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A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Memories of 4am,
after talking through the night.
Falling asleep together,
without turning out the light.

Waking to find your coffee,
already in your hand.
Wishing I was with you,
and not in some far off land.

Counting down the hours,
til we could speak again.
Counting down the weeks and months,
until our next weekend.

They always seemed too far apart.
If only we had known,
one chance was all we’d ever get,
before our time would pass alone.

I used to lie and watch you sleeping,
a peaceful smile on your face.
Now I struggle through the nightmare,
of something else now in its place.

I cannot comprehend the pain,
or know where to begin,
just know that I still love you,
and I can help, just let me in.

A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
There is not a day goes by
that you don't cross my mind
A vision from my past
that I cannot leave behind

Every time I close my eyes
its your face I see
Every dream I have
is one of you and me

I long to hear your voice again
to gaze upon your face
To look into your eyes once more
to feel your embrace

There's no such thing as never
no change I wouldn't make
if it would give a life in which
by your side each day I'd wake
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Where are the voices
crying for peace
Where are the rallies
the protest police

Where is the freedom
for which others died
That we gave up so freely
because others lied

Where is the feeling
that all this is wrong
Where are the rights
that we had all along

Where is the reason
justifiable cause
Where is legality
protection of laws

Where is the right
when I see only wrong
Where is our anthem
where is our song

Where is the life
that becomes one too many
Where is the end to it all
is there any?
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Forty something years ago
in a bed in Montreal
John asked that we give peace a chance
and thousands heard his call

But here in the next century
there’s no one to make the plea
But I’m sure if he was here now
with what I say he would agree

Nobody ever wins a war
and far too many always die
It’s better to give peace a chance
than fight a war over a lie

So what is it we’re waiting for
brothers. sisters make a stand
join hands and sing his song with me
make it heard across the land.

All we are saying, is give peace a chance
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
You will find me tilting at windmills
on a familiar old landscape
Or running and jumping as high as I can
as my shadow I try to escape

Ungrounded in reality
preferring to live in dreams
of what might be but probably wont
tis my lot or so it seems

I believe my future is mine to make
the same way yours is for you,
and if there’s a dream you truly want
then it really can come true

So climb aboard and hold on tight
we can share the journey to its end
shape our future together
go and see what’s round every bend

Better that than sitting here
and waiting for life to arrive
after all it’s a life that’s meant to be lived
not one that we can ever survive
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Wandering the streets alone
braced against the colds
a dusty worn out overcoat
mismatched shoes with matching holes

Sunken eyes and sagging cheeks
skin all weathered, failing sight
He meanders through the cobbled streets
seeking warmth to last the night

His story all too common
one more forgotten son
who fell right through the cracks
once his duty had been done

The nightmares that he couldn’t shake
that wouldn’t let him sleep
mix with memories of the friends he lost
call forth tears he cannot weep

The proud young man once strong and brave
is now a shadow in his past
just while awake his demons hide
but his peace will never last
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
I closed my eyes and took a breath
and waited for a sign
Of which direction I should take
which door my future lay behind

But in the darkness all I saw
was a vision of a tree
And beneath it on a blanket
sat two people, you and me

No words were said, there was no need
as we gazed upon each other
So much was said with eyes alone
such is the way of lovers

And as this vision played along
a fire grew in my heart
A desire to know the truth of you
to no longer be apart

Passing time it changes nothing
only more now do I yearn
And my desire to be with you
more than ever does it burn
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