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A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Its 2.37am Monday morn,
and I lie here and watch you sleep.
Wondering if you smile because,
into your dreams I did creep?

Beneath your lids your eyes do dart,
to the left and then to the right.
And I wonder if morning, you will recall,
the adventures we had this night?
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Take my hand and walk with me,
along lifes winding path.
Together we will learn of life,
we'll love and cry and laugh.

Take my hand walk with me,
around the rivers bend.
And I will keep you in my heart,
for you are my best friend.

Take my hand just one more time,
squeeze tight don't let it go.
This journey is the last for me,
but I must pass alone.

Lay down my hands across my chest,
for its time to say goodbye.
But we'll hold hands once more my friend,
upon the other side.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
The lightest touch,
A whispered glance,
Each time you take my hand.

A gentle squeeze,
will stay with me,
while I'm in foreign lands.

Side by side,
I walk with you,
although we are apart.

Your hand will always be in mine,
As you are,
in my heart.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
To seek the truth, look in my eyes,
for like my lips they hold no lies.
Within the depths you there will see,
the truth of what you mean to me.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
I wake up early, watch you sleep,
an angel wrapped in dreams so deep.
No worries rest upon your face,
your body draped in silk and lace.

And as I wonder the vision you are,
you start to stretch and twists and stir.
With gentle smile and eyes now wide,
you slide your body to my side.

You pull me close and kiss my lips,
the passion felt betrayed by hips.
As lovers we do start to sway,
and so begins a perfect day.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Show me the smile thats only for me,
not the one you give away.
The one that comes right from your heart,
not the one that you show every day.

Not one when your lips turn up,
at the edges that looks just so.
But the one that touches my very soul,
in a way only you could know.

And not the one that almost a blush,
when wickedness crosses your mind,
or the grin from within, when you feel for real,
some guilt for the humour you find.

No the one I want is more than a smile,
for it says more than words ever can
Like the feeling I get, when I reach out for you
and take your hand in my hand.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
I hold your pictures in my hand,
as if they were life itself.
Some torn, some bent, some broken glass,
where I swept them off the shelf.

But now that anger it has passed,
and tears they fill my eyes.
I know you never meant to go.
I too am dead, inside.

Why could we not have had more time,
together you and I?
Before your sickness came along,
and took you from my side.

You fought so hard to stay with me,
and smiled through the pain.
So beautiful and brave you were,
sunshine amongst the rain.

Always I will remember,
and treasure what we had.
The mem'ry of our time together,
makes me happy, makes me glad.

I wish that I could follow you,
but here for now must stay.
To tell our baby of her mom,
and why she went away.

And tears come now not just to me,
as Rachael starts to cry.
I will kiss and hold her close for you,
goodbye my love, goodbye.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
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