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Adam Childs Feb 2014

There was once a love
I had found
Greater than the spheres
Of all knowledge
For it held it in one hand
A depth that troubled and excited
A love that glittered in my heart
And stirred me whole
That rang the bell
In my enlivened cells
But a slave I was
Watched by day
And watched by night
Every moment governed
By this Roman rule
The Romans saw me as this orphan boy
Who traveled a chaotic path
But in my happiness I whistled in the wind
And traveled through peoples hearts

The Romans rules me closely
They could see my every hand
Slipping closely into this moment
When love was on my left
I was forced and encaged
And humiliated by this Roman rule
A dangerous thought
Occupied my mind
With the enemies attention focused
Dominating and controlling my future
There legion circulating
My golden city of future love
Torn into by darkness
As this was my last chance corral
With much regret I tentatively
Pursued my drastic course
By blowing the bridge to my golden city
And opening the gates to my freedom
Much noise and many arrows
Rained on me from the Roman rule
But they were stranded in my golden city
Blind and unable to navigate
For I was truly free

I danced and sparkled in my freedom
But at what great cost
As I looked over the great raven
To my golden city of love
My last chance corral
Had my ego baffled and betrayed me
For what great sacrifice
What martyrdom is this
Had my ego secretly tricked me
Had I sacrificed myself
Nailing myself to a cross
Just that i placed on a hill
And raised on a cross
That I may look down on my oppressor
Had I been a foolish martyr
As I may blow an arrow
Through every verse
For there are many acts we play

Penetrating deeply into every moment
We can clear the debris of our life
As I am folded layer upon layer of madness
Forged into me by the insanity of the world
To find my freedom I need to
Unlock many gates to my center
As I am plagued by many doubts
Be careful of the games in this world
As there is love and freedom
And I fear i missed the two of them
But one day I will catch them both
written while reflecting on a past experience and some of the games being played .
by : Adam Childs
Adam Childs Feb 2014
AS autumn leaves now fall
We see all things let go
And all shades turn mellow
To autumn rust and yellow
For all nutrients are now gathered
And all seeds have been sewn
As all drops away
So only whats permanent may stay
Like the love of two friends
bound deep in the earth

Stepping into the future
fresh footprints in the snow
For thwere need be no sadness
In this crystal clear day
As the tree of friendship
Still stands upright and strong
while it rests like a baby
All innercent and strong
It gathers up strength
For the new spring to call

As autumn leaves fall
So sofel they do pass
With this new verse of silence
singing sweet songs of kindness
In this new winter light
shining so bright
We find ourselves surrounded
with icicles all around us
glistening and shining
we stand dressed in diamonds
But be careful of sharp  edges
for there can be no hold on
watchful and respectful
We stand in the new

Now dark evenings turn in
It is time to feel in
As our friend has not left us
They lie wrapped up inside us
I wrote for a girl who moved away to Salisbury
By Adam Childs
Adam Childs Feb 2014
I fear we have fallen
Into an English spell
Which subtly says to us
You are not capable
Wrapped in a golden
Envelope and slipped
Into our subconscious
With a diminishing smile

Should we trust the hand
Which patronizingly offers
Financial security while the
Other hand saps our strength
As they puff up their own ego feathers
As England waddles around the globe
Like a fat bird still hungover
From the British Empire
As they still play their empire game
With the fat turkey across the water

Is the only place we can
Choose to paint our face with
Our own colours is to remain
The sideline of a rugby pitch
As England paints its colours
And philosophy over our world
The spellbound English
May see themselves as
A well meaning parent
But they stifle our freedom
As we are made to feel like children
As they cast a net over us

Let us not be bewitched
By their bribery
Or consumed by their words
As they bind us to a wheelchair
We never needed
Let us raise our own ceiling
From its deflated value
We have been cast
Are we all fooled by
A blanket of economic mysticism
Are we not blessed with enough ability
Or should we keep sending our
Home work to London
So they may score our maths

Has England gnawed away at our
Self confidence for so long
That we ourselves on our knees
Unable to convince ourselves
Of our own capability
For we are not England
With its lost identity
As it spreads itself losing
All boundaries and self
Our first steps maybe nervy
As we seek our center
To find our balance

The choice is yours
But while our eyes are
Distracted and bedazzled
By the London elite
Our Scotland remains partially
Unseen and unheard
So let us turn our eyes back
And see our SCOTLAND
And hear him ROAR!!!!
My second poem I have written on Scottish independence , a bit hard hitting to challenge our view we have be given by the media .
By Adam Childs
Adam Childs Feb 2014
I am cut by the shards
of my shattered dreams
My hard heart broken by
the fist of my own ambition
Spilt milk and empty cups
All karma now has gone
For the Lord now slips away
As his every favour, now has gone
Alone now I stand in the shadows
of my shattered dreams

Lured I was by the mermaid's smile
My dreams smash on the rocks of time
Broken am I
By the crashing waves of change
All parts scattered and spread
I find myself adrift
On the ocean of Oneness

The wolves of destruction
devour all hopes and dreams
And goddess Kali drinks the blood
from my decapitated head
I feel the force of my father's fury
I stand in a field of rubble
Where a castle of faith once stood

My tears of ambition now fall
emptying the seas of conquest
That enslaved my marooned self
on the island of desire
Eyes freed from desire
see the Love in Kali's eyes
And thank the wolves
for slaying my hopes and dreams
for freedom comes to open
A door to the deeper self
Written while feeling into some of my disappointments
By :Adam Childs
Adam Childs Feb 2014
High up in the highlands
Clouds collect and thunder rumbles
As our Lady Scotland crackles
With a discontent , over head
As she seeks to reclaim
Her many precious children
Who gather in her valleys
And are spread across her lands
As she shepherds her children
Her only wish is to call them her own

Lady Scotland feels her
Indignant heart , unheard
By this masquerade
While paper thin
Politicians reduce her
To an economic equation
Like a fine cheese
She is cut up and sold
Or shared out at the
Conservative and bullingden club

Like an old husband our
Master seeks to keep us
bare foot and pregnant
Are we to remain grateful!!?
Push off England
You pompous ****
For you keep us in chains
While you harbor mass destruction
Within our waters
You curse us with disability
Insulting our ability
And stifle our potential
With your every word

Let us call upon
The spirit of Scotland
As we play bagpipes
Through our ancient valleys
And push holes through
The English , back line
Let us come in from long a hard day
With rain smashing in our face
And know why Scottish whisky
Tastes the way it does
And fill our chest
With the forgotten heart
Of Scotland , found within
Our age old mountains
Let us not underestimate
The power of unlocked
As we regain our feet
As we no longer wish
To live under the shadows
Of a judgemental brother
But live within our own philosophy

There are many arguments
to be heard and understood
But let us please , to not
Sell our soul cheaply
To the highest bidder
As we search to live in
The adventures of a free life
Within the heart of Scotland
A poem about Scottish Independence
Written by : Adam Childs

— The End —