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Adele Oct 2015
A-little kid once dream,
C-reating that dream wasn't easy
R-ight from the very start, he always wanted to be someone that he wants
O-ver the years, he grew up with determination
S-earching for the world where he truly belongs
T-omorrow might be the day’, he thought.
I-nside, he can feel the power of reaching that dream
C-reativity is what he has, but it wasn’t enough.

That dream, will never stop him, for he knows he can try again tomorrow.

If it won’t work out, there’s always another ‘tomorrow’, so he decided to just keep going.
Adele Sep 2015
she's lost in her own desolation
her mind is a sea of chaos
the ebb of tide
crash each memory,
fusing every piece that was washed

she is still writing
and she will never stop writing
Adele Sep 2015
He built me an empire
on a gargantuan chateau
There, you'll see me write
under the Northern lights

stars hover in sight
as the ghostly glow of
green  in the east over
the peak of the mountain sky
began to dance this one winter night

The man of my history
is nowhere in sight
he could rule the earth
but I was left in a tower
of one window
with a candle lamp on my side

The blow of snow coming from
my window sends shiver
down my spine

It's cold and empty
there's no more guards
standing on the portcullis,
the drawbridge wasnt closed
for years
and the moat is starting to freeze

Everything is dead,
only my heart is alive

waiting for the king
to find his way back from
a journey that made him lost
his home, people
and once he called a queen
Adele Sep 2015
“Here grab some apple pancakes”
she sings the hum
of  a beautiful today and tomorrow
where birds join in chorus

“It’s autumn, I won’t rake the leaves!"
She doesn’t want to see
the long face
I’m always wearing

“My dear, sometimes, you have to
cherish the ‘fall’
for days will pass,
leaves will wither,
a storm may blow off our roof.
But seasons are like people
they come and go,
but be ready,
and most of all be strong.”

She smiled like she never cried before.
All I want, is not to rake the leaves.

But her words...
'always' make sense.
Adele Sep 2015
"...then write me a million poems."
he stood there
waiting for me
to drip the ink.

"...I am your muse, for eternity."
He could be true
for I find the sun, stars, moon,
oceans or seas
inside his soul

"...without me, there'll never be a piece."
Here I am,
not moving an inch
slowly dropping the pen on
slow motion, I can hear the faint
clank of its metal

"... you are nothing."
His grin vanished without a trace
I don't know what to say,
so what I did, was just walked away.
Adele Sep 2015
it was in the year 1901
when I stopped at Gustav's
from the raging storm
in the street of Paris
i looked up in the morning sky
blocked by the unfinished building
stood long and tall
in the same spot where
we used to lie under the shade
of a sycamore tree
oh im drifting since you walked away
the sound of rain
and the silent pain
im waiting for a clear day
to take my baggage for the next train
(c) Adele
Adele Aug 2015
You are the mountains
that I'll never reach
your streak of golden hair
is the sun that'll burn
me when I come closer
Your smile is a tide
that could wash me away
and you're the ship
that I've always wanted to catch
I'm drowning,
but you're sailing away
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