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764 · Jul 2010
Paul Anka tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Born in Ottawa
Canadian teen idol
Singer songwriter
"Diana" made him famous
A popular "Lonely Boy"
763 · Jul 2010
Dietary Advice
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
You can't eat your way out of depression
Take it from me cos I've tried
and whoever said chocolate, was just like ***
well quite frankly my dear, they lied.
763 · Jul 2010
Hades Inc - Senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
They say work is hell
But with air-con on the fritz
Hell is where I work
762 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
Do not ask my forgiveness
for who am I to you
does it really mean that much
what I say or do?

I am just a man like you
a man like any other
what kind of man would it make me
to not forgive my brother

Revenge is continuity
of everything thats bad
It does not quell its victims wrath
just drives the whole world mad

It's just a single word
that when fully followed through
can end this tragic cycle
that we might start anew

A simple little concept
alas for some too much
the euphoria of justice
has become society's crutch

Forgiveness starts with you and me
it starts right here and now
lets eradicate the ignorance
and show the whole world how.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
760 · Dec 2010
Seasonal blues
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Is it really just another day,
I mean it’s Christmas after all?
It used to a happy time
from what I can recall

So now when people ask me
if I’ve any Christmas plans
I say “I just want to make it through”
but no one understands

You see I know I have no right
there a lot worse off than I
but falling amongst the snowflakes
will be the tears I cannot cry

If I really could have anything
under my christmas tree that day
I would like to understand
just why my spirit went away

759 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I always feel so lost
no directions know my name
I have no clue whats going on
each path looks just the same

My life is lived in free fall
always out of control
I spend my time avoiding things
that come too fast for me to hold

I yearn for some stability
in my life and in my work
and yet I'm doomed to sabotage
any hope, Im such a ****

I don't know how it came to this
I'm just a normal guy
But I truly have nothing to show
for the forty years gone by.
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Me an Jack we out drinking
got a taxi into town
for to have a pint of Guiness
our sorrows for to drown

Well one led to another
as from pub to pub we went
pretty soon we couldn't speak straight
and our money we'd all spent

So we couldn't get a taxi
and the buses were all done
nothing left to do but walk it
and hope we find our way back home

So we walked around in circles
then the depot we did find
sure we could borrow a bus to get us home,
we'd just leave a not behind

Now Jack has pinched a car or two
in times of desperate need
so it only seemed too fitting
he be the one to do the deed

So I stood there like a sentry
as Jack he climbed the gate
He said he'd be two minutes
so I wouldn't long to wait.

But after twenty minutes waiting
I shouted "whats the trouble Jack?"
He said "the bus for Ballyneety
is parked right at de back"

So I told him not to worry
and what to do for best
"Take the bus for Knockananty,
we'll just have to walk the rest."
756 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
No matter what I do
I'm always running late
To be the last one to arrive
seems to be my fate

I try to get up early
set my alarm just so
But when the buzzer sounds
my body just won't go.

Its the same when I'm at work
like I have no concept of time
Things I expect to take an hour
always end up taking nine

Its not lack of respect
or anything so grand
see my internal hour glass
has a problem with its sand.

I think the sand got wet once
so it doesn't smoothly flow
and now you have to tap me
just to make me go

But I think I have the answer
The sand just has to dry
So I'm off to Bermuda
on a sunny beach I'll lie

My plane leaves at four thirty
got my ticket, know my gate
Arrived here four hours early
to make sure I'm not too late

As I walk up to the airline desk
to check in, get on my way
You're not gonna believe this
my flight left yesterday!!!
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
756 · Oct 2010
Out of sync
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Why do I lie awake at night
and choose the need of sleep to fight
Do I resist the coming day
that exhausted I do sleep away
perchance my clocks of different time
and I should live on other lines
where GMT is further west
my body clock is suited best
and in that place I'll sleep in line
with others living in that time
my body rested, nourished soul
the more equipped to reach my goal
no more to linger through the night
instead in sunlight taking flight
where nights are nights and days are days
I'll soar aloft on golden rays
free from turmoil, free of strife
free once more to live this life
756 · Aug 2010
The last time
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
When was the last time,
someone whispered in you ear,
unsolicited affection,
a message oh so clear?
Or reached out for your hand,
and took hold of your heart,
and kept their promise to look after it,
every time you were apart?
And what about the goosebumps,
you would get from time to time,
when you reread those old letters,
that came with love in every line?
When was the last time,
you felt your heart would burst?
Tell me what does all that feel like?
I'm still waiting for the first.
754 · May 2010
Cynicism #2 - Work
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
So you want me to work late again,
because you're understaffed.
Yet everyone else in this place,
is sat upon their ***.

