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Please just don't love me.
Don't look past the flaws.
Don't tell me that I deserve better,
Or that you're not my past.
Don't tell me that you think I'm wonderful,
Or look at me with your intoxicating eyes.

Don't look past what I'm telling you.
Please don't see that I'm dying for you to love me.
I can lay
right next to you
and never touch you

I can see you smile
from across the room
without kissing you

I can watch you
leave the room
and resist hugging you goodbye

But sometimes
when I'm next to you
you have to ask me to move away

Because for a few minutes
I let fantasy get confused with reality
and I lean against you during a movie

And it's so warm
your arm and mine, touching
for that minute I'm at peace

But when you ask
of course I make room
Because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable

And if you weren't my friend
I would probably try it
just once, to know what it would be like to kiss you

But ideally,
I'll get over this
and when I am, we'll still be friends

So in the meantime
I try not to think about kissing you
and I only hug you when I have reason to

What I'm saying is
I will do what I can
to keep myself sane and our friendship intact

But just know
that with every look I give
I wish I could give so much more.
 Dec 2013 Aggie Fredette
I'll hold you in my heart
Until I can hold you in my arms
I'll cling to every word you say
And wish you weren't so far away

I'll kiss you softly whenever I can
Because I don't know when I will again
And who cares what the world thinks of us
When I think the world of you

So yes, perhaps distance is a drag
And yes, people can be too
But love of mine please give it some time
Because in time I'll be with you
For my sweet girl, who lives an hour from my arms.
 Nov 2013 Aggie Fredette
its all a lie. let me tell you that. i dont love him like that. i love him as a friend. just remember.

and i never thought he would love
or anyone
but as he leaned in to kiss my lips
i felt the slightest tingle
he held my hands and the words
'i love you so much'
fell from his lips
we kiss again
and he holds me
before we bid each other goodbye
as i wait for the next day to come
i am shattered by the loneliness that has over come me
'i need his touch'
i whisper to myself
as the days go on
i see him as much as i can
we fall more in love each day
closer and closer
and being loved like this
felt amazing
but have being hurt before
i fear it as well
his perfection over took that fear
as he told me the same
he loved me and didn't seek for my flaws
and my heart beat purely for him
he made me feel on top of the world
and although he could not cure
the depression that tore me apart
he did not add to the pain
and as we move on in life
he would hold my hands
and help me push my way
he stays by my side
as i never leave him
he says
and i answer with a confused look
'that's how long i want to be with you'
and as our love grows into more
then just kisses and words
is stays pure
Have you ever had a poet
**** softly at your lips
Then say bye?
I have. It hurt so sweetly.
 Oct 2013 Aggie Fredette
Shoot your words through me
make me quiver
take me down
and make me feel again.
Show me what it is to
burn in love.
I haven't felt in so long
it's an unbearable drone
a lifeless sensation as though
I'm just piloting a shell
of a body.
I don't remember the last
time it was that I itched with
when  I was filled with emotion
and creativity that erupts from the hands
and the mouth
and the mind
and the soul.
It's been too long since I've felt
and now
I've got nothing left to
It has been much too long
since I've felt a thing.
Hurt me please.
Break me.
**** me.
I've got nothing left to
I can't do this anymore.
I need inspiration.
There is a voice that likes to argue, deep inside my head
He says his name is Thomas and I know mine is Ned
It seems that now his mind is trying to take my hands bu
"go to sleep"
but I can't
"think of life"
go away
"let me out"
stay inside
"I need to breathe"
I don't care
"what if we died?"
please don't go there
So once again I've beaten back the voice inside my head
I think my name is Thomas and he says his is Ned
Madness my friend it is time
To take up my pencil and rhyme
To rhyme without reason
But the change of the seasons
Madness my friend it is time

Madness my friend I have lost
Creativity comes at a cost
I lost my humanity
To gain this insanity
Madness my friend I have lost

Madness my foe you must leave
I shall give you no time to grieve
I can not sleep
Since you slaughtered my sheep
Madness my foe you must leave

Madness my friend you are back
Without you my poems did lack
That cool type of style
That has taken me miles
Madness my friend you are back
Finally I've got my chance
For dinner, a movie, or maybe a dance
I asked her out late one night
I hoped and prayed that she might
Say yes and give me this perfect chance
For some dinner, a movie, or maybe a dance
She said yes and now I wait
That stupid calendar I've begun to hate
As the day gets closer I start to shiver
What kind of date can I deliver
I clench my stomach, try not to hurl
Why am I scared, she's just a girl
The time is now so I must go
Would you look at that, she didn't show
So once again I've lost my chance
I sit alone, I'll never dance.
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