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A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
When was the last time,
someone whispered in you ear,
unsolicited affection,
a message oh so clear?
Or reached out for your hand,
and took hold of your heart,
and kept their promise to look after it,
every time you were apart?
And what about the goosebumps,
you would get from time to time,
when you reread those old letters,
that came with love in every line?
When was the last time,
you felt your heart would burst?
Tell me what does all that feel like?
I'm still waiting for the first.
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Each night I sit and wait beneath the tree
to see if you have plans that include me
while I wait I sit and write
before I know it, gone's the night
and all I have is poems writ by me
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
26 letters, some I never use
is all i have to demonstrate
my melancholy news
combined in different orders
changing pace and changing tone
I try to tell the sadness
of being here alone
I build in different tempo's
no repetition or refrain
outside the fact that once again
my tears fall like rain
26 letters, some I never use
will go back into their box
until I get just one from you
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
For every place that is
there's a hundred might have beens
and on every single journey
a hundred in betweens

every path I choose has high points
then it seems they all descend
into a sad familiar landscape
we call the bitter end

but I will not let that be my lot
things cannot end like this
there must be signs i do not see
must be something that I miss

perhaps thats it for this time round
is it karma's camouflage
to make me think I've got it right
then it turns on self sabotage
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Misery's having a party,
say's we should all get drunk
Say's be sure to bring Sadness with you
and we'll get out of this funk

Bring Loneliness and Depression
Despair and Anger too
but leave Empty Promises at home
cos we've had enough of you

Oh and someone pick up Broken Heart
Bad Fortune and ****** Luck
And who's that guy that doesn't care?
Couldn't Give A you know I can never remember his last name

So now that were all here together
lets drink and forget all thats wrong
Who's drunk the most and sings the worse
you can lead us off in a song

Show us the way to go home
we're tired and we wanna go to bed
we had a little drink about an hour ago...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Why are the things I want so far away?
and its like they're drifting further every day
will there ever come a time
when she is really mine
Why are the things I want so far away?

Is it really any wonder I cant sleep?
When there's aspects of my life that make me weep
I wonder if I'll ever get it
and stop being so pathetic
Is it really any wonder I can't sleep?

Will someone end this misery and pain
and tell me if there's sun beyond the rain
will we ever get the chance
to laugh and play and dance
Or am I doomed to go through this again
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Its never seemed like "My Turn".
Do you know just what I mean?
Life's never really been that good,
at best its in between.

Its seems like one thing, or another,
is always going wrong.
And to be with you quite honest,
I'm getting tired of THAT song.

Now there was a while, some months ago,
when my dreams seemed within reach.
But somehow things went off the boil,
thats why they say life is a... beach ;-)

Then someone told me bout a secret,
how to make my dreams come true.
About believing that its possible,
so this I'm gonna share with you.

You see life is what you make it,
and all you have to do,
is to see your dreams, as if they're real,
then they will all come true.

But if you give up dreaming,
and expect to live life on your ***,
then that becomes your dream,
and that too will come to pass.

So finally I stopped asking,
"When does my turn come way?"
because the answers "When I want it to",
so my turn starts today.
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