I work twice as hard as everyone,
while they just coast along.
Yet you come to me each weekend,
and sing me the same song.

You say its because I'm good,
which I guess makes the others bad
You try and stroke my ego
do you think that I'm that sad

Well sorry boss but I got plans
so no can do this time
Perhaps you can get one of them
to tow the company line.

Of course they do not want to
what made you think they would
They don't have to give their weekend up
but for some reason I should?

Well like I said I'm busy
got me some stuff to do
Dont worry, while I'm at the beach
I'll be thinkin' of you.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
754 · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
we sent our soldiers off to war
trained to fight and fire a gun
if only we could train them
to deal with what they've done

no matter what the cause
or the reason for the fight
they are left alone to learn
how to make it through the night

for war is such a brutal game
that no one ever wins
and each and every player
gets haunted by their sins

and when the final battle ends
and one side says its won
for many who survive the fight
the nightmares just begun
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
754 · Aug 2010
The bigger picture
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
who's to say what's right
who's to say what's wrong
who's to say we've not been lied to
you and me, all along

who's to say what is the truth
who's to say what is a lie
who to say who gets to live
and who's to say who gets to die

we assume that someone else
is the answer to all above
but we choose who we vote for
who we hate and who we love

so its time we all took charge
put an end to this abuse
of human rights and freedoms
that we've let others lose

because one day you know
there will surely come a time
when instead of taking others
they'll come for yours and mine
753 · Apr 2010
Setting me free
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
You're like a bad habit I just cant shake
could it be there's still something there?
When you walked out the door, cos you needed a break
was I supposed to not suddenly care

But we parted still friends and talk all the time
when you're back in town we hang out
But its been three years and you like a small fire
that my heart just cannot put out

For longest time I really didnt mind
cos I hoped one day you would see
That circumstances have changed
and I'm sure that you'd like the new me.

But for three years now I've been back and forth
but its just been a one way street
If I didn't make the effort, to come see you
I'm sure again we'd never meet

So enough of this ******* its time to move on
and let go of the past and go see
If there's somebody out there who doesn't deserve
to be loved by someone like me.
753 · Jul 2010
My guilt
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
How does someone get past not being there
How do you get over missing out
There's no way to turn back the clock
No way to erase the doubt

Did I make the right decision
Leaving my old life behind
To pursue a selfish happiness
I thought I'd never find

Never once did I forget you
I wrote and called and tried
but every step to keep in touch
was bitterly denied

Ironically now here we are
together once again
A father and son
the years passed almost ten

Each day I think of days I missed
of firsts I'll never see
and hope one day you'll understand
so I can forgive me.
750 · Aug 2010
Farewell to summer, almost
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Summers nearly over now
and Fall will soon be here
the days are getting shorter
the skies are not so clear

But as blues and greens retreat
from the palette of our day
replaced by red's and golden yellows
a most magnificent display

And like so many things in life
Fall too will one day end
and into the frigid winter
our lives will soon descend

But for now we have a little time
before summers truly done
so lets lie beneath the blue skies
and bask in summer sun
750 · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
Every time I start to cry
I choke away the tears
for fear a dam may open up
thats held firm all these years

So many tears remain unshed
from chapters in my life
called forth by joy and sadness
by pain and bitter strife

One day I know I will let go
and it will all come out
and better i will be for it
of that I have no doubt

So if you see me shed a tear
please hold me while I weep
for chances are the tears will fall
til I cry myself to sleep.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
749 · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I did not say goodbye
to beat you to the line
and just in case you're wondering
no I'm not doing fine

I simply stepped away
to give you the space you need
to see if what you're looking for
is in him or is in me

I'd love to be impartial
give advice thats motive free
but I know now I cant do that
because I want you for me

