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A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Frightened and confused;
a soul so absolutely lost.
On a bridge above a river asks
"Is the freedom worth the cost?"
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Work, eat, sleep, death.
Is that what it’s all about?
Just treading water every day.
Counting breaths til time runs out.

Life, laugh, love, live.
Accepting and forgiving.
Isn’t that the way that life should be?
Not spectating but really living.
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
unexpected bounce
unthinking chase
unseen car
unforgettable mistake
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Words are weapons of mass distraction
to take our eyes off the criminal action
of democracy ****** over for global destruction
as media serves to create obstruction
as votes get sold for campaign contributions
and we the people search for solutions
the rich get richer and the poor get *******
and the planet dies screaming in the interlude
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
I am the kid at school
who gets picked last for soccer
I am the kid at school
who gets shut inside his locker
I am the kid at school
that tries to be a ghost
I am the kid at school
that gets picked on the most
I am the kid at school
off who points are always scored
I am the kid at school
who’s cries you all ignored
I am the kid at school
who’s the **** of every joke
I am the kid at school
who’s spirit you all broke
I am the kid at school
the cause of all your sorrow
Because I’m the kid at school
that won’t be there tomorrow
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Someone you know
they died today
gave up on life
just passed away
they might be near
or far away
but someone you know
they died today

Did you tell them
how you feel
Did they know that
your love was real
though with a kiss
it went unsealed
Did they die knowing
how you feel?

If you had
just one more day
would you let life
get in the way
would you hold back
on what you say
If you knew you had
just one more day?
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
so many years behind us
so many that we've missed
spent in company of others
while dreaming of a tryst

our pasts have helped to shape us
and bring us to this day
destined to find each other
as if meant to be this way

just one step remains untaken
perhaps too scared to take a chance?
so as the orchestra of fate warms up
tell me, may I have this dance?
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