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his verses were spun sugar
i was stuck on them
as he poured them by the vatfuls
upon my eager eye
for him i displayed my heart
unabashed and openly
he wrote upon its beatings
his stories and his poetry
till all my heart could speak one day
were tales of him and his.
his words were big words
spun with the fabric of  my dreams
and when those dreams were rent and torn
upon my sighs his promise was borne
as if it never were before.
a new vow now was set in stone
--never would I love a poet

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
There is a passion that rends the skies
dark of pain, to thunder forth
in this suffering world;

Grace that rains and brings forth
an oasis of refuge in this
world weak of flesh;

The spirit rises weighed on the cross
by the suffering inflicted in place
of Barabbases, thousands.

In the dunes of the desert, a call echoes:
husbandsman, tinkerman, everyman,

Never mind the pharisees;
The spirit to the letter is moon
to the mirage.

Weighed down by the burden of life,
you who have been told you deserve
nothing more than the dirt of the earth
you sinner, you sufferer,

A passion calls forth to you. So difficult
indeed is to see the father, aye,
lawmongers, enough for us to see
this humble son of a carpenter here;

O you crushed
under the wagon wheels of time
taste that love by which you are
before Abraham was.
Come, be pillars
in the mansion of your father;

Tiller toiling away in the sweat of life,
you on whose shoulders walk
the sweet-talking liars
who yet enthroned say
you are worth
only more taxation,

You can part waters. You are a miracle.
You drive away ghosts. You can
call the dead to life. Yet you are
love and see no difference
in Mary from Mary,

a secret ocean at the shore of an oasis
to drink of, until we are here
as He is in heaven.

Heaven for us to see and live here
not some unknowable hereafter.
Don't know how to describe this... liberation theology, or an inspiration, contemplating the approaching Good Friday...

Edited: 9/4/20 ('mirage' instead of 'rippled reflection')
I'm a tatty paperback
my covers bent and worn
and all my ink stained pages
are read and roughly torn
there's footnotes in my margins
and typos underlined
and I've been taken out before
but I found it such a bind
my epilogue and prologue
tell so little of my soul
and the ones that misun'stood
have really took their toll
pages torn out to light a fire
that burned so very bright
but only warmed their bodies
for that one forsaken night
my jacket wet with others tears
that lay their hands on me
have left me now in dire need
of love and T L C
Thanks to Jerelli for promoting this one with her poetry.
he trickled into my consciousness
like an unseasonal, stealthy raindrop
my mind still ripples
--the aftershock of his presence
testimonial to his absence

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
There was this annoying noise in my head,
It was the alarm, made me get off the bed,
A sight at the clock threatened me,
Being late that I didn’t want to be,

A sigh of relief as took my seat,
A race against time, now that I had beat,
A cup of latte, now that I need,
And power to my comp that I must feed.

Clanking and rattling that’s all I could hear,
It was my comp and I feared to go near,
I called for help and hoped it would be frisk,
To my horror all he found was ants in the hard disk.

I have a clean slate, because ants ate the hard ware,
Lost five years of hard work.
Ants in my hard disk, no data there,
Ants in my hard disk my computer is bare.


Venkat Raghavan

Photo-frame on the wall,
beautifully adorned.

Snap your hero in.


Never mind their foibles;
Every fault is just a small weakness
when found in the otherwise great.

Dying to deify,
we are itching to sanctify;

Castigation unabashed,
but, for the struggling everyman.

What if we will never find
another son of a carpenter
who will die preaching love?


In a world starved of messiahs
ready always to worship ever
but be, never,

iconoclasts are icons;

Sentimental impossibilities
in the language of hope
aye, fete-worthy acceptables.

A pdf document on Maoism as a proto-religion:
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