So in a bid to give you clarity
give you time in which to choose
I simply stepped out of the spotlight
to wait for any news

I didn't say that I was leaving
just that first contact should be yours
that way you'll know just how I feel
you can press play or you can pause

And by choosing not to choose
you've already made your choice
You're happy with the status quo
no need to raise your voice.
748 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Another grey day.
Is summer over so soon.
To think we complained.
Its too hot, its too humid.
Be careful what you wish for.
Another Tanka for
748 · Mar 2010
Another Way Out
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
I know at times there seems no point
No sense in going on
You think you have no more to give
that you'd be better gone

But look back not so long ago
to the last time that you smiled
Do you really think that that alone
does not make life worthwhile?

And what about three weeks ago
when Sarah made us laugh
so hard we almost peed ourselves
would you rather have missed that?

Now think of those asleep upstairs
all safely tucked in bed
How happy do you think they'd be
to find you here, dead?

I know sometimes life can seem hard
sometimes with no way out
but you have the love of friends like me
of that there is no doubt

So put away the pills my friend,
climb down from off that ledge
Dont make the choice to leave today
Let me lead you from the edge

In years to come you will look back
perhaps upon this night
and think kindly of your closest friend
who drew you back toward the light
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
746 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I wrote the perfect poem,
then stripped it to its core,
to get under a hundred and forty,
now its not perfect anymore.
Another poem for
746 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I have rainbows at my feet
where my tears and sunshine meet
such a cruel trick of the light it is to play

surely colours out of place
in this sad and lonely space
everything not black or white should go away

If only someone knew
what it was that made me blue
then perhaps they'd find the words I cannot say

but for now it really seems
that I'm dancing in sunbeams
when in truth I'm really trying to run away.
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Along the promenade we stroll
together hand in hand
Two strangers til this very night
both in a far off land

A chance encounter brought us here
but choices made us stay
Just how this night will end for us,
alone, I cannot say

We talk of home and family
of battles lost and won
We walk as stars and moonlight fade
replaced by the rising sun

At dawn we turn and head for home
or what passes for it now
And part upon your hotel steps
with a doffed hat and a bow

Tomorrow we will meet once more
in the centre of the city square
Where we can take a carriage ride
to examine this affair

One night alone is not enough
and I feel that I want more
I sense that you may feel the same
but I need to know for sure

So as we ride the promenade
sat together hand in hand
I will tell you how I feel for you
that you may understand.
743 · Jul 2010
Not missing you
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I hate not missing you
does it mean that you don't care
when I check missed calls upon my phone
and your number isn't there

Of course I wish we'd spoken
and missing calls is hardly good
but at least I'd know you tried to reach me
like I thought you said you would

With every text that I receive
I check and hope that its from you
but its always from someone else
and again I've not missed you

Perhaps its not an oversight
perhaps you're just not missing me
so when you're back in a couple of days
I guess that's the time we'll see

But until then every vibe and beep
will have me hoping for you name
because I really hate not missing you
and I miss you just the same.
743 · Aug 2010
Each night...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Each night I sit and wait beneath the tree
to see if you have plans that include me
while I wait I sit and write
before I know it, gone's the night
and all I have is poems writ by me
742 · Jun 2010
The end of war
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
The spot where he has fallen,
will soon be reclaimed land,
while policy decisions,
carve up this ever shifting sand.

And so it always has been,
current friends we met in war,
as the ebb and flow of policy,
made us enemies before.

So is there anything worth dying for?
If a truce is all it takes,
to end this ****** conflict,
sign one now for all our sakes!

For him that peace has come too late,
for he died there with The Corp.
He's one of the few amongst us,
that has seen the end of war.
742 · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Your head upon my chest,
your leg stretched over mine...
To start each day with you this way,
would make life truly divine.
Another poem for
742 · Mar 2010
What is home
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
What is this place that we call home
Its different for us all
No matter just how far we roam
We always hear its call

Sometimes it call is very strong
And difficult to bear
We find ourselves missing it so
And wishing we were there.

But with each day that passes by
We learn to realise
That home truly is not without
But carried deep inside.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
741 · Oct 2010
The gifted poetess
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
She sits and ponders what to write
what words shall fill this space
words of love and hope and faith
or truths we dare not face?

