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A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
The duality of man
torn tween the shadows and the light
can only gaze on one
while t'other's always out of sight

For he who looks upon the shadow
will have light upon his back
but chasing after darkness
fills a soul with naught but lack

And he who looks upon the light
casting shadows in his wake
will always see the brighter side
where exists more give than take
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Your words sting like vinegar
when spilled on open wounds
They carve their way into me
like eating ice cream with a spoon

Like lemonade thats sugar free
they have a bitter taste
but unlike health warnings on cigarettes
their message goes not to waste

As with most recipe disasters
like when I cooked Fish Ragu
I'm not sure where I got things wrong
just what exactly did I do?
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If I can act like nothings wrong,
and somehow go about my day,
do you think in time,
all will be right,
and this pain will go away?

If can hold back all my tears
behind a dam thats out of reach
do you think in time
all will be right
before the dam is breached

If I can fool you with a smile
so that you don't feel so bad
do you think in time
you'll realise
I was the best you ever had

But am I really fooling you
or trying to fool myself
that perhaps in time
all will be right
and I'll one day leave this shelf
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
If you never planned to catch me
why did you ever let me fall
Even when you saw it happening
why did you say nothing at all

I'm sure that it felt good for you
to have your ego stroked
But look at what its made of me
a fool who's hearts been broke

So next time someone starts falling
speak up and save them pain
don't just stand right there and watch it
before you step aside again.
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Every time I see you
cast my eyes upon your face
I'm taken back in time
to when first I saw your grace

The honesty within your eyes
reflections of your soul
took a man so incomplete
and somehow made him whole

Each day is like the first day
and in that I'm truly blessed
as our journey takes us places
we never would have guessed
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Cast the loneliness aside
close the doors, keep out the cold
wrap me like a blanket round your shoulders
tell me stories yet untold

We'll sit beside the fire you and I
as if this time would know no end
and talk long into the night
sharing secrets between friends

and as the sun begins to rise
on this a new, and brighter day
never again for you will loneliness
for we will always have this day
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Today I forgot everything
and it felt great
like an etch-a-sketch falling down the stairs all memories have been erased
all images of you
all those painful memories gone
memories of....
but I remember there is a you

why is that?

is it because even after falling down the stairs an etch-a-sketch still has that little thing that makes the pictures?
are you the thing that still makes all my pictures?
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