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 Mar 2013 Aditya Bhaskara
K Mae
walking in mud
     Earth receives me
    deep I sink
   feel as one
  cling to her
  new life arising
brave shoots ******
      with force of Spring
 Mar 2013 Aditya Bhaskara
K Mae
come to midnight we commune
imbibing nectar of the moon
solitude with soulful pleasure
stealing free of hours measure
silent shares diffusing scent
alleviate our discontent
 Mar 2013 Aditya Bhaskara
K Mae
confident on timeworn routes
until unknown brings gasping fear*
what is this ?
my playground now to be reduced
to rutted paths of paltry use ?

enough !
power mine I have denied
creative pulses flattened
miming patterns drawn by others
spark of mine allowed to smother
shocked I recognize within
dryly spreading stubbornness
*the false vitality
of habit
White silky sands with rolling dunes
and velvet skies above
where kisses soft, caresses sweet
and all scented by love

where lips have lapped in endless waves
the contours of your shore
and hands have imitated breeze
to stimulate each pore

with limbs like seaweed soft entwined
in salt stained ebb and flow
trace hearts and need in aching skin
as passions fires grow

the pull of moon and call of dawn
are echoed in your eyes
as once again within your arms
we bathe neath autumn skies
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