To reveal darkest secrets
of stories yet untold
of fact or fiction, truth or lies
some of which will leave us cold

To toy with our emotions
and end in subtle twist
draw out our deepest sympathy
and show us signs we’ve missed

Or take us to better place
perfection peace and love
perhaps to place us in the middle
or to show us from above

Perhaps she’s in a witty mood
full of whimsy and delight
tell us tales of rhyming nonsense
to keep us laughing through the night

One things for sure, her writings more
and seldom ever less
Either way she makes our day
the gifted poetess
for my friend Kath
740 · Jun 2010
Four wishes
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
I long to write the words
that move people to tears
to create the perfect poem
that survives throughout the years

I long to paint the picture
that all the world can see
that gives true hope to everyone
not just to you and me

I long to make the statement
that makes people stop and think
that gives purpose, cause and clarity
to paper, pen and ink

I long to live the life
both worthwhile and fair
and pass from this world to the next
in peace and not despair
738 · Aug 2010
If I asked...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If I asked would you meet me
in that old familiar place
once more to hear your voice
once more to see you face

Or would it be too much for you
to see me once again
to hear the difference in my voice
in my eyes to see the pain

I doubt you'd even answer
and perhaps that would be best
If your plan is to forget
and lay the past to rest.
735 · Jul 2010
War and peace
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Know war, no peace
No war, know peace
735 · Apr 2010
Global warning
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
I think the world has gone insane,
on the brink of suicide.
We pollute the air were supposed to breath,
and in our SUV's we hide.

There's people starving in the world,
so we grow corn for fuel,
and let it rot over taking a loss,
'cos were nobody's fool.

We're ignorant of the balance,
Mother Nature's systems need,
so we try and fix what isn't broke,
by genetically modifying seed.

And now the earth is fighting back,
trying to save herself,
from this pesky little virus,
thats needs back on the shelf.

And years from now when we are gone,
and she is back on track,
the only thing we left behind,
was all this plastic crap.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
735 · Jul 2010
Lightning relief - Haiku
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Heavy humid air.
An explosion overhead.
Brings forth cool weather.
732 · Aug 2010
Dear page...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Dear page

you listen so attentively
to all I have to say

when it comes to telling others
why can't it be this way

I share with you my every wish
my every hope and dream

and secrets that I dare not share
are on pages in between

I hold nothing back and bare my soul
without a second thought

but when it comes to telling others
with fear I am wrought

how I pray for liberation
to find the one with whom I share

that I may tell my story
to someone who really cares
732 · Jul 2010
Summer lovin'
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Skinny dipping
seems like the perfect thing to do
so lets head out
to a private beach
together me and you

Cast off our clothes
escape this heat
as we dip beneath the sea
lets pretend that we are young again
teenage you
meets teenage me

Lets build a bonfire on the beach
sit together holding hands
and dry ourselves
by its golden flame
sleep on a blanket
on the sand

When morning comes
and we both awake
not as kids but as we are
will we still feel then
that we were too old
to make love beneath the stars?
732 · Jul 2010
Monochrome day
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Everything is grey.
Grey rain falls from a grey sky.
Colours washed away.
731 · Jun 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
In just over a hundred characters,
you find out my heart is broken,
shattered to a million pieces,
by words that went unspoken.
730 · Jun 2010
One way street
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
I will always be your friend
but that will never be enough
at times it makes things hard
at times it makes things tough

you see I want to share my life with you
and know you inside out
of that you can be certain
of that there is no doubt

I listen to you purge your soul
of all that went before
and long for you to realise
I'm standing at your door

It breaks my heart to hear you
tell another tale of woe
of disappointed failures
tween you and your latest beau

It hurts me just to be your friend
but that whats true friends do
Sacrificing my own happiness
so I am there for you

After all you're there for me
when things get a little rough
for you will always be my friend
and that will never be enough
729 · Jul 2010
Signs of summer - Senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Strawberries and cream
Wimbledon when rain stops play
Same old hand in hand
728 · Sep 2010
The Cape
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I came out here to write
and maybe sit upon the sand
perhaps conjure up a vision
of us together hand in hand

