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805 · Jan 2017
You are a child
Taking me above to your paradise
Embracing tightly
I  afraid of such a flight.

And you are a mother
Careful of my grooming
Chiding me often
For my carelessness
In looking after myself.

We are inseparable.

So I fear,
I should not be
Your incompetent protector
When we fall.

I feel
If accidents don’t happen
We have an excellent life.
792 · Jan 2017
Late this night
Late this moonlit  night
I am sitting at the sill
of the window opened
dreaming of the past.
Oh, unknown flutist,
of the day long gone
now play your flute
to the charming tune
once I heard
in such a night.
652 · Jan 2017
The play
A play was enacted
with a drum beating prologue.
Evaded in thin air
after some acts.
Enacting and evading
time and again.
Never it completed.
648 · Jan 2017
During sleepless nights
Sometimes I was afraid of sleep
Because to some extent
It was like death.
But unbearable the pang
I murmured sleep !,sleep !
I did not know
When I slept.
When woke up in the morning
I felt the satisfaction
Of the sleep I had.
546 · Mar 2018
Once he was lovely
When small
He was cute and  loving
I often longed  to cuddle him
Forgetting the world.

Yet when grown up
His cuteness and  ignorance
Gone from him.
Besides,  he became hard hearted.

I love the days past
When on Sundays and holidays
I rambled out to the countryside
On my bicycle
My wife waiting for me
Having the meal ready.

In the morning I swept
the surrounding
Off the dirt and fallen leaves
with a broom;
She tending the vegetable garden.

How beautiful and serene
Spring was in the long past
When I was a young man .
168 · Sep 2020
Long I rambled
on  a  foggy  day,
the  fog  hanging  long,
an  unusual  ­ weather.

Going long aimlessly
pedaling  my  bicycle
excited at the sights of nature
my  body  warmed.

Riding  and  riding
the  fog  dispersed­,
the  sun  appeared  waning
with  pleasant  apricity.

The  lone­  quaint  road,
sprawling  paddy  fields
brown  with  stubble,
bl­ue  hills  yonder.

A  moment  in my mind
the portrait of a maiden
I dreamed long   ago
yet  not  seen.

— The End —