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Oct 2016 · 303
Wait for it
Alex Kauble Oct 2016
If anyone takes anything from me in this life time I hope it is the fact that you don't have to have everything figured out.
You will fail.
You will succeed.
You will be great.
Don't live your life according to other peoples expectations of you.
You are YOU.
Fall in love with yourself and wait for someone who makes all of the hairs on your body stand up, because once you fall in love with yourself you will know the true love of another when you can feel it dancing across your skin when they speak your name.
Let love consume you in every way.
To be loved and to know love in return is happiness.
Wait for it.
May 2015 · 463
Alex Kauble May 2015
And now I understand addiction because I'm going crazy without you running through my veins. I need more.
May 2015 · 464
Alex Kauble May 2015
I've found my want to live and God ****** it feels so good.
May 2015 · 451
Just sad
Alex Kauble May 2015
My life seems ****** up but it's really not bad.
My heart seems broken, but it's really just sad.
Apr 2015 · 469
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
I spend my days telling other people not to be sad but who am I to tell others how to be happy when I have never truly found happiness by myself.
Apr 2015 · 440
Save me from myself
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
Every voice in my head is screaming so ******* loud, someone please save me.
Apr 2015 · 458
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
Self hate will always outweight self love. Every moment of my life.
Apr 2015 · 379
6 hours
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
I told you all I had to say.
It's been exactly 6 hours since you read it with no reply.
No reply.
No reply.
No reply.
And that's all I'm ever going to remember.
Apr 2015 · 494
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
You always leave a toxic taste in my mouth and maybe that's why I can feel myself dying.
Apr 2015 · 799
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
Sometimes i wonder what its like to wake up in the morning and not want to die.
Apr 2015 · 407
The fight for life
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
I will always say "I'll see you soon" when I'm saying goodnight because maybe then your demons will sleep a little better and leave you alone for the night.
Apr 2015 · 392
Irrational fears.
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
I'm not scared of death
because its always been clouding my thoughts.
But living,
thats something I've never experienced.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
I couldn't.
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
And suddenly all she wanted to do was die. No one knew why she was just a little more broken than others. She was begging me to let her go but I just couldn't.
For you.
Apr 2015 · 659
Where are you?
Alex Kauble Apr 2015
Lonely thoughts on sleepless nights
are slowly killing every bit of hope
left in a loveless mind.

— The End —