But as I stand upon the rocks
as waves crash upon the beach
perhaps this storm it has a lesson
and I'm the one it needs to teach

See things dont always go as planned
in any of our lives
like the beach we too get shaped
our waves are lovers, friends and wives

The visit for a moment
in the greater scheme of things
leaving our shores weathered
scattered with a million things

some give to us more than they take
others take more than they give
the driftwood that gets left behind
becomes the life we live

So as I stand upon the rocks
and waves crash upon the beach
I take stock of the lessons learned
glad that I'm within their reach
727 · Aug 2010
Whats eating you?
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
It always hurts to see you cry
and not to know the reason why
The cause of which I try to find
but your answers always "never mind"

But mind I do, because I care
and hate to see you sitting there
with tears escaping bloodshot eyes
no explanations, revealing whys

It always hurts to hear you cry
and not to know the reason why
to listen to your sobs at night
that start when I turn out the light

Since your mother left things have been tough
some days are hard, some days are rough
But whatever's wrong can't be so bad
that you can't tell me, I'm still your dad.
This poem is really half a story looking for the other half. Please feel free to write that other half, telling the other sides story
722 · Jun 2010
We the people
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
We the people,
the citizens of this land
stand right here before you
brother, sisters hand in hand

To tell you that we've had enough
enough of all your greed
that helps you line your pockets
while ignoring those in need

To tell that we wont be scared
or frightened anymore
you can no longer use our fear
to justify your war

We're here to remind you
to listen to what we say
because you see you work for us
its not the other way

Look back upon our history
and you will clearly see
that when ruled by greed and tyranny
we'll fight to become free.
722 · Jul 2010
Spanka tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Offer me both cheeks
And I'll make them rosy red
with squeals of delight
As you beg me not to stop
From across my bended knee
720 · Oct 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
so many years behind us
so many that we've missed
spent in company of others
while dreaming of a tryst

our pasts have helped to shape us
and bring us to this day
destined to find each other
as if meant to be this way

just one step remains untaken
perhaps too scared to take a chance?
so as the orchestra of fate warms up
tell me, may I have this dance?
718 · Jun 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Awakened in the early hours,
the smell of grass, the scent of flowers.
A smile from you being sent my way,
and so begins a perfect day.
717 · Jul 2010
Rejoicing in real life
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
As I lay back, on the garden swing
staring up at a cloudless sky
I realise just how good life is
and it makes me want to cry

Not tears of sadness for a change
but a mixture of joy and guilt
For I have so much more than others
around me in this life I've built

True I may not love my home
and would prefer elsewhere instead
but at least I have the shelter
of four walls and roof o'er my head

And I may not have much money
but the cupboards are never bare
and now and then I get the chance
for a treat just here and there

Its the guilt and shame of self pity
that first turns tears on
I have nothing to complain about
and wallowing was wrong

But the striking realisation
of just how rich my life can be
if I let myself be grateful
for all that's inside me.

I have eye's that see and a heart that beats
ear's that hear and legs that walk
Arms to hold my loved ones
lips with which to kiss and talk

But most of all I have the soul
of a poet, true and strong
and the sense to let my pride admit
when sometimes I get it wrong.

So forgive my indiscretion
my depression and my blues
but I guess to appreciate the win
we sometimes have to lose.
717 · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I know nothing about poetry
not my stanza from my verse
and I don't know all the rules
which makes others want to curse

I try to write a haiku
but i get the subject wrong
apparently senyru
is to the family it belongs

I don't know my Emily Dickinson
From my Edgar Allen Poe
And I feel sometimes my writing
has a long long way to go

But I like the sound of rhyming things
the rhythm and the tone
and the way that certain chosen words
can cut right to the bone

And I like the thought that somewhere
maybe upstairs in bed
someones days a little better
cos I wrote something they read.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
716 · Jun 2010
Forest fire senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Just a hint of flame
Hiding amongst the embers
Waiting for rebirth
714 · Jul 2010
Everlasting love
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
childhood sweet hearts
sharing the same beat hearts
what a love like that must be to find

marrying your first love
your better or for worse love
leaving not a part of you behind

growing old together
while never being old together
holds the key to many of lifes charms

until the day does come
when they leave this world as one
and are laid to rest within each others arms.
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