Let us fill this notebook,
with the words we dare not speak.
Of a love that is forbidden,
lest the havoc it would wreak.
For now we'll keep it secret,
a place to rendezvous,
where you can talk of me,
and I can talk of you.
A place to ask the questions,
normal lovers get to ask.
Only ours will be handwritten,
such is the nature of our task.
A place to write sweet nothings,
and lines of loving prose,
to share our private jokes,
and act like everybody knows.
We'll take turns to enter something,
for each month we are apart.
Consider this my entry,
your turn to grab a pen and start.
But one day we'll take this notebook,
sit together, look within,
and on that day I hope we find,
this single entry found therein.