016
There is no escape.

You cannot hide.

Your demons are coming for you.
Aug 2016 · 254
Alex Aug 2016
That's what I'll be.

I'm ******* done with it all.

I'm sorry.
Aug 2016 · 470
Bittersweet Memories
Alex Aug 2016
The bittersweet memories haunt me
Because every time we speak,
I want to be yours again.
For a certain ex for mine.
Aug 2016 · 186
Alex Aug 2016
I'm drowning.
And no one cares enough to save me.
Aug 2016 · 434
Don't Say Goodbye
Alex Aug 2016
Don't say goodbye
Because I don't want ot hear those words tonight.

Don't say goodbye
Because we have the rest of our lives together.

Don't say goodbye
Becuase I don't know what I would do without you.

Don't say goodbye
Because we  still have each other.
Aug 2016 · 188
Alex Aug 2016
I've run out of words to say,
The pain is taking over,
All I can do is feel,
And I can't speak at all.
I have no clue what I just wrote... The words came to me, and so I wrote them down.

I'm sorry.
Aug 2016 · 192
Alex Aug 2016
Just stop.
Stop blaming me,
You're the one who was abusing me.
You're the one who hurt me.
So just stop.
I'm sorry. Just past events and people. Sorry.
Aug 2016 · 254
Tic, Tock
Alex Aug 2016
Tic, tock.
Tic, tock.
The clock is running out on you and me.

Tic, tock.
Tic, tock.
I'm sorry because I know that you blame me.

Tic, tock.
Tic, tock.
Stop blaming me for your mistake.

Tic, tock.
Tic, tock.
Your abuse has stopped.
Sorry, this is not that good.
Aug 2016 · 267
Alex Aug 2016
I'm drowning in a river of tears.
Can you please save me from this horrible end?
Do you even care?
Aug 2016 · 553
Waiting on Nothing
Alex Aug 2016
Helpless against you,
I can't do anything, but wait.
Wait for you to say something,
Wait for you to tell me that you still care.
But, I know that I am waiting on nothing.
Aug 2016 · 384
My Pretty Little Mask
Alex Aug 2016
My pretty little mask
Hides my face,
Protecting people from my sorrow.

My pretty little mask
Has a smile and bright eyes,
But it's been painted on.

My pretty little mask
Is breaking,
And now hints of sorrow are shining through.

My pretty little mask
Has disappeared
And now there is nothing left to protect anyone from me.
Sorry, this is not that good. Sorry.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
My Illusion, My Mistake
Alex Aug 2016
My illusion,
My Mistake.

You made me think that you were such a nice guy.
Turns out that you were just another guy that hates me.

My illusion,
My mistake.
I'm sorry... This is stupid... I'm sorry...
Jul 2016 · 171
Alex Jul 2016
I sit alone in the dark crying.
We broke up,
But I still love you,
And yet you love another girl.
I got another guy to try and replace you,
But I cant.
So again I sit in a dark room,
As tears create another river of sorrow and loss.
I'm sorry...
Jul 2016 · 262
Alex Jul 2016
The beat of the music
Leads to a few simple moves,
But then those few moves
Lead to a whole dance
As my pain and sorrow are pushed away.
At least for a few minutes.
Where the music
And my steps
And leaps
And twirls
All come together to soothe me.
I'm sorry... This is stupid...
Jul 2016 · 198
Alex Jul 2016
It's all spiraling down on me,
Resting on my shoulders,
Silently crushing me
As my cries for help go unanswered.
Jul 2016 · 207
Horrible Friend
Alex Jul 2016
I try to protect you,
I try to help you,
And yet you still call me a horrible friend?

I've stopped you from committing suicide,
I've always been there for you,
And yet I'm a horrible friend to you?

I guess I just needed to realise how ****** up
I am.
Sorry, I'm just... Sorry...
Alex Jul 2016
You had my heart,
Back when We were younger,
Promising "We'll never part"
You were my suicide lover.

I'm Running out of Time,
In my heart you're still Alive,
In my Dreams,
**** Reality, I mean
We had it all,
I Fell Hard,
You Caught My fall,
Tell me,
Where'd it all go wrong?

