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one thing is for sure:
it's easier
to replace something
than to change something.

for a long time she turned away from the mirror
and watched herself replace
scars with *****,
validating it because at least
she was only hurting herself
one way and not both.

for a long time i moved away from my mother
and turned into a doormat disguised
as a magnet that attracted
people that used me just as often,
and loved me just as little and wondered
why i still felt the same level of worthlessness at the end of the day
that i felt as a little girl.

for a long time i pushed people away
and to this day
i wish someone would have told me
how childhood abandonment will stick with you
through the long haul of adulthood,
but no one did and so i watched people leave
and wondered why they left, where they went
and for the people who stayed, i wondered
why they were still here, and how much more awful of a person
did i have to be
to get them to leave me.

"you wanted this." some would say,
when they found me drenched with sweat and blood and tears
sobbing on the floor
"get up. stop crying. you're being pathetic."
and i agreed with them, because i didn't know
any better.

it's easier
to replace your feelings with somebody else's
it's easier to blame yourself for why others left you
it's easier to assume no one will ever love you
more than they love getting drunk and having fun

but a good friend of mine once told me,
the easy thing is very rarely the right thing
and that maybe she should take her own advice
and that in retrospect, yes,
replacement is the signature replica of how you were raised
but real change,
that is the true definition of a life transition.
The Waters Swayed Upon The Darkened Sea,
As I Say My Last Goodbye To Thee,
I Shall Soar Over Every Mountain And Tree,
And In The Fading Veils Of Dawn I Shall Be Free

I Annouced To The Currents That They Could Take Me,
That The Soils Need Me More Than My Quay,
My Sleeping Body Is More Alive Than It Could Ever Be,
And I Smile As This New World Answers My Forgotten Pleas

Hush My Friend, Do Not Sob, For I Am Full Of Glee,
Please My Love I Beg, Do Not Miss Me,
I Am Everywhere--I Am In Everything You See,
And Though My Soul And Body Are Just Debris,
For Every Lock I Am Still Able To Be Your Key

Oh Hush Thee, My Baby,
Though My Existance May Not Be,
Right In Front Of Thee,
I Am Still Breathing,
And If You Are Just Able To Believe,
I Promise Soon You Will Be Seeing Me

In This Place No Storm Can Rain On Me,
And No Evil Can Penetrate This Tranquility,
Yet Do Not Cry My Friend,
For I Am Still With Thee
Please, Do Not Grieve
Some days I think I need nothing
more in life than a spoon.
With a spoon I can eat oatmeal,
or take the medicine doctors prescribe.
I can swat a fly sleeping on the sill
or pound the table to get attention.
I can point accusingly at God
or stab the empty air repeatedly.
Looking into the spoon's mirror,
I can study my small face in its shiny bowl,
or cover one eye to make half the world
disappear. With a spoon
I can dig a tunnel to freedom,
spoonful by spoonful of dirt,
or waste life catching moonlight
and flinging it into the blackest night.
She's a floor above me
with other people
laughing and talking about things I know
why can't she know that I know

Nothing has ever hurt more
I can hear the sounds she makes
as she moves around
I want to be the reason for those movements

I love her
But there are a lot of stairs
To stand apart, remain alone/ Never have to claim a home/ By my side my shadow walks/ Into the woods with my own thoughts/ Where the animals rule, fair and just/ In they alone I place my trust.
The boys, the boys, they can't help but stare at her
as she's talking, she's walking in iambic pentameter

She breathes in italics
Words fall from her lips
San-serif movements
Punctuate her hips

She writes, she paints, her dreams soak the paper
such beauty, such beauty, my willpower waivers

Her eyes tell a story
in which I want to belong
Only she knows the ending
as she has all along

I wish, I want, a new story to start
with her, with her, with all of my heart
It was a desperate kiss.
I could feel you pulling away-
going inside yourself
and I was trying desperately to pull you back to me.
I was kissing your neck,
trying to bring back your pulse.
I was kissing down your *******,
trying to make it quicken.
All I knew was that I wanted you.
I needed you.
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