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571 · Apr 2010
Tell me
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
Tell me how you used to feel
Don't hold back the truth
Was I the first love of your life
Or just a fleeting blush of youth

Tell me how I made you feel
During the time we shared
Through the storms that came along
Could we have better fared

Tell me how your feelings changed
That I might understand
The reasons why it is you chose
to let go of my hand
571 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The memory of you,
still haunts me every day.
Mental images of you and I,
that just won't go away.

Sometimes they are a comfort,
and others not so much.
The scent of you still lingers,
as does the feeling of your touch.

I struggle to find memories,
of things I used to do,
that do not contain such ghosts,
that are not of me and you.

Since you left it has been difficult,
to move forward on my own,
but instead of just diminishing,
these memories have grown.

I need someone to come and save me
because then and only then
will the ghost of you be exorcised
freeing me to start again
567 · May 2010
Talking to myself
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
You know that little voice,
the one in the back of your head.
I heard from mine the other day.
You'll never guess what it said.

"You know that girl thats on your mind
who's presence makes you smile
well if you asked me I'd have to say
you've been on hers too, for a while"

Well as you can imagine
this caught me by surprise
Did he see something I didn't
hidden there within your eyes?

So now I have a dilemma
please tell me what should I do
Should I listen to the words he says
tell me is it really true?
564 · Jul 2010
Sometimes I wonder...
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Sometimes I wonder what the future holds for me
is there a chance that I may ever be happy
through moments filled with doubt
I can see no clear way out
Let alone a path that leads to ecstasy.

So I look back upon my life up to this day
and there's nothing to suggest another way
disappointment all around
not a joyous happy sound
not a song to sing along or even play

I'm coming to a point where I must choose
before my heart is just too beaten and too bruised
I want someone in my life
perhaps a lover or a wife
someone to love that I just couldn't stand to lose

So I lay my cards out here for you to see
Is there a chance that you could be the one for me
When I close my eyes at night
You come waltzing into sight
And I dream we dance off to infinity
563 · Jun 2010
We have the power
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Do you forget you have the power
to change the way things are
to make it better for everyone
no matter if near or far

If you don't like how its going
stand up and raise your voice
I know it may not seem like it
but there really is a choice

Our leaders are there at our behest
we're the one's who gave them power
but we've forgotten that they work for us
like we came down with the last shower

Just as our votes did put them in
they can also take them out
but we've lost faith in democracy
apathy is winning out

So ask around your neighbors
your family and friends
and see who amongst them's happy
see the message that they send

Then ask them just how many
went out last time to vote
when you ask them why they didnt
you'll find that they've lost hope

So we need to get beyond this
to renew our hope and verve
til then we wont get what we want
but what apathy deserves
562 · Jul 2010
Thank you
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
How can thank you be enough
for what you've given me
Your words of kindness, have my friend
allowed this blind old fool to see.
562 · Aug 2010
The first day
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Every time I see you
cast my eyes upon your face
I'm taken back in time
to when first I saw your grace

The honesty within your eyes
reflections of your soul
took a man so incomplete
and somehow made him whole

Each day is like the first day
and in that I'm truly blessed
as our journey takes us places
we never would have guessed
560 · Jul 2010
My friends
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
You drive me nuts and make me crazy.
Take my wits to their very ends.
But in spite of this I'm certain,
Life's much better with you, my friends.
552 · May 2010
The journey
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
The only roads worth travelling
start further from the end.
With higher mountains to climb over
and deeper valleys to descend.

To commit to making the journey
is a commitment made to you
to face life trails together
and to always see them through

The first step of this journey
for me began the day
you turned your back upon the others
and started to look my way

But uncertainty surrounds me
about the path that I am on
should I even make the journey
or did I get the signals wrong

Give me a sign to let me know
I am the chosen one
Dissolve these doubts around me
so I can journey on.
551 · Aug 2010
Look no further
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
What is this thing called life of which we speak?
Is it experiences we have or those we seek
Is it something to be earned
or lessons to be learned
as we travel through it blindly week to week

And what about this other thing called "me"
Am "I" not there for all the world to see
Or is that just my skin
just a vessel "I" am in
Is that the place where the "me" I seek should be

And finally there's that little thing called love
The quest to find who fits you like a glove
It starts with a first date
interview for a soul mate
And  ends with the release of a single dove.