And I keep telling myself lies,
"I'm fine, I'm Fine, I'm fine"
But you're, no longer,

My Candle shines Bright,
But you always outshone me,
You were so full of life,
Had such a sweet Personality,
Love and life are such a battle,
Why'd you quit the Fight?
Little ray of Sun,
Why'd you have to be done?

Darling we had come so far,
Underneath the same stars...

And I keep telling myself lies,
"I'm Fine, I'm Fine, I'm Fine"
But you're, no longer,

Life wasn't so bad,
Back When You were here,
You kept me from going mad,
And Chased out all my fears.
You were always there for me,
In my Darkest times.

And I keep Telling Myself Lies,
"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine"
But you're, no longer,

Amd Baby if I Could,
I'd turn back Time,
To tell you Once more,
"I love you, It'll be fine"

But I Guess that its okay,
You've found some Better days,
But I Wish you couldve stayed.

Darling, We had come so far,
Underneath the same stars...

And I keep Telling myself lies,
"I'm fine, I'm Fine, I'm Fine."
But you're, No longer,
I did NOT write this poem, my friend, Emma, did. All credit goes to her.
Jul 2016 · 197
Alex Jul 2016
You words,
Once so sweet,
Are now like
Knifes that make me
Let me guess, your words are my fault,  too?
Jul 2016 · 158
Alex Jul 2016
I feel like I'm drowning
In a river of tears.
It's been almost a month, and I'm still crying over you. Well, I guess thats because of my stupid heart.
Jul 2016 · 201
Alex Jul 2016
Oh, how I despise that word.
Because of what you did to me.

You poisoned me a thousand times.
All without me knowing.
Because I was in love with you.

You made me blind
From the rest of the world.
Because you played me for a fool.
This is a stupid poem. I'm sorry.
Jul 2016 · 224
I Remember
Alex Jul 2016
I remember life before
You came.

Far away dreams
And locked doors.

I remember life before
Everything changed.

A shattered heart
And helplessness.
This is not that good. I'm sorry.
Jul 2016 · 226
Do You Remember
Alex Jul 2016
Do you remember when we sat on my roof and watched the stars?
I wish that I didn't remember that.

Do you remember the time you told me you loved me?
I was an idiot for trusting you.

Do you remember the time you left me?
I remember it all too clearly.
Jul 2016 · 163
Alex Jul 2016
As I sit here, watching the sun set,
I can't help the flow of memories that come to haunt me.
I can't help but think of the times we watched the sun set together.
I used to be sad every time I sat on this roof,
But now, it is the safest place for me.
This is not that good. I'm sorry.
Alex Jul 2016
Where's the fairness in life now?
I loved you,
But you never loved me.
I needed you,
But you said "*******."
Jul 2016 · 266
When This Ends
Alex Jul 2016
When this poem ends and is posted,
I will be gone.
When you feel my absence
Listen to the wind and hear my laughter.
Look up at the stars and know that I am happy.
When you feel the sun on your back know that I am there.
When you feel peaceful know that I am watching you.
When you feel like flying know that I am lending you wings.
Listen and you will hear my voice.
Look around and you will see me in everyday objects.

I will never truly leave.
So when you feel my absence
And feel.
Jul 2016 · 561
Alex Jul 2016
All I was to you was a
I know that now.
And now,
I'm broken.
A broken mistake.
You were right.
I am a
Jun 2016 · 357
If You Love Me
Alex Jun 2016
If you try to love me,
I will wind up hurting you.
Not on purpose,
But on accident.

If you could love me,
I would drive you crazy
Because I am crazy myself
And madness is contagious.
Jun 2016 · 160
Alex Jun 2016
I wanted a guy who would finally say
I love you
And actually mean it.

I thought that you were that guy.
Jun 2016 · 202
Alex Jun 2016
Baby, you broke me
And I can't be fixed
Because I'm missing you so bad.
Jun 2016 · 261
Alex Jun 2016
What a fool I was.
I honestly thought that you loved me.
Now, I'm back at square one
With my heart broken again.
Only this time,
I'm never falling in love again.
Jun 2016 · 197
Alex Jun 2016
A strong night breeze blows my hair away from my neck,
Exposing the scars on my neck.
The moon watches silently as its cold light glitters off my knife.
A cold breeze blows against my back,
Carrying the words "Hurry up and die."

