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A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Don't you wish that life was easy
that things were black or white
all our choices would be simple
one choice is wrong the others right

But never seems to work that way
or maybe its just me
so many shades of grey
the path so very hard to see

But it boils down to this.
Do you want it yes or no?
If you do then go and get it
If you don't then let it go
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Did you know that since I met you I haven’t finished a single cup of coffee,

or had a dream that I could remember

or gone to bed the same day that I got up?

I’m not complaining mind you.

I just find it intriguing the little things you have changed in my life without even realising it,

without any effort.

My life used to be mostly empty, as in devoid of things, vacuous perhaps, if that means like a vacuum. I mean there was lots of space in it that wasn’t filled with anything in particular.

But you have managed to fill all of that nothingness up.

The times when I used to sit here and daydream about nothing, suddenly there you are.

When I close my eyes before going to sleep and used to spend on average seven minutes thinking of nothing (and that a scientific fact not one I made up) I now spend (on average) seven minutes thinking about you.

In that fraction of a second when breathing in turns to breathing out, there you are.

In that fraction of a second when I blink, its you I see.

Because its you I yearn for. Because its you I want to have and hold and kiss and caress and so much more that I dare not write, even in a poem.

But how?

How did you do this?

How did you invade my very psyche, my soul, my spirit so completely so effortlessly and with such subtlety that I never even noticed. Until I noticed. And its not like I noticed you were here and watched as you spread to there but you were suddenly everywhere.

Places no one else had ever been before.


Places that people I had known for much longer and much more intimately had never been able to reach.

And yet there you are.

Sitting on a swing.


I just wish I knew what for.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I bumped into God the other day
he was looking pretty sad
I guess he’s kinda dissappointed
bout all the stuff that’s going bad.

It seems it isn’t working out
the way he had it planned
we’re supposed to love each other
and all things upon this land

we’re supposed to love our neighbours
no matter how they look
not hate and try to **** them
because they read a different book

and we’re all created equal
not one better than the other
and we’re all part of one family
every man here is my brother

we’re supposed to love our children
and teach them right from wrong
not raise them via videos
but take the time to make them strong

but somehow we seem to lose the plot
people, church and state
instead of living peace and love
its all intolerance and hate

So I asked how it feels
to have all this done in his name
at which he looked me in the eye
and said he felt ashamed

churches serving churches
abusing children hiding truth
amassing wealth beyond comparison
then making us pay for the roof

spreading hate and not forgiveness
preach sacrifice practice greed
while enough gold adorns the altars
all the starving for to feed

So I asked him why he told me this
as he crossed me off some list
He said “Because I knew that you would listen,
because you don’t think that I exist”

He explained that he’s in all of us
always has been, always will
that he loves if we go to church
and if we don’t he loves us still

I think I understand it now
its what he says that counts not him
so the values in the message
and the message lies within
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I think that I’m in love
with who I think you are
And I think you’re pretty ****
from what I think I’ve seen so far

I think you’re pretty smart
even though you think that you’re not
And I think you’re really pretty
in fact I think you’re pretty hot

But I know that you intrigue me
and I know you make me smile
and I know when I don’t speak to you
that time drags on for miles

I know that I don’t know enough
to know if you’re the one
But I think that if you think on it
you’ll think it might be fun

So I think that we should go somewhere
then I’ll stop thinking all this stuff
Instead of thinking I’ll be knowing
whether or not I am in love.
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
How long must we do this dance?
How long is long enough?
After all we want the same,
it shouldn't be that tough.

It should be nice and easy.
I like you and you like me.
And yet we still go round and round,
a waltzing one, two, three.
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I am the open book,
behind the counter on the shelf.
So if there's anything you want to know,
come on over, help yourself.

Or if you'd rather ask,
don't be shy just speak on up.
Lets have a coffee by the window,
come on over, grab a cup.

We can sit and talk for hours,
laugh and joke and smile.
So if you want to get to know me,
come on over, stop a while.

And who knows we may just hit it off
Have ourselves the perfect day
You can read this book from front to back
come on over, maybe stay.
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Nothing lasts forever or so it seems

In time the sun will burn itself out and cease to bring life as we know it.
Even the very ground upon which we stand is slowly dying.

Why then do we expect so much of the fragile notion that is love?

Why do we hope beyond hope, beyond the wildest possibilities of hope that one day, maybe, just one day, that perfect person will stumble into our lives and want to stay. Forever.

Is it because we refuse to not believe in forever?

Or is it because we are only interested in our own forever? But that makes no sense, why not just say for the rest of our lives?

Because the rest of our lives isn't long enough.

Because the rest of our lives is a mere drop in the ocean of time that we wish to swim in with each other.

But forever is, well, forever.

Forever is beyond death, beyond time, beyond limits of any kind.

Because only in forever can we give enough of ourselves to do justice to what love really should be.

Because love really should last forever, even if nothing else does.

Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
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