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  Jul 2016 Adele
Even through his blue
He painted starry night
His favorite chair
His favorite pipe
And a sealed up bag containing
He could not smoke the pain away

A missing ear becomes a symbol
Only the madness of knowing
Ear lobe
His love
The way no one else does
No numb could take the pain away

Van Gogh
Died poor
And alone
In a field that was
His last expression
He died by his own hand
It wasn't even raining

It should have been
Adele Jun 2016
I wanted to tear his mask,
but he told me not to do it again,
he then swam in the depths of loneliness
I've always wanted to know his fears
since only I could see his dreams,
but he has shown how strong he could be
I ask him questions, he never answers
sometimes, he would laugh
a laugh that would strike your healing heart
he would smile too
a smile that would vanish gloomy clouds away
but what about his eyes?
I see no glimmer,
must be a fountain of lies
he just lifted a dying soul,
maybe he is a hero or could be a villain
but what is the truth?
Again, I tried to pull his mask off,
but he ran away
and never came back.
Adele May 2016
Remember the sandcastle 
that we used to build?

It took some time
but little did we know
we have handcrafted our future

it was a hard work and patience
Passerby's liked it, others did not
but what do they know?
We had fun building it!

We were diligent to fill
it with sand
Sand that was formed
into an art of love
A castle that we both own

Yes, you will be the king,
and please, call me 'milady'
We will rule the kingdom
No negativities shall come in

Not until when we came back
Those sands of promises and memories
become pain
Everything was ruined
when the waves washed
our dreams away.
Adele May 2016
I wish to be that place 
you've always wanted to explore
As you trace the line
and struggles going there,
I want you to think
about the adventures
and memories that will happen
Pin a tack to remind yourself
how beautiful it was
Stick a note about the things you saw
Tell people how wonderful everything was
although you only have to stay for awhile
*repost since I accidentally published a draft to public :D
Adele Apr 2016
When we were younger,
we never wanted to be alone
When we were more fragile,
we easily get attached to simple
gesture and things
Our immature minds
told us without someone,
we can't survive
and when losing that someone
was too hard to take,
We locked our doors and closed
the curtains
Until we grew up
there's not even a ray of
sunshine that came in our lives
only because we chose not to let
anyone in.
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