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A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
What if there's no God?
What if there's no plan
and everything thats come to pass
is all the fault of man

We act just like a virus
consuming more than most
soiling what we leave behind
no consideration for our host

And what if we're an ant farm
on some super beings desk
an experiment in pestilence
earths limits sent to test

We like to think of higher  powers
it gives us someone else to blame
but if we knew 'twas really down to us
would we do things just the same?
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Do you yearn for me
the way I yearn for you
do you wish perhaps for something
that both of us could do

Do wish that we could play with time
fast forward to the day
when we are here together
and all doubts were cast away

At least then we would yearn no more
for then we would both know
just what it is thats going one
so we could plan or let things go

In time with thought you'll make your choice
and put an end to how I ache
until then I'll fight this yearning
lest it be more than I can take
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Its so hard to get away from life
even if for just a while
to sit back and truly switch it off
to allow yourself to smile

But a smile thats not for anyone
just a smile that spells content
not interpretation necessary
thoughts all gone and spent

To escape a life of clutter
obtain clarity of mind
a life bereft of all demands
seems impossible to find

Perhaps it just takes longer
and patience is the key
to find myself alone in thought
with a mind thats truly free
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I wish that you could this
that you were sitting here with me
watching clouds race across the sky
and whitecaps on the sea

That you too could taste the salty air
feel the spray upon your face
turn up your collar against the wind
feel the warmth of my embrace

Watching gulls above the headland
staring down the gales
and way off in the distance
the surfacing of whales

I wish that you could see this
that you were sitting here with me
you and I together
how perfect that would be
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
This yearning has me at a loss
its a fog thats in the way
Like a bank of cloud has swept on in
and put a haze upon my day

Try as I might to push it aside
it keeps on coming back
To replace the cloud with clarity
may be down to something I lack

Perhaps you could help me out here
tell when the fogs gonna rise
When this yearning will be satisfied
so I can see through clearer skies
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I came out here to write
and maybe sit upon the sand
perhaps conjure up a vision
of us together hand in hand

But as I stand upon the rocks
as waves crash upon the beach
perhaps this storm it has a lesson
and I'm the one it needs to teach

See things dont always go as planned
in any of our lives
like the beach we too get shaped
our waves are lovers, friends and wives

The visit for a moment
in the greater scheme of things
leaving our shores weathered
scattered with a million things

some give to us more than they take
others take more than they give
the driftwood that gets left behind
becomes the life we live

So as I stand upon the rocks
and waves crash upon the beach
I take stock of the lessons learned
glad that I'm within their reach
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
He placed a single rose upon the headstone
and then turned and walked away
his heart as broken and as heavy
as ever twas upon this day

For twenty years he's made this trip
though back then he was sixty five
the forty years they shared he said
were the only years he felt alive

A small town boy and a city girl
he figured her quite the catch
undaunted by her city ways
they made the perfect match

Their love was like a fairytale
without the happy ever after
sure bad times came by now and then
but life was filled with laughter

But even to this day he says
forty years was not enough
his voice strengthens when he speaks of her
sounding not so old and gruff

He thinks about her every day
even after all these years
but each year this the only time
he allows himself some tears

He says he opens up the bottle
lets a few spill off the top
but never sheds so many
lest he find he cannot stop

Before he takes his glasses off
turns off the bedside light
he blows a kiss right to her picture
and bids his love good night

He knows in time he'll see her
and kiss her once again
its what he says has kept him going
kept him strong through all this pain

Although he doesn't know it yet
thats the last rose he will place
in sleep tonight he'll join her
once more he'll see her face

It seems quite fitting don't you think
that they should meet again today
the anniversary of their wedding
and a love that never went away
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