A night breeze blows over my still and silent body,
Carrying a shrill scream.
A boy leans over my body, crying silently.
The stars combine to show my very last message to you.
'I love you. I'm sorry. I had to. Please don't hate me. Goodbye'
May 2016 · 202
Alex May 2016
I want to die.

So many years of
Expressed in a few simple
May 2016 · 193
Alex May 2016
I wish I knew a way to
May 2016 · 238
Alex May 2016
My mind
Is a
Dark place
Where thoughts of
Are common.
May 2016 · 171
Alex May 2016
If you ask me why I have so many scars
I will tell you the truth.
I have been weak.
I have been strong.
But sometimes
You need to see blood.
May 2016 · 190
Alex May 2016
I always wondered what you would do
If I walked away from our  friendship.
But now, I don't have to wonder.
You walked away for me.
May 2016 · 246
Alex May 2016
I loved you so much
But you still left me.
For a girl who would give you what you wanted.

I cried over you
But you never shed a tear over me.
Because you were too bust being 'entertained' by another girl.

I cut over you
But you only smiled at the scars they left.
Because you started to 'love' your new girl.
May 2016 · 328
How Many Times
Alex May 2016
How many times do I have to be
How many times do I have to
Bleed out because of you?

How many times do I have to feel
My heart break?
How many times do I have to
Love and lose you?

How many times do I have to watch
You flaunt your new girl?
How many times do I have to
Cry over you?
May 2016 · 157
Alex May 2016
I never knew that you were hurting
Until you sent me that last message.

As I read that one simple word
It finally dawned on me that you were breaking.

I was so afraid and worried
That I was too late to help you.

And I was too late because
By the time I burst into your room, you were almost gone.

I tried to stop the bleeding,
But it was too late, no, I was too late.

As you died you weakly made me promise
To stay alive, if not for myself, for him.

I should never have made that promise
Because everyday I am one step closer to breaking it.
May 2016 · 264
Alex May 2016
I told you that I would break one day
But you never paid that fact any attention.

You said "Just be strong,
That will get you through it all."

I tried so hard
That I could not see that you were suffering and breaking, too.

When I finally figured it out,
I was too late to help you.

You, my very best friend, was

You could not see that there was a better way
And now, you're......  Gone.

And, still I grieve for
Rip Aaron, 5/13/15
May 2016 · 235
Alex May 2016
My heart is racing
With fear
As I wait for the first hit.

I don't remember how this started
I do know how it will end.

After the last hit falls,
I will crawl defeated, to my room
And drown my sorrow in alcohol.
May 2016 · 154
Alex May 2016
You told me to be strong
And I'm trying to be strong.
But even the strongest diamond
Eventually **breaks.
May 2016 · 266
Alex May 2016
****** up
May 2016 · 697
Alex May 2016
I have to remain silent,
Or else there will be consequences.

I must suffer in silence
Because if I don't, I will get hurt even more.

I must die in silence,
Because majority rule.

I must apologize silently
Because I could not stay, even for you.
I'm sorry, this is not that good.
May 2016 · 207
What You Never Knew
Alex May 2016
What you never knew
Ultimately destroyed me
And my whole life.

What you never knew
Was that I am a monster
That can't be controlled.

What you never knew
Was how I torture myself
Trying to be good enough to be a daughter worthy of you.
May 2016 · 214
Little Game
Alex May 2016
Hush, girl,
Just bat your eyes.

Hush, boy,
Throw on your jersey.

Hush, dear child,
Play my little game.
Sorry, this one is not that good.
May 2016 · 183
Alex May 2016
I love you.
I tell you this almost everyday,
But somehow, you don't believe me.

I love you.
You tell me this almost everyday,
But somehow, I don't believe you.

I love us.
We are the perfect two,
Somehow, I know that this is true.
May 2016 · 192
Alex May 2016
I wish that I could stop your
I wish that I could endure your
Pain for you.
I wish that I could build a
Place to protect you.
I wish that I knew that you
Love me as much as I love you.
Zach, what I wish most of all is
That I was with you.
May 2016 · 229
I'm That Girl
Alex May 2016
I'm that girl
You see standing alone,
Outcasted by her 'friends'.

I'm that girl
With scars on her arms and
Covered in black.

I'm that girl
That suffers in silence,
Hush, girl, you can't speak.
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