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Apr 2017 · 149
Shadow Play
Azalea Apr 2017
Let me graze my fingers along the ripped edges of your figure
and flex mine with the movement of the sun.
Do I frighten you?
Does my negative space equate to your negativity?
Am I that reflection
reduced to your oblong form,
absent of your scabbed and scarred skin,
you’ve no longer hid
since no one said
anything in the first place.
You’re sadistic.
Holographic clones multiply
on floors, walls, and colored party lights.
I’m tugging on you
let’s go… let’s go..
Mar 2017 · 224
Azalea Mar 2017
There are songs that sound like your smile.
But wouldn't know which ones
since you didn't listen to my music.
Mar 2017 · 260
Having Broken Friends
Azalea Mar 2017
Being water to mold sand castle people,
whose sediments keep falling away,
just enough to sculpt prehistoric figurines
or too much so they fall into mushy mounds.
You are the in between.
You can't erode scars,
baptize sins,
wash away hangovers,
drown out their fears.
Only they can nourish their raw throats,
scrub the built up grime,
swim as they sink into themselves.
You are merely the oasis.
Still in your place,
A heavenly destination in times of desperation.
Move softly, never stagnate.

— The End —