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Mar 2015 · 440
Bliss of Love
Akeem Omari Mar 2015
Just as i felt the true emptiness of being alone,
I now feel the true bliss of love.
During those moments of loneliness I never thought I would feel the warmth of joy again,
But here i am slowly letting the light of love shine in.
Once again I am entertaining the thoughts of happiness.
And allowing my heart to be exposed to another's hand.
Hoping that this time my heart will be caressed and handled with care.
For all the pain i have felt and caused i am due for some unconditional love.
To mend my broken heart and allow me to truly love again.
Someone who understands, respects , grows and develop with me.
That will enhance and encourage me to be a better man.
Mar 2015 · 443
The feeling of being alone
Akeem Omari Mar 2015
There are times when i feel so alone
For i can't seem to find the right one,
So many times i have thought i found the one but then i realize that this is not the case.
I cannot begin to describe the emptiness i feel and void in my heart.
Longing to enjoy true love that one love that will stand the test of time.
I am but a hopeless romantic searching for someone to romance.
So many days spent longing for this joy to fill my heart.
For that kiss to touch my lips, that hug to hold me tight and for that feeling to grip my heart.
And yet here i stand alone and loveless.
This feeling creates doubt about myself and maybe I'm not good enough for love.
Or maybe i have look right at true love and didn't realize it.
Maybe i am so blinded by my emptiness, that the light of love can't shine thru.
Mar 2015 · 586
Am I Ready for Love
Akeem Omari Mar 2015
Am I ready for love?
The one question we all ask ourselves
Are we ready for love?
First thing is to decide what love means to you
Love means different things to different people
Webster defines love as endearment, affection, devotion, and tenderness.
But still love means so much more.
For some of us it means money and material things.
And for others it means companionship
Some of us prefer the act of love
Many settle for a version of love.
And some of us are fooled to believe that we are in love
Only to find out later that you were the only one in love
We each at some point of our life pray for love
Longing for that true unconditional love that never fades
So many of us are not ready when love comes
We are not prepared for the emotions that flood our heart.
Until we become afraid of love
Many of us don’t recognize what love is
When you love someone more than they love youself that leads to heartbreak
And once scarred by love a wall goes up around your heart
Which in turn makes it harder to be ready for love
Cause now are more concern with protecting your heart
Then allowing love to enter your heart
So how will you know if you are ready for love?
Mar 2015 · 371
Confused thoughts. of Love
Akeem Omari Mar 2015
Confused thoughts of love cloud my mind,fills my heart with longing and wants
Makes me questioned myself and my ability to love
Am I approaching love wrong or do I expect too much too soon?
Am I wrong for feeling a connection to someone I just met
Or do I just want to love so bad, I think I can love someone in one night
They say true love is known when you first meet,
It identifies itself with a smile, a look or a touch,That is so unique that it has to be real love
Maybe I am confusing reality with dreams, lust with love
For sometimes these things can cloud your judgment
And sometimes love takes time and needs to grow,
It needs to get familiar with your heart and actions,Your wants and needs, your likes and dislikes
Sometimes there is a spark that has to grow to a fire full of passion
Before true love can start to blossom and manifest in our hearts
Words of love are just that unless action follows
And if your heart is in love sometimes you are deceived by others
To believe they love you, they take advantage of need to love
And leave you empty, beaten and angry, cause you gave freely
Only to be left hanging for another.
All that means is that they did not appreciate your love,
And in time they will be back but it will be too late
Cause you will find someone who will appreciate your love
Some one to create smiles and moments for a lifetime
Akeem Omari 2k12

— The End —