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A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Will I ever be that someone
that keeps your sleepless soul awake
Will I ever be the longing
that leaves your heart sure it will break
Will I ever be the vision
seen when at night you close your eyes
Will I ever be the passion
unquenched betrayed in distant sighs
Will I ever be the one true love
that you regret casting aside
Will I ever know the truth
of every tear you ever cried
Will I ever be the one mistake
not repeated do you vow
Will I ever hear you tell me
how you feel about me right now
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you think this would be your year
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you imagine your dreams so near
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you envisage so much change
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
Did you know just what you'd arrange
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
Did you think you would feel so alive
Three hundred and sixty five days now gone
here's to the next three sixty five

A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Its not about the presents, the money spent, the choice
its about the thought behind it, so listen to your inner voice

Will you buy her something sensible, or something with a cord
Will you shop within your budget, or spend more than you can afford

Or will you pay attention, to the commercials on TV
and think if she had one of those, how happy she would be

Well I hate to break this to you, because all of those are wrong
You cannot buy true happiness, ignore the jingle and the song

The truth is that she loves you, and wants you to love her back
and the perfect gift will show her, that you do exactly that

It may be something trivial, simple, without flash or flares
it may be something made by hand, but the hand of one with cares

For every coin you would have spent, use an hour of your time
and create something magical, not at the end of any line.

So from every Christmas on, a treasure she will find
beneath the tree on Christmas Day, and her heart to yours will bind.
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Look at all the things you "hate"
did you really have no choice?
Or could it be what you despise
is your own lack of voice?

Our lives are ours to shape and mould
into anything we please
but to merely be a passenger
brings us surely to our knees

We hate the way that this turned out
Or we hate the things we did
So choose a different path next time
stop pouting like a kid

Not everything in life goes well
or turns out how we planned
but all the thing that go astray
carry lessons in their hand

So no more talk hate for you
its just a lesson yet unlearned
next time make a different choice
and walk across the coals unburned
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
It doesn't matter who you are, where you live or what you do
Because this Christmas wish is for everyone, and especially for you

It matters not what you call your god, who you worship, where, or when
Because until you tell me otherwise, you start off as my friend.

So I wish you all the greatest things, that you wish for yourself
Love and peace and happiness, prosperity and health

Merry Christmas everyone
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
I feel the lights are dimming
as the show comes to an end
Unsure of just what happens next
whats around the coming bend

Could it be that all there is
is all thats gone before
where is the happy ever after
of which the preacher was so sure

And with the doubt come winter chills
the warmth of life too ebbs away
As I close my eyes on christmas eve
to pass alone on christmas day
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Do not be afraid my love
or see the future as uncertain
Step out of the shadows
Turn on the lights, pull back the curtain

And you will see that what we share
is solid, real and strong
There is no need for doubts at all
there is nothing here thats wrong

For you and I were meant to be
of that I have no doubt
reach out your hand and join me
let us no longer be without

To live this life and never know
would be a tragic beyond sad
I beg you not to just become
the greatest love I never had
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