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Adele Feb 2016
Do not fall inlove with a writer
they see and feel everything.
particles that somersault in the morning ray telling them to embrace the day

They can smell the haunting
aroma of a coffee
whispers 'go grab your pen and write'

they look into a person's eyes
and could witness
how a sea crash into someone's soul

Do not fall inlove with a writer
they appreciate and value everything you do

they could see the entire universe
from your smile
only the ocean could tell
their hopes and fears.

They easily fall and break too hard.

Don't fall inlove with a writer
they'll make you their muse

from good times to bad times,
you will be the lyrics of their song.
Adele Feb 2016
The massive stars
give all their fuel in the night sky
somehow, time will come
they will explode and die
One's existence will turn black
and will eventually fade.
Adele Feb 2016
I'm going to leave the ocean
where I spent my whole life mesmerizing
the million contours of the sun

Oh, look at those lovely birds sailing placidly in the sky
Farewell to the tides
that washed the feelings that I used to hide

I am saying goodbye to the embrace of the salted air
The gentle breeze that every day whispers 'stay'

No one can't find me
not even under the surface of where the crustacean's play

I'm leaving this ocean
just like how you left that day
I'm tired of drowning
knowing you're no longer here to keep me safe
Adele Nov 2015
she stares on an empty sky,
all birds sailing to the other side.
she gazed at this one tree,
broken twigs and no more leaves.
Her feet's taking her,
maybe to the wilds?
or somewhere she can go away and hide.
The ***** footsteps made her this far
on a blanket of white snow,
the song of northern mockingbird
filled the space
enormous silver birches turned to ice
she wondered how solitude could be this sublime
Adele Oct 2015
hush now,
the sun is sleeping
and your thoughts are flowing

oh hush,
the moon is shining
let that thoughts brim

before you go to bed
feel the hymn of the night
that gives life,

to a broken dream.
Adele Oct 2015
I woke up

with thousand thoughts
sailing in the sea

only to find out

every piece is 'you'.
Adele Oct 2015
'Look Papa!'
the dirt on his shirt, faded
as he touched the
cold water that splashed his face
His father rubbed his head
for he had been brave today
Although the crease in his father's face
will no longer go away,
he squeezed his father's hand
letting him know they are safe

'Papa! We're near...'
The excitement in his voice
seeing the island
trailed off as
the boat going to and fro

oh no, the noise of chaos
is coming again

He thought these
waves are magic magnets
that takes away the fear and worries
of people
a wave that will take
them to a new place of hope

'My son...'
He tried to tighten the grip
and so does his weeping father
he was pulled down
the surface
with million film running in his head
and thought maybe he'll see his
loving mother and
the smiling face of his sister again
Whatever religion you are I ask for you to pray for all those in Syria. God knows we need every single prayer #HumanityWashedAshore (9/4/15)
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