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 Jan 2014 Alaska
Mirror mirror, on the wall
Who's the most insecure of them all?*


I don't even know why I try,
I can't even look you in the eye.
Oh mirror just tell me one more lie,
Tell me I am the most confident,
Most beautiful star in the sky..

Or better yet,
Show the world the me I am,
How confident and beautiful
I am when I don't care about
My 'outside'
 Jan 2014 Alaska
All this time,
I've been using the fault in our stars as a compass,
looking for Alaska and ending up inĀ all the wrong paper towns

.. trying to write poems to impress people,
who don't even give a ****.

Well now, I've found a friend,
a few to say the least.
And Alaska may just as well be the 8th wonder in the world,
for her words and poetry never fail to amaze me.

Alas, I've found Alaska!
We're somewhat distant but under the same sky
Two different stories, two difference souls,
but hey, great minds, all think alike ;]
The words in bold are John Green book titles! ;]
 Dec 2013 Alaska
your new jacket looks nice but i'd never say it

was it because i'm better at math?

she doesn't deserve you

but i'm funny! i think

i was never good enough

why her?

i don't want to be the one that changes you but it kills me that you're changing for her

i have redeeming qualities

it's her **** isn't it

when i found out my mom had cancer you were the first to know...
and at that point we hated each other. what about now?

i liked awkward freshman you, where was she then?

i don't have a ****, but i like good music
and sure i don't smoke like her
or drink like her
or have friends like her
or do sports like her
but i'm me and that's good too... right?

i give good gifts

he doesn't compare to you

or maybe you just don't care

maybe he's better for me

it's the way i dress?

i'm better for you

or no, maybe it's the way i want to take you shopping
and change how you dress

what's wrong with me

i'm not pretty enough?
 Dec 2013 Alaska
Hayley Schiete
He was a new teenager
Went to the middle school down the road
From our decaying house that was below a great oak tree
Early red sky morning, riding his bike to that construction filled Hell
There wasn't a sailor in sight to give him a needed warning of that reckless car
He was hit, ****** and bruised but he was alright
I was only 6 when I saw him get patched up by mother in our bathroom
I was only 6 when I realized who I wanted to be
But my first realization wasn't my last
That new teenager became an adult 5 years later
Went to the community college down the road
From his grandfather's rustic house that was just like everyone else's
9 a.m., blue sky morning, riding his bike because his nearly blind eye kept him off the road
9 a.m., I wish he had sight in that eye, he would've had a warning of that reckless car
He was hit, ****** and bruised but he was alright
I was only 12 when I saw him take cat scans and MRI's
I was only 12 when he was diagnosed with something I only read in medical articles
I was only 12 when I realized who I wanted to be
Joseph Yodsnukis was his name, but we called him J.J. since I was born
I learned the alphabet at my elementary and I said J twice because of that name
I learned after 8th grade that cancer was ruthless
I was only 14 when I held my mother crying
I was only 14 when I saw a hospice bed roll out of my front door
I was only 14 when I saw him in his casket
I swear I saw him breathing
I was only 14 when I realized his name wouldn't cut my lips again
I was only 14 when I realized who I wanted to be
Who I would live for
Poem dedicated to my late brother, J.J.
 Dec 2013 Alaska
addy r
They didn't know that when they glanced at her when she walks by in the halls, she feels uncomfortable. She feels judged. She is so much stronger than that, but she has been broken. A lovelorn, erring, gentle girl. She makes mistakes just like you or I. Tangled, once happy relations with guys who promised to love her wholeheartedly.

i. her first love. Arguments, disagreements broke them. However, love eventually found them, and brought these equally sad souls together again.

ii. she met him at the start of 7th grade. He had eyes for her best friend, and eventually set his sights on her. 9 months they loved each other, overcoming obstacles and setbacks. But... she stopped her loyalty to him, and pledged her allegiance to another.

iii. their love started on a rocky base, and it will continue as so. They loved each other for a few months, before again she pledged her allegiance to another, stopping loyalty again. This time, mostly because she discovered that she has pledged her allegiance to the wrong boy.

iv. her first love. Loyalty is still very much there, but only time can tell if their love for each other is as true as how the waves cherish the shores they kiss every day.

She found solace in the spilling of her own blood from her wrecked body, onto the grounds of her sorrow. Said it made her feel alive, to see the silver of blades win death matches against her flesh, to see the crimson of her body's fluids flow out like a red fountain.

She continued like this for a few hundred days, mindlessly mutilating herself. And then one day she decided to stop. Some may say, the return of her to her first love has done her well, for they both had death wishes. She only stopped viciously running blades over her skin to save this boy, the one she's in love with. Suicide pacts were on their minds, and days were counting down to their impending demise. She knew she had to do something. So she put on fake smiles, took on the form of joyful and went out into the world, channeling new feelings of optimism and the advocation of preserving oneself. She found it comforting to help others with conditions she has experienced before and is always sure to tell them all the reasons why what they're doing is wrong.

A time in her life was when she found (beautiful) pictures online of those a size (or many sizes) smaller than the average body. She wanted to be like them, and thought that skipping meals would help her attain her goal. She craved the image of herself being a few sizes smaller, and having specific parts of her body toned down. She didn't realize that this too, would **** her if she continued it over a long period of time. But every time she peered into the mirror, all she would see is a mess of weird, bulging flesh and bulk in all the wrong places. This action of course, stopped when she had the epiphany that whatever she thought was going to help her, never will.

Inside this torn and shattered soul of a person, is a nice and gentle girl who would be a great friend to anyone. She's still the same inside, only her physical and current mentality fools all.

 Dec 2013 Alaska
Gabby Paige
Sometimes I think of you.
I think of you showing up at my house
in the middle of a snowstorm
with white roses,
hot cheetos,
High School Musical 3,
and your favorite sweater.
And you'd knock on my door
and I'd come running
and I'd open it up,
and there you would be.
You'd smile at me and whisper,
"I'm so sorry.
I made a mistake.
Please forgive me."
because I love you,
I'd nod
and let you in.
We'd cuddle on the couch,
our bodies tangled in each other,
and we'd whisper,
"I love you."

Sometimes I think of you doing this.
Sometimes I believe that you are planning this.

I don't know,
maybe I'm wishing for a Christmas miracle.
we all know miracles don't exist.
On my boat i named Bed,
With only tiredness and lullabies for provisions,
I sail at night; for that is the best time,
Into a sea of vivid images.

Always I am astounded,
by whimsical images,
or macabre nightmares,
Rising up and sinking down in soft waves
of dreams
and being teased by the wind.

I love escaping to sea
But I always have to come back to Day,
where Reality awaits
Sometimes I wish I could sail out far away
escaping Reality to the sea of dreams
and perhaps into the arms of Death

But my time is not yet
so best savour the night-time sails
and brace Reality in Day
One day I'll get to Death,
but not this day.
That was how it always was with her.
Everyday she tried to make perfect.
She will try,
she will try hard for things to be alined.

Her life is ***** and spam.
For her,
Perfection isn't this far off thing like it is for us,
Its right over the hill for her,
Around the corner.

Maturity is within all of her decisions.
There seems to be no mistakes in the way she lives.
Sophistication is in her voice.
For her she can only step forward,
There is no going back.

A bitter world she attempts to make great.
She will try until the very last sunset.
Til her body gives her no more energy.
Everything must be precise.
She is a perfectionist.
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