Now seeking all these treasures is a ride
and once discovered there's no place for them to hide
So believe me when I say
they're close to home not far away
Look closely at yourself, for they're inside
550 · Jun 2010
Death senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Sharp pains in my chest
Pins and needles in my arm
Could this be the end?
547 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Hope come unto me
find me in the darkness
set me somehow free

bring light into my life
chase the shadows from these walls
illuminate this dungeon
that I may hear sanctuary's call

drag me from the depths of gloom
cast me forth into the sun
that I may feel its temperate glow
like a day thats just begun
544 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I close my eyes and there you are
and suddenly it aint so far
the distance between you and me
for now remains eternity

Until the day I leave this place
an empty vessel in my space
my spirit freed to soar above
and be again with you my love
544 · Jul 2010
Where are we?
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Is this real
or is it just a fantasy
is there a future
anywhere for you and me
What do you want
do you even know that much
or will we both live
with just the memory of that touch
That fated weekend
when we two became as one
and my defenses
were all finally undone
was that real
or was that just a fantasy
was it the beginning
or the end of you and me?
543 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I feel like I am lost,
no longer in the race,
just a state of constant free-fall,
tumbling through space.

No sense of where I'm heading,
even less of where I've been.
I must be just about,
the saddest thing you've ever seen.

At this stage of my life,
I was supposed to have it made,
but everythings falling apart,
no foundations ever laid.

So I sit and stare and look around,
at the pieces strewn nearby,
and wonder why it feels like,
my whole life is just a lie.

It feels like a plan.
is the one thing that I lack,
along with passion and commitment,
to get me back on track.

But then self pity, my new best friend
comes along and sits right down
and I wonder why I bother
and once more I start to drown
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
539 · Jul 2010
Flowers - Haiku
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Natures scented gift
How many of us take time
Shame on you mankind
537 · Jul 2010
No tomorrow
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
If your tomorrow never came,
could you get by on yesterday?
Did you feel you did enough,
say everything you had to say?
525 · May 2010
The case against walls
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I did not cause this wall
around you to be built
yet I must throw myself,
upon its sword up to the hilt?

Just what do you achieve
by letting no one in
is it fair to make the innocent pay
for someone elses sin?

Have you possibly considered
that dwelling in the past
does more to sustain misery
by making those moments last?

I cannot help but think
you would be better served
by letting people in, to show
you just what you deserved

And would it not be better
to risk losing dreams you've known
than to sit there safe behind your wall
protected but alone
521 · May 2010
The future
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
There's never been a time,
when I had it all planned out
when I knew where I was going
without a shadow of a doubt

The path ahead has always been
unfolding as I go
which way it will now take me
I really do not know

Whats behind me does not matter now
for that I cannot change
but I'd like to know the future
and what fate has pre-arranged

Will it be just more of the same
demons faced and trials passed
or perhaps a change of pace
maybe relationships that last

If I can help to shape my future
this is what I'd like to see
Health and wealth and happiness
and someone who's there for me

So now I've got my order in
lets see what lays in store
as I close my eyes and fall asleep
to dream whats through that door.
520 · Jun 2010
Summer morning senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Perfect summers morn
Sunlight sparkles in the dew
Soul and spirit soar
519 · Jul 2010
Poetry 101
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Like trying to catch a butterfly out of reach
or counting grains of sand upon the beach
chasing feathers on the breeze
counting colour on autumn trees
the gift of poetry is mine to teach

To find the proper words can take some time
even longer if your poem is to rhyme
Select your rhythm and your style
set your tempo all the while
waiting for the warning bells to chime

You see originality is what you seek
but we're bombarded with so much noise from week to week
The lyrics of a song
can make our masterpiece go wrong
and bring us crashing down from our lofty peak.

But with luck the end result will never show
just how to hard you had to work to make it flow
Touch my spirit, touch my soul
bring me to tears and leave me cold
Show me things only a poet ought to know
518 · Jun 2010
My plea
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
They that life is just too short,
and I'm inclined to agree.
So why are we still waiting,
for you to come and live with me.

I know that you mean more to me,
than anything alive.
And each day I wake up waiting,
for my lover to arrive.

So what is it that holds you back?
Are there doubts you cannot share?
Is there something I don't know about,
that keeps you living there?

Are you unsure of your feelings?
Or the ones inside of me?
If so I could always whisper them,
from down upon one knee.

I want so much to be with you,
from now til I leave this life,
that I find myself in dreams,
wishing you would be my wife.

Whatever doubts you hold inside,
please listen to your heart,
and let us start our life together,
no more nights spent apart.
509 · Jun 2010
Say what?
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
You know sometimes you know,
and others you just think,
and then there's times you've no idea,
and those times truly stink.

But what if what you knew was wrong?
Then you wouldn't know what to think.
Why that would drive you crazy man,
leave you teetering on the brink!

I think I've come up with a plan,
to rid me of this fear.
It's to live in blissful ignorance,
with no freakin idea.
501 · Jun 2010
The end
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
The candle light just seems to fit
my dark and sombre mood
as another new relationship
is about to come unglued

Like the inconsistent glow
of the fragile little flame
the fire that once burned so bright
just could not be sustained

and so I sit alone once more
aching in the dark
and wonder why a fool like me
his own words does not hark.
498 · Jun 2010
Leaf vs Bean
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
There's seems to be something brewing
an argument of sorts
as to which is best coffee or tea
so I'd like to share my thoughts

Now without doubt there are times
when coffee is a must
but it becomes a small addiction
something after which you lust

But when I'm trying to unwind
and I know it may be just me
at times like that, coffee's all wrong
and it has to be just tea.
497 · Jun 2010
Less can be enough
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
I live my life from hand to mouth
its always been that way
I wouldn't call it doing great
at best its just ok

To have a buffer would be nice
something for a rainy day
but for twenty years those cats and dogs
have always come my way

But I get by with what I have
its all I really need
To want much more than what you see
is just a sign of greed
497 · Jul 2010
More Trouble
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
The trouble with Trouble
is many things
sometimes she just kinda
gets under your skin

And you know that its wrong
and you know it aint right
but you can't help but think
about her all night

And the next thing you know
you get crazy ideas
that don't make any sense
but at least are sincere

So what do you do
when Troubles all you see
do you go and find out
how much trouble she'll be?
493 · Jul 2010
Whats your score?
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
To know one day we won't wake up
or see the fullness of our cup

no more to feel the shining sun
the ride is over, the race is run

on that day and not before
will we be given our final score.

it's not a pass or fail test
it's about knowing you did your best

And so i ask each one of you
just how well do you think you'd do?
488 · Jun 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
When do we stop being children?
Is it when our parents are gone,
is it when we leave home and get married,
or when we have kids of our own?

And when do we have to be grown ups?
When we reach a certain age,
or when the books that map out our lives,
come to a certain page?

So when do we really start living?
Is it when we take that first breath?
And why for some does it not start,
until they have little time left?

And why do some choose to stop living,
long before they get put in the ground?
Cos as long as I wake in the morning,
I'll make **** sure you know I'm around!

See I've in the shadow of happy
gotten by in my own little way
but I finally realized, life is too short
so I'm gonna start living today!
472 · Aug 2010
Standing in the shadows
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
To see you and not speak to you
is the hardest thing of all
Not to ask you about your day
causes low spirits to fall

Not to find out how you are
and if you are ok
Is harder than imagined
Yet on this course I must stay

Its not fair for me to counsel you
on what your actions they should be
because my every waking thought of you
screams for you to be with me

And while that is whats best for me
it may not be best for you
for I have everything to gain
only you have things to lose

To see you and not speak to you
is the hardest thing of all
I truly hope you understand
just why I cannot call

— The End —