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 Dec 2013 Ainsley
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
i am so
like a
fistful of
rice dropped
on the hard
wood floors
you could
never gather
all of me, even
find pieces next
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
I cannot
God but
who says
he needs
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
I wasn't taking advantage of her vulnerability.
It certainly was not a pity ****.
She was crying, and clinging.
It was the only way I knew of
To make her feel good.
To give her a release.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

It is never an issue,
Until it is uttered out loud.
Now we both know
That she will open her legs before she opens her heart.
I'll told her that is stupid,
And that she is not stupid,
But still beautiful.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

I'd make her mine if I could.
As far as she's concerned,
She belongs to the weeds on her front lawn.
When she was five and three fourths she picked a dandelion,
And her father told her no matter how pretty it looks,
It will always be bad,
It will always be toxic inside
She never got over that.
So now she looks very pretty,
But she fills herself with ***** and ******* and all things
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
A boy caught up in christmas wishin
a stocking full of guns and ammunition
another year of hopeless tradition
another child with a ****** ambition

little girl also has christmas wishes
plastic barbie dolls for the little misses
with a porsche and so many riches
another child who is false ambitious
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
sasha m george
Sweetheart, come to bed.
the demons that you hoard are bending the curves of your spin;
I can see them pulling at every muscle tucked beneath your skin.
You pop and you crack and it vibrates against the walls.
I shutter at the sound
the sickening, awful sound.

Sometimes I wonder if you believe in the miracles
that fall between my pelvis,
or the heavy breath I breathe between parted lips.
Are my bones strong enough to save you?

Sweetheart, come to bed.
Your cautious footsteps are creeping back and forth,
up and down,
heavy footed across the ragged carpet.
I hear them every night aching so unholy,
from underneath my bed sheets.
You swear you're next to me asleep.
I hear them though you swear you've been asleep.

Most times I want to believe in the miracles,
I have promised you between night and day
and the soft lipstick stains I've left lingering lightly on every inch of skin
you've left so vulnerable to my kiss.
I wonder if its saving that you need.
Sweetheart, come to bed.
poem from:
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
Daniel Magner
Before anything
they kept me
then protected me
from imagined monsters
and harm.
Later they held my
and a person in addition,
now they wrap
my toes and get pulled
over my head
where I sit in sorrow
with an
Daniel Magner 2013
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
Feet Migraines
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
It feels like feet migraines.
That's what I called them
When I was little.
When you put your feet into the ocean
At 47 degrees.
And your feet ache from the cold.
But even when you run back,
Avoiding the waves,
It still hurts.
"It's like a headache, but in my feet."

That's how everything feels now.
Every day.
Even my heart,
And my dragon eyes,
And my loud tongue.
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
Fuck me.
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
Its 3am and I'd rather be somewhere else.
I  made a veggie burger.
And ate a jar of pickles.
And thought about crying,
But I didn't want to exert the energy.
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
K Balachandran
Vanity she carried with such oomph and style
unlike in other cases, I didn't resent, that feeling
viewing her purely as a piece of art, made a difference,
vanity seemed not merely pardonable, but just right.
 Dec 2013 Ainsley
Youth passed by so fast
please tell me grandfather clock
where does the time go
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