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 Jan 2013 Aaron Davis
A stranger lives inside of me
One I do not know
She sees the things I cannot see
She often tells me so

I sometimes recognize her voice
It's one I've heard before
I listen 'cause I have no choice
A ghost I can't ignore

I pray for peace from day to day
But she will not hear my plea
She says that she is here to stay
She's become a part of me

She whispers things 'til late at night
My soul can find no rest
It's useless when I try to fight
But still I do my best

I've tried to **** this voice inside
My quill the weapon I use
But nothing helps, for all I've tried
I still can't silence my muse
 Jan 2013 Aaron Davis
Alice Kay
1 2 3 4

another friend going out the door

5 6 7 8

for my last friend to leave, I only have to wait
some mornings are worse than others.

some days, i wake up
my lips chapped, nose running
my eyes bloodshot and red,
i stare at the blue paint on the walls
and the blue sheets on my bed

and it's impossible
to pick my tired head off the pillow

it's weighed down from dreams about you
and nightmares
where you're so angry that you grab me by my hair and throw me out of the moving car

my head is too heavy
to get out of bed

pull the covers over me
and cry


         cry until it goes away

sleeping next to you used to bring me comfort; now the blankets can't even keep me warm.
I wish my light could dimish your darkness
and heal all the wrongs done upon you
I wish my love could prevail
over every nightmare
and leave you resting in peace
but most of all I wish my love was enough

— The End —