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A name
                A face
                              A memory
                                                 Or Two.
                                    No life
                  No story
No hope.
Oh angst thou hast thy claws in me
and Mark my flesh with misery
the words you pen in reddened ink
are not my thoughts but what YOU think
you steal my hope my dreams my sleep
your claws dig in and dig in deep
my muscles ache my minds a mess
as you seep in to each recess
each corner found and alley breach
no where to hide beyond your reach
all colour drained just black and black
you rake your claws across my back
my will is gone all hope is shot
you know too well the things I'm not
you call me names and make me weak
but worse it's with my voice you speak
my lips don't move nor vocalise
but still I hear your poisoned lies
up my dosage up it more
as you claws tear and tears now pour
**** you **** you for damning me
you fiend born of my misery
Just down/ tired / a combination of the two
 Feb 2013 Alexandra of Old
Please don't write
If it doesn't come bursting out of you
Please don't write
If it doesn't ooze out of your every pore, whether you be willing or not
Please don't write
If the feelings you speak of
Aren't truly your own
Or if you had to use a rhyme dictionary, or a thesaurus
Please don't write
If it doesn't seem like the words are molten lava
And are burning you
And writing is the only way to keep from getting scorched
Please don't write
If you're doing it for others
I beg of you
Please don't write
If the words don't barge through your fingers
And detonate in your brain.
If the sentence fragments don't erupt and fly out
And gush forth
And you don't feel that you need to put it all down before they pop and shatter your insides
Then please
Don't write
Please don't write by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
'Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad you already had the best days
The best days of your life

Ain't it a shame
A shame that every time you hear my name
Brought up in a casual conversation
You can't think straight?

And ain't it sad
You can't forget about what we had?
Take a look at her and do you like what you see
Or do you wish it was me?

I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met to the very last night
And it's just too bad you already had the best days
The best days of your life

And does she know
Know about the times you used to hold me
Wrapped me in your arms and how you told me
I'd be the only one?

I heard about
Yeah, someone told me once when you were out
She went a little crazy, ran her mouth about me
Ain't jealousy funny?
Life with me was a fairytale love
I was head over heals 'til you threw away us
And it's just too bad you already had the best days
The best days of your life

I heard you're gonna get married, have a nice little family
Live out my dreams with someone new
But I've been told that a cheater is always a cheater
So I've got my pride and she's got you

'Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad you already had the best days
The best days of your life

Of your life, oh, oh yeah
You're gonna think of me
You're gonna think of me in your life

he had me but how about now?
It's like being trapped in glass,
Frozen without even a breath
You wait to be smashed
To be released or destroyed,
And the waiting is agony.
It hurts like being paralyzed.
No move can you make
No word can you say
No scream gets to the surface.
It's all locked inside,
Happening but not happening.
It does more damage in than out
But you are suspended,
Hardened into immobility,
Encased in silence.
And you wait. And the waiting is what really makes you weak.
The longer you are here,
A paused person, a heartbeat halfway done,
A lung half full of air,
A step almost taken,
The longer you are frozen, the more brittle you become
Until the flick of a fingernail can shatter you
And leave you dust upon the floor.
And you know it, and you wait,
And it will come.
But when?
And really, which is worse?
 Feb 2013 Alexandra of Old
The diamond in the rough.
The one who converts
yet never conforms
and is known
for being unknown
always on
the outside looking in
and enjoying the view.
The red in a sea of blue.
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