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May 2016 · 217
Alex May 2016
Before we continue
Playing this game of
There is something you
Must know.

Before we continue
Falling for
Each other,
You must know that
I am only going to
Break your heart.

Before we continue
Writing sweet things for
Each other,
You have to know
That you can't love me
Because no one can love me.

Before we continue
On this
You know that
I will always love you and I am sorry.
May 2016 · 330
Alex May 2016
Thousands of
Are aimed
At my heart,
But yours
Was the first to
Apr 2016 · 257
Alex Apr 2016
Be found
Cower as you wait for the first hit.

Welcome to my life.
Are you sure you want to hang with me?
Apr 2016 · 648
You Told Me
Alex Apr 2016
You told me that I would never survive,
But survival is my middle name.

You told me that I was weak,
But I'm still here.

You told me that I was too broken to be fixed,
But I have someone who is fixing me.

You told me that I could never be loved,
But I have someone who loves me.

You told me that I could never love,
But I have someone that I love so much.

You told me that I don't have feelings,
But I have more than you.
Apr 2016 · 428
I Wasn't
Alex Apr 2016
I wasn't trying to melt this heart of iron.
But boy, you made me.

I wasn't looking for love.
But boy, you made me fall.

I wasn't wanting to fall again.
But boy, if you promise to catch me its okay.
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Angel With A Shotgun
Alex Apr 2016
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting for my life.
Sometimes, you have to sin to win.

I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting to survive.
Sometimes, you just have to believe.
This poem was inspired by the Nightcore version of Angel With A Shotgun and my own life.;;=CBoQpDAYASITCKzPrIjCk8wCFdk0TgodtuwHGDIGcmVsbWZ1SJv18IG99en3tQE%3D (Link to the song) Not a good poem!!!
Apr 2016 · 461
Just A Dream
Alex Apr 2016
I was thinking about you
And me.
Then I woke up and found out that it was just a
Apr 2016 · 262
Alex Apr 2016
Curled up in a ball,
Crying my heart out.
You said you would never hurt me,
But you did.

Trying to write my feelings away,
It's not working very well.
I can still feel the hurt.
I can still feel the pain.
Apr 2016 · 187
Alex Apr 2016
You stole my heart
When you ran away.

You have made me break my promise
Not to cut again.

You broke me
And I cannot be fixed.
Apr 2016 · 573
I'm Sorry, Baby
Alex Apr 2016
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm sorry for listening to others.
I'm sorry that I listened to my own mind.
My mind did not know all the facts that
My heart knew.
Apr 2016 · 278
The Last Time
Alex Apr 2016
This will be the last time.
The last time I think of you.
The last time I feel pain.
This is the last time.
The last time I open my eyes.
The last time I see your face.
Apr 2016 · 403
I Try
Alex Apr 2016
I try to hold back tears
As I think of you.
I try to forget about you,
But I see you almost everyday.
I try and try,
But each day I am mesmerized by your lovely blue eyes.
Apr 2016 · 305
Darling, Why
Alex Apr 2016
Darling, why did you have to leave?
Darling, why did you tell me at you loved me?
Darling, why?
Darling, why do I miss you still?
Darling, why do I want you back?
Darling, please tell me why?
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Hey, Darling
Alex Apr 2016
Hey, Darling.
Its been almost a whole month
And I have done nothing but cry.
I wish I could have said goodbye.
I wish I could have helped you.

Hey, Darling.
Its been almost a whole month
And I want you back.
You understood my life.
You understood what it was like to be me.

Hey, Darling.
Its been almost a whole month
And I miss you so much.
Its taking all my strength not to join you.
Its taking all my strength to keep on living.
Apr 2016 · 366
Alex Apr 2016
Yin and yang.
Night and day.
Dark and light.
Water and fire.
Moon and sun.
Cold and heat.
Death and life

We live in a world of opposites.
Apr 2016 · 336
Just Go Away
Alex Apr 2016
Just breath.
Maybe it will all go away.

Just continue on with your life.
Just ignore all the harm you face.
And hope that it will all just go away.

Hide the bruises.
Hide the pain.
And wish that it will all go away.

Hide the tears.
Hide the whimpers.
Please make it all go away.

Shy away from the swinging fist.
Flinch away from every touch.
Why won't it all just go away?
Apr 2016 · 217
What Did I Do
Alex Apr 2016
What did I do to deserve you?
Are you blind or stupid or crazy for sticking around?

What did I do to deserve your love?
That's right, I don't deserve it.

What did I do to deserve your attention?
I don't deserve anything from you.

Please tell me what I did!
I need to find out.
Apr 2016 · 230
I Used To
Alex Apr 2016
I used to burn as brightly as the sun,
Until that light got extinguished.

I used to love,
Until my heart got shattered.

I used to be happy,
Until I saw your true colors.

I used to wish on a star,
Until I realised that it would not make a difference.

I used to be a writer,
Until you told me what I really was.
Apr 2016 · 136
Alex Apr 2016
The sky goes grey
As it rains blood.
The screams of angels
Roar like the wind.
As the angels finally fall.
Apr 2016 · 226
I Am
Alex Apr 2016
I am the yin in yin and yang.
I am the shadows that appear in the day.
I am the night to the day.
I am the death to precious life.
Apr 2016 · 320
Alex Apr 2016
How could you betray me like this?
Give away all my secrets
Like giving away a piece of gum.

Why would you betray me?
I have always been nice to you.
You were my friend!

I wish you didn't betray me.
Then we could still be friends.
Now we can't be friends because of what you did.
Apr 2016 · 147
Alex Apr 2016
Why do you insist on saving me?
Can't you see that I can't be saved?

Why do you invade my thoughts?
I keep trying to push you out of my mind, but I can't.

Why can't you leave me alone?
I don't want to hurt you.

Why can't you just hate me like everyone else?
It would be easy to.
Mar 2016 · 193
Million Thoughts
Alex Mar 2016
A million thoughts
In my head.
All focusing on

A million thoughts
Turned upside down.
All because of

A million thoughts
Sharp as shards of glass
Focused on everything
You have done.
Mar 2016 · 181
Alex Mar 2016
Would you remember me
If I was gone tomorrow?
Never to be seen again?

Would you remember me
And all the great times we had?
Or would the memorys fade out of existance?
Mar 2016 · 381
I Forgot
Alex Mar 2016
I forgot what it was like
To be ok.

I forgot what its like
To no t be hunted.

I forgot what its like
To be happy.

I forgot what its like
To not be in pain.

I forgot what its like
When it did not rain.

I forgot a time when
I did not cry.

I forgot the time before
Mar 2016 · 276
If You
Alex Mar 2016
If you want to laugh,
I will be your smile.
I will be anything that you need.

If you want to fly,
I will be your sky.
Anything you need, that's what I will be.

If you want to cry,
I will be your sholder.
Everything you want, that's what I will be.

If you want to love,
I will be your heart.
I will always be what you Neded.
Mar 2016 · 199
Alex Mar 2016
Love me.
Hate me.
I don't care anymore.

Worship me.
Try to **** me.
I don't care.
Mar 2016 · 423
Alex Mar 2016
You should just walk away,
I don't want you to get hurt.

I want you to go away,
So you won't get hurt.

You are my only concern,
So please, just don't mess with me.

I don't wish to harm you,
But if you don't go, I will hurt you.
Mar 2016 · 229
Alex Mar 2016
I'm afraid to fall again,
But its too late.
You have made me fall.

I'm afraid to be hurt again,
But you tell me you won't.
You have made me trust you.

I'm afraid you will leave me
When someone better comes along.
You could leave me in an instance.
Mar 2016 · 392
When Push Comes To Shove
Alex Mar 2016
When push comes to shove
You will know that you deserve what comes next.

When push comes to shove
You will know what you did to me was wrong.

When push comes to shove
You will remember all the pain you caused.

And when push comes to shove
You will know that you won't survive.

All because of what you did.
Mar 2016 · 261
I Don't Care
Alex Mar 2016
I don't care if you **** me.
I was already dead.

I don't care that you don't love me.
I can't be loved anyways.
Mar 2016 · 223
Alex Mar 2016
I'm falling from the sky.
My wings are shattered.

I'm falling for you.
As my heart shatters.

I'm falling.
And its my own fault.
Mar 2016 · 175
Alex Mar 2016
Time seems to stop
As I sharpen my knife.
Maybe its better this way.
Now you don't haver to pretend that you love me.
Now you can be free of me.
Now you can smile and be happy,
Especially now that I am out of the picture.
Mar 2016 · 179
Alex Mar 2016
I lost myself in a sea of sorrow.
I lost my sense of direction,
I don't know which way is up or down.
I lost the only people I care about because they left me.
I lost the will to get out of this sea.
Mar 2016 · 337
Stolen Moments
Alex Mar 2016
Lub lub...lub lub.
I feel your heartbeat,
As my hand rests on your perfectly tanned chest.

The moonlight illuminates us like a spotlight.
The night is still and silent,
As electricity crackles in the air between us.

I have learned to cherish these precious stolen moments.
First only taken for the thrill of maybe getting caught, no real feelings at all,
But then morphing into something more, something real.

For our forbidden love can only be shown by these,
Stolen moments.
These stolen moments spent together.

As the night ends and the day begins,
We are pulled apart,
By the world.

As we leave each other's arms, crying quietly,
We both know we can never be together,
As much as we wish to be.
Mar 2016 · 310
I'm Losing
Alex Mar 2016
I'm losing everything.
I'm losing the love of my life.
I'm losing my friend.
I'm losing my heart.
I'm losing.
Mar 2016 · 725
I'm Sorry, Darling
Alex Mar 2016
Darling, I'm sorry.
I should have been there for you.
I'm so sorry.
Darling, I wish you were still here.
I should have helped you more.
It's my fault your gone.
Mar 2016 · 169
The River Of Tears
Alex Mar 2016
In the middle of a field of daisy's
Runs a river made of tears.

The river of tears grows everyday
Because of the tears cryed each day.

The days pass and it grows and grows,
Filling the field with sorrow.

One by one the daisy's die
As the river of tears overflows.

— The End —