no one owns this land
bloodshed and atrocity
lord tyrants and battlements
the Vikings seafaring
Erik the Red with his sons
Leif and Thorvald, continuing the journey
Columbus, Champlain, Cartier...
Jacques Cartier looking for China found ‘Kanata’ and they now call Canada
captived Donnacona and his clan from Stadacona
the mariners, cartographers
no one owns this land
the slavery and civil war of Catholicism and Protestants
the ‘Black Death’ from bubonic plague
the man’s bones from the rat’s alley
below the ground with sunken skeletons
who fought with swords and knives and a broken arrow trying to dug up their way
to the bridges and skyscrapers that buried them deep with the poison of ideology
that says ‘you are not welcome’
the silent voices screams
‘this is our land, this is our land...
this is not our land and there shall